Creaks the door what to do

July 23. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 2973. Comments to the record creaks the door to do what to do No

With the situation when the door creaks, most of the owners of houses and apartments faces. This is an unpleasant sound that gives constant inconvenience. Today there are many funds, with which you can get rid of this problem. To understand which of them should be used, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the screens.

Varieties of doors

First, you will get acquainted with the varieties of door structures. Doors are divided into species in several criteria, the main among which are:

  1. Location. According to this principle, interroom and input door structures are distinguished. And also highlight doors:
  • kitchen;
  • balcony;
  • corridor;
  • living rooms;
  • stair;
  • attic.
  1. Another criterion on the basis of which the classification is carried out is manufactured material. Doors are divided into:
  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • veonged;
  • laminated;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • mesonite;
  • combined designs.
  1. They also differ in the opening method. Along with traditional models, which are opened by opening, highlight sliding and folding structures.


Causes of the appearance of violin

The following reasons can be distinguished leading to the screensype:

  1. Errors in manufacturing. If during the production of the loop was incorrectly welded, during operation the door will make a creaking sound. To eliminate the loops you need to digest. This will require dismantling the door.
  2. No lubrication. If the loops move "dry" as a result, a characteristic creak is obtained. Here you can simply correct the situation, you only need to handle loops with lubricant material.
  3. Incorrect lubricating composition also leads to such consequences. Often this problem occurs when using solidol, it has the property thick and turn into abrasive. Then it will have to extract and lubricate the design with the help of another means.
  4. The absence in the loops of the balls. The canvas need to remove, place the balls in the loop and install it again.
  5. The door is crept, which comes into contact with the canvas in the process of its movement. In some cases, it is enough to trim the trim in the friction site. If after that the problem did not disappear, the trimming material must be completely removed.
  6. Friction of the canvas about the box. The reason may consist in an incorrect door arrangement or an increase in its volume due to high humidity. In the first case, to eliminate the sound, the door must be removed and reinstalled, in the second - adjust the level of humidity in the room. To determine the place of friction, you need to attach a copy paper to the end, close and open the door. Then you should carefully examine the design. Problem places can be easily removed on color strips that will remain after the paper.
  7. The edge of the canvas is in contact with the platband. It is necessary to increase the holes in which the fasteners are fixing the fixing platband, after which it is moving a little.
  8. Wear loops. If the hinges fit on the doors for this reason, the only solution is to replace them.
  9. Insufficient fixation of the loops to the door frame and the canvas. It is not difficult to determine this problem. It is necessary to put an object under the door that can be used as a lever. For example, a hatch. Next, with it, the canvas need to lift up a few centimeters. To eliminate this malfunction, replace the locking screws or location locations.


How to solve the problem if the entrance door creaks

To eliminate the script initially need to reveal its reason. If we are talking about the door, which has already served a certain period, most likely the problem is provoked by sharp temperature differences.

The difference between temperature parameters inside and outside the room is up to several tens of degrees. Especially this oscillation is felt in autumn and winter time. In this case, it will not be possible to eliminate the cause leading to the appearance of unpleasant sound, but you can remove the consequences. This will require a graphite powder that is in the assortment of any economic store. An alternative can be a simple pencil.

Such a trouble as a creak can touch the new, newly installed door. We will try to understand why the door creaks in this situation:

  1. In most cases, this happens if the loops in the screws are not firmly adjacent to the jam. To troubleshoot the malfunction, screwdriver, glue and matches. It is possible to use epoxy, carbon adhesive composition or pva.
  2. First, with a screwdriver, it is necessary to twist screws to twist screws. This is a pretty simple action. But it is not always possible to perform it successfully, as screws can be turned. In this case, you need to use glue and matches.
  3. Matches should first glue, then by this selection of a chopper to fix the screw in the hole.

Another reason for the screens is rust, which occurs on the loops, if the door is in conditions of high humidity. If the creaking sound is caused by this reason, it is possible to get rid of it only by removing rust:

  1. The loops must be abundantly lubricated with solidol or machine oil.
  2. In the absence of these means, the usual sunflower or olive oil is suitable for solving the problem, which is found in every home.
  3. The creak arising due to rust can be prevented. For this loop need to be treated with molten paraffin. Such a prophylactic measure gives a sufficiently long effect.

Often there are cases when the humidity indicator is in permissible limits, significant temperature differences are not traced, but the door creaks. What to do in this situation? The reason may be extruded pins or incorrect landing. In the first case, you need to change the pins or install a new door. In the second - you need to eliminate the skew.


