Sectional fences for giving with their own hands

March 4. Plot. Views 2302. Comments to record sectional fences for giving with their own hands No

It is difficult to imagine the country area without enclosing structures, they serve not only by protection, but also a decorative element. Each owner is determined independently with the choice, some ordered the services of specialists, while others prefer to do with their own forces.

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The main criteria for choosing the type of fence for self-installation are:

  • ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • practicality.

Sectional fence has such parameters, it combines many advantages for the cottage or country site. Gardeners and plants lovers An important indicator of convenience is the illumination of the entire site, the net fence does not prevent the spread of sunlight on the territory, unlike other materials.

Design options photo11

There are varieties of sectional fences, depending on the materials used are distinguished from:

  • rabits grids;
  • profile pipe;
  • welded grid;
  • forged elements.

Each type is chosen depending on the financial capabilities, the conditions of operation and the desire of the site owner. So, the mesh structures can subsequently decorate the curly plants, and the wrought elements themselves look implicitly.
The prevalence of this type of structures is due to the following advantages:

  1. Cost. The cost of purchasing and independent installation of the fence of the metal sectional is much lower than for other options;
  2. Variety of choice. Some owners pay attention to the simplicity of structures, in which case the fences from the chain grid are ideally suited. Another option that does not create the shadow effect is a fence from the profile tube or road grid. Significantly expands the choice of forged products to order, openwork or simple patterns are beautifully fit into the natural landscape of the terrain;
  3. Simplicity of installation. For the construction of the fence with their own forces, it will be necessary for about two days. In this case, there is the possibility of installation without problems in areas with levels of drops;
  4. Easy care. To ensure long-term service, it is sufficient to treat the metal of the anti-corrosion composition and cover the paint;
  5. Durability. When coating at the beginning of the metal, the paint fence will serve at least 20 years. And with a periodic update of the protective layer, the design withstands much longer the effect of atmospheric phenomena.

The disadvantage can be considered the lack of protection against wind, but this problem is solved by planting plants along the fence. Another solution is to use the professional sheet as sections, but such deaf structures have their own nuances.

Installation methods

All designs have one common feature - the need for supports or framework, then the installation is shown for each type of sectional fence.

Rabita grid does not lose popularity zab_rabica1

To get the fence of the sectional of the chain challenge:

  • metal corner;
  • net;
  • electric welding;
  • plates;
  • supports.

Process course:

  1. As a support, a pipe with a diameter of 40-50mm, the height should be about 2-2.5 m. For their installation, the holes are digging with a depth of 60cm, the first two pipes are placed around the edges of the fence. Control and alignment is carried out with a strained cord, which will allow evenly distributing the remaining supports. To fix the wells with pillars concrete, the solution is prepared at the rate of 3: 1: 1, that is, on 3 buckets of sand take on one part of rubble and cement.
  2. For the preparation of sections, they take a corner, cut off the required length and lay out in the form of a rectangle. The inner space is filled with a mesh, connect the elements with electric welding.
  3. The fence sections are fixed to the supports with metal plates with dimensions of about 200mm, two fasteners are on the top and bottom.
  4. To protect the fence, the metal is stained, the caps of plastic bottles are cut on the pillars on top. So the design will be reliably protected from corrosion.

Profile Pipe - Perfect Option 13

When this type of construction is selected, ready-made industrial production modules are purchased, then the installation process:

  1. Marking of the layout of the supports in accordance with the size of the sections;
  2. Holes digging with a diameter of more than 100mm than the size of the pipe. The depth is taken for dense soil 1m, with loose soil, pits 1.5 m;
  3. For the stability of support in the pit, crushed stone with 0.3 m and thoroughly tram;
  4. Put a pillar and sprinkled with rubble, poured with a solution. Fixed with stretch marks;
  5. Between the supports, the section is installed and fasten with welding or special devices, it all depends on the manufacturer's recommendations. All design elements are exhibited by level.
  6. It remains to protect against corrosion - welding places are cleaned and degreased metal. Next color all pipes.

The beauty and practicality of such fences highlights them among other designs, brick supports can be used for a variety or instead of a professional-owned section. Decorative elements can be welded before painting the metal.

Sectional fences from the grid imgjggjmt.

There are varieties of the grid used for fences. Allocate:

  • welded with a polymer coating, mainly goes green;
  • galvanized, comes to the consumer in rolls;
  • non-scattered is also used to build fences, its value determines widespread among consumers;
  • distinguished by durability option - with galvanized and polymer coating, it is rarely applied due to the lack of need for a durable material.

The price of the material depends on the type of wire and cell size. For example, the galvanized welded grid 250x50x2.8 goes around 250 rubles / m2. Grid with polymer coating 25x25x1,4 costs 195 / m2.
Such structures require pre-installation of the framework, that is, the supports above the listed methods. To install directly welded mesh, you will need brackets and bolts. The fastening is applied to the post, clamping the grid, then tightened with a bolt. Clamps can be used as the attachment, they are mounted using a screwdriver.

Forged products for dacket pic_573947.

Forged elements are used to obtain original fences, as a rule, products and installation are applied to specialized companies. Although self-installation is possible on the specified technology, but the details of the fence are ordered by an individual sketch.

Before choosing any kind of fences on the site of manufacturing companies, it is worth viewing a photo of sectional fences - so the lowest doubt will remain in the required version. For subsidiaries and fans of plant planning, such a choice will be the perfect solution thanks to the benefits. 93832456_1251796143_1093

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