Alignment of walls of the Old wall

September 23. Building materials Views 2941. Comments to record wall alignment with windy No

Among the great diversity of the existing building materials of special attention is special about the putty "Old". It is very popular among consumers, since it can be easily, quickly and efficiently prepare walls and ceiling under the tint or pasting with wallpaper. Washing "Old" presents a non-fatty mixture of white-based limestone with a polymer binder. It is used to work with various types of surfaces in dry rooms.

The main advantages of the finish putty vetonite

Washing "Old" won love and respect not only among professional builders, but also beginners in this area.

  • Its main advantage is simplicity. "Old house" easily falls on the surface of the base, quickly dries and has a high degree of adhesion.
  • This building material includes ancogically pure and absolutely safe to health of the surrounding substances: limestone, organic or polymer glue, as well as some mineral additives.
  • Such a putty can be used on different types of surfaces, in particular, walls and ceilings from drywall, concrete, bricks, clay-concrete blocks and even chipboard, etc. The exception is only those surfaces that were treated in advance by water-soluble leveling mixtures. Washing is not suitable for alignment of floors and seams of seams between plasterboard plates.


Features of the use of putty "Old"

Before using the Wood Putclone for alignment of the walls, it is necessary to take into account some nuances of working with this material so that the result of all efforts was successful and could please you for a long time.

  • First of all, it is worth paying particular attention to the quality of the treated surface. It must be definitely clean and dry. From the base, the remains of old paint, dust, spots of fat and other possible contaminants, using any remedy (degreaser, white spirit, etc.) are carefully removed from the base.


  • The temperature of the treated surface and the mixture itself should be no less than 10 degrees Celsius.
  • The mixture is prepared, strictly following the instructions specified on the manufacturer's packaging. To do this, a certain amount of water is poured into a bucket and a dry mixture is added to it in the proportion that is necessary. All this is gently mixed using a special nozzle for a drill for 5 minutes. The finished solution before starting to use it, it is necessary to give time to be broken. To do this, you will need about 10 minutes, after which it is mixed again.
  • The mortar mixture of "Oldton" does not lose its properties and can be successfully used over the next two days from the date of its preparation.


  • You can apply such a putty by spraying or manually using a steel spatula. Each subsequent layer of "Old Town" is applied only after complete drying of the previous one.
  • Working seams and the surface is best handled by hand with emery paper, which will allow you to remove any irregularities that have not been noticed during the application. However, it can be done only after drying it, that is, about a day.


  • The tools that were used in the process of applying the car "Old" must be thoroughly rinsed with water immediately after the completion of the work.
  • Another important condition is strictly compliance with security measures. In particular, inhabit dust from the "Old Town", so it is better to wear a special mask for its own protection.

The process of alignment of walls by putting off the "Old"

The process of alignment of walls using "Old Town" is not as folded as it may seem for many.

  • First prepare the walls. To do this, remove old wallpapers, as well as the top layer of old plaster. All cracks with chicks we clarify the spatula.
  • Next, before proceeding directly to the alignment of the walls, they need to be well strengthened using the reinforcing grid.
  • The next stage is the measurement of the curvature of the walls, as a result of which special notches are applied and the so-called lighthouses are installed, which is attached to the alabaster.
  • Next, we perform the installation of profiles at the beginning and at the end of the wall, strictly controlling its position using a level. After that, we stretch the thread between the two profiles on which other profiles are installed.
  • Then divorce the plaster according to the instructions on its packaging, giving it to it to stand.


Only after that you can take care.

  • To do this, we take the construction spatula and put the finished mixture on the wall slaps from one beacon to another, gradually moving back to the top. Next, equalize the surface of the wall by the rule. If the walls are too uneven, then you will need not one layer of putty, but at once somewhat. At the same time, we do not forget that each layer of "Old Town" needs to dry well and polish with abrasive material. Do it, moving from one lighthouse to another.


  • The final stage of the work is the complete grinding of the walls, after which they can be painted or with wallpaper.

So, in the alignment of the walls of the "Old" there is nothing complicated, so this work may well mascel and beginner. The main thing is not to lose and comply with the recommendations of specialists.

More detailed about the alignment of walls with putty "Old" can be found in the video:

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