How to fix the script of the metal door

In a situation where the iron door creaks, the reason may consist in the wires of the canvas. A distinctive feature of the metallic material is considerable weight, so the impact of a heavy door can provoke shed vestovers.

You can eliminate the characteristic sound using a special oil intended for lubrication or ordinary machinery. The creak can be the consequence of errors when installing canopies. Here it will be necessary to interfere with the master who performed the installation work. It must eliminate the defect in the opposite case there is a possibility of deformation of the structure.

If a severe closing of the web is observed together with a creaking sound, then this may indicate a metal chips or garbage in the mounted hole. Here you need to clean the canopy. But for this you need to remove the door cloth, clean the canopies, lubricate them and install the door again.

How to fix the situation if a plastic balcony door creaks?

This can occur due to wear of loops or rust on them. To eliminate rust will not be difficult, for this you only need to lubricate loops with oil. The door should be in the open position, and the oil should be applied on the side of the balcony.

If these actions did not give the result and the creak continues, it can be concluded that the loops were worn out or failed accessories. In this case, the help of a specialist will be required.


What to lubricate the door so as not to creak

For this purpose, machine oil is suitable. It is found from any owner of the car or in the house where there is a sewing machine. You can purchase this tool in the auto shop. It is worth considering some features of oil use:

  1. The most convenient use is oil in plastic tubes that allow you to process hard-to-reach places.
  2. If the lubricant is used without tubes, process the loops is needed using a syringe. The door at the same time is preferably lifted a little, it will allow to divide the halves of the loops.
  3. You can use graphite lubricant. To cook it needs to be touched by knife graphite from an ordinary pencil and mix the resulting chips with any oil. Lubricant is ready. Graphite pieces can be put in the door gaps, pre-raising the canvas. When it drops graphite to turn off.
  4. Litol is also used for lubrication. And if we are talking about doors with all-in-mail loops, it is better to use the WD-40 aerosol. These lubricants are in the assortment of any auto shop.

If you wonder how to lubricate the hinges of the doors, so as not to creak, if there was not one of the listed funds at hand, then you can exit the position with any oil that will be in the house. It can be vegetable and butter or margarine. But the effect of the use of primary means will not be so long as using special compositions. Lubricants will help in the event that the door sealant creaks.

How to remove the door with loops

If the door creaks when opening, it needs lubrication. To do this, the canvas is recommended to remove with loops. This process has its own characteristics. First of all, it should be determined what type of loop used in this case. They are divided into:

  • scrape;
  • invisible;
  • cards (removable and non-removable);
  • curling.

Find out what type of loops can be by opening the door. If the design opens in both sides of 180 °, then loops are fixed.

  1. The most easily removed doors having a removable loop. The door must be opened, after which, with the help of a scrap, it should be lifted until it is taken. This procedure is not recommended to perform alone, since the web is rather heavy and may fall.
  2. The loops can be equipped with additional fasteners and overhead elements. When working with them, you first need to remove all the details, and then at the top unscrew the bolt. After that, you can proceed to the dismantling of the canvas.
  3. The door with mortise loops is removed in the same way.
  4. Screw elements are equipped with a pin, which is inserted into the cloth and the box. Such hinges are predominantly used for interior doors. Their mechanism is identical to the design of card and mortise elements, so it follows to work with screw loops.
  5. Invisible loops differ from other species with a certain advantage. Due to the fact that they are practically imperceptible, the door design looks more attractive. But with these elements the most difficult to work. Their mechanical part is located in a box that is placed in the door frame. To remove the door, it is originally necessary to remove all the mounts and only after that proceed to dismantling.


Door installation order

In some cases, in order to remove an unpleasant sound, it becomes necessary to dismantle the door with the box, eliminate the problem, and then install it back. Consider in more detail the way of installation.

This process is carried out using the following tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • screws;
  • level;
  • hammer;
  • plunder;
  • mounting foam.

The installation process occurs in such a sequence of actions:

  1. The work begins with the installation of the loops on the door leaf and the box.
  2. Next, using the level and plumb, you need to put the door frame in the opening.
  3. After it should be fixed through wooden wedges.
  4. You must make sure that the loop box is installed correctly. This also uses a level and plumb.
  5. Then there are holes for loops in the rack.
  6. At the next stage, the loop is installed canvas. It should be monitored so that there are no distortions.


Such an unpleasant phenomenon as a creaking door can be provoked by several reasons. To resolve this problem to qualitatively, it is necessary to determine why it occurs. Today there is a large selection of compounds, with which you can get rid of unpleasant sound. If the creak must be removed in a short time, and there are no special oils and aerosols, remedy will help to correct the situation.

Methods for elimination of the screens are presented on video:

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