Decorative ceiling beams

September 23. Repair and construction work Views 3848. 1 comment To record decorative beams on the ceiling

The notorious renovation in the representation of Russians goes into the past. Today, the interior design is created in accordance with the developed plan, which includes two components - harmonicity and quality. Additional, often solely decorative elements, such as ceiling false beams, come to create an appropriate interior. Such an architectural solution gives the room home comfort and own style - country.

Under the conditions of light partitions, the main function of the beam lost the relevance, but the fashion remained. Decorative elements for the ceiling decorate the room, imitating the spirit of antiques and Provence. At the same time independently perform installation actually, subject to safety and installation standards.


Style compliance

The main condition in the preparation of a design plan is keeping stylistic conformity. When you select a decorative element for the ceiling it is recommended to pay attention to the overall color design, the choice of style, function. Otherwise, the simulation will look aki cow seat. Inconsistency in the decor - a common problem for ordinary people who decided to finish an independent house. And some owners strive to mask the concrete beams. In this case, the best option would be headlining with undesirable architectural element using drywall. Design easy to make yourself.

Matching interior styles


When decorating the house in styling hi-tech decorative beams, imitating wood, will look ridiculous. In this case, the best solution would be the use of materials "under the metal." It will emphasize the overall design rigor and austerity of style.
Designers allow the use of ceiling decorative elements in various styles flows - from the traditional to cutting edge. The most popular style, certainly including decorative beams on the ceiling, is considered to be an ethnic option.

Tips from the professionals on the use of decorative ceiling elements

  1. Classical interior design harmoniously supplemented with a glossy lacquered coating. Definitely will add luxury decorated with painted or carved beams. Suitable color tones for a traditional design - bright colors.
  2. When making a office space in the hi-tech style perfectly suited decorative beams, imitating metal.
  3. Rustic style involves the use of components with the effect of aged wood. Rough texture advantageous to provide "country".
  4. Modern allows the use of light and dark in the interior of the fragments. Meanwhile, highly unusual and it will be interesting to look decorative element red.
  5. Natural wood dominates in the French interior. Wood, in contrast to the artificial material looks simple, but elegant.

Types of decorative beams on the ceiling

As can be any material available on the market as such a structure. The choice of natural and artificial beams. Popular wood, polyurethane beams, as well as stylized metal elements.

Option timber provides a choice of the following breeds:

  • oak;
  • pine;
  • ash;
  • cedar;
  • spruce;
  • larch.

Beams can be full or covered on the outside. For disguise communication networks, the second option is perfect. Also used metal beams, but such a solution is fraught with consequences. First, such structures are characterized by considerable weight and require reliable fastening. Secondly, it is expensive and impractical. The best alternative to metal is artificial material.
Polyurethane structures are light and practical. The advantages of polyurethane products include moisture resistance and resistance to absorbing odors. Such structures are used in the premises of any destination. They mimic various shades, texture. Alone to strengthen the decorative wooden beams on the ceiling, you can with the help of self-tapping and adhesive substances.

Application area

Hundreds of years ago, the beams had solely one function - to be a support for the attic overlap. Evolution in architecture led to the absence of the need to install such structures. And in the houses of the old type, ugly floors were trimmed by plywood, masking unwanted bends. Fortunately, designers returned fashion on retro style using decorative beams on the ceiling in any rooms. They can be found in:

  • working offices;
  • bedrooms;
  • living rooms;
  • kitchen premises;
  • corridors, etc.

It is imperative to realize that the dimensions and the total number of such structures in the interior depends directly from the square of the room. In the event that the room is small, the beam will look like a rudiment of repair.

Color solutions

The question of color decoration occupies one of the most important places. Specialists in the field of interior allocate two basic laws:

  1. The total color design should be merged with the color of decorative beams on the ceiling, as evidenced by numerous photos of classical compositions.
  2. Or beams should be in color contrast with the main tone.

The first option is advisable to highlight the architectural element as an independent part of the interior. The second, on the contrary, will help to hide an unwanted element from visitors.
If you choose a contrast version of the color decoration, carefully color the surface. The color inconsistency leads to a peculiar dissonance of the whole room. The traditional option is to paint the walls and the ceiling in light tones, beams - in the color of a red lacquered tree. More bold decoration solutions are allowed. Like, for example, a colorful ceiling with white matte beams. At the same time defiantly and tasty, designers say.

When choosing a color, keep in mind the harmonious combination of furniture and decorative beams under the ceiling. Let's say if you have been removed to install a white piano indoors, you will have to pick up everything else to the musical instrument. There are no certain rules. The only one is needed color symbiosis, a single readable style.
Professional architects and interior designers highlight the next nuance: dark elements in small rooms look losing, light - visually increase the space. Although light tones attach the coldness of the whole composition.

How to install

In the event that the choice fell on wood, the beams must be dried. It is also important to check them for traces of insects, rot. Do not listen to "professionals", giving advice to the right and left. If the beams are dried on the ceiling, cracks and deformations are possible.

One of the most popular types of beam finishes is the so-called wood browse. This technical method is available for all lovers. To do this, you must have:

  1. Wood beams.
  2. Grinding synthetic nozzles.
  3. Electric drill.
  4. Angular grinding machine.

Conifer breed is easy to be brushing. The process involves the knowledge of small nuances, without which the perfect result is inadvertent.
Arm after three types of brushes for brush:

  • metal for rough brash;
  • synthetic for intermediate brash;
  • sesal for polishing.

To start, do the following operations:

  1. Remove the woody layer from the beam using a metal brush.
  2. Next, take a synthetic brush and effectively work over the alignment.
  3. Polish the surface to ideality.
  4. Treat the verse, then varnish (to get the effect of the composition, use the selection and engraver. The seer is necessary to grind-to symate the input of the Coroeda, and engraver - "draw" insect's moves).
  5. Apply on the ceiling line for a landmark. You can choose a width between beams arbitrarily if the beams carry exclusively decorative load.
  6. Fix the wedge-bars along the lines at a distance of 1 m.
  7. Additionally apply the glue "Liquid nails" on the bars.
  8. Attach the beams strictly in the middle of the line and screw the screws in the places of Wedge-Bruusyev.

How to install decorative beams from foam


The installation of decorative beams made of polystyrene foam (foam) consists of several stages:

  1. It is necessary to cut the material and polish with sandpaper.
  2. Prepare coverage with dirt paint.
  3. Stick polystyrene foam on the base with the help of "liquid nails".
  4. Give dry.
  5. Cut the false beams by self-adhesive film imitating a natural tree. This stage is similar to the photocopower. You need to do a little by removing the bottom layer, gluitive and unlocked the film.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the process. Using recommendations, you can safely plan repair with your own hands. To begin, it is only necessary to learn all about decorative beams on the ceiling, prices for products, after which you can begin to independent decoration.

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