How to paint the door

March 2. Interior decoration, Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 1730 Comments to write How to paint the door No

Reinforce the interior, make it harmonious under the power of each homeowner. This does not necessarily resort to drastic measures, you can just paint the door with his own hands.

What paint to paint the doors?

How to paint a wooden door


Choosing the paint for the transformation of the door today is extensive. However, before you begin, you should decide - whether you want to highlight the natural texture of wood or hide the drawing, opaque covering continuous layer.

So, given all the details, pay attention:

  • coloring compositions and opaque enamels with alkyd, polyurethane, perchlorovinyl, acrylic, oil-based;
  • tint and transparent varnishes, stains, which refreshes the wood, oiled.

As for professionals, they recommend to purchase:

  • alkyd paint products which a fast drying time, resistance to temperature changes, increased water repellency;
  • dyes, acrylic, water-based, are of a good hiding power, good flow, optimal consistency.


  • alkyd compositions are ideally suited for the treatment of doors located in the bath at the entrance and interior;
  • all dyes on the basis of alkyd resins are applied only on a dry surface.

Painting Doors: Rules

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  1. Processing the doors are best in a horizontal position on a flat surface. So the paint will not flock.
  2. If desired, the product can be painted with a roller without removing with the loops, however, it is horizontal, so the painted flat, round brush it looks much more nice.
  3. If you need to apply another layer of paint, then on the first dried layer you need to go through a special grinding machine.
  4. Before starting work, it is recommended to remove all the accessories from the door.

How to paint old doors?

There are several options for the transformation of old doors:

  • painting products over old coating;
  • painting doors with the removal of the old layer.

How to paint the door on top of the old layer

  1. Well wash and dry the door.
  2. Make stripping the canvas with the help of shallow sandwich.
  3. Start the surface of the finished areas of the oil.
  4. Eliminate pronounced chips and cracks using putty.
  5. Apply the paint layer.

How to paint the doors interroom with the removal of the old layer


  • Initially, it is necessary to remove the old layer of paint with carboxylic acid or caustic sodium. To do this, aqueous solution of 30% should be prepared using any of the listed substances. Mixing them is needed in a metal or glass container.
  • The resulting composition is applied to the old layer using a h / b tampon. If the paints have several layers - cover the surface 2-3 times.
  • Remove the old paint in the same tampon.
  • Wash the surface thoroughly, let it dry.


  • Apply the paint layer.



  • if the door is shield - start the painting process from the ends. Then there is a stage of processing the left upper quarter, hereinafter - the right upper quarter, the lower left and right-long quarter;
  • pilented doors paint exclusively with flots in the direction of fibers. So you will avoid ugly divorces. The coloring process begins with grooves, recesses and panels, then go to the front surface, the central strapping of the frame. And only at the very end are processed horizontal and vertical straps of the frame;
  • start work is recommended with small decorative elements;
  • the door threshold is painted last.
  • we should not exploit the product until it dried.

How to paint the door lacquer



  1. Before covering the product with varnish, you need to decide on the type of material being processed. So for interior doors, the composition intended for internal works should be purchased.
  2. In the event that exterior doors are processed - acquire varnish, resistant to weather conditions and capable of passing air.


  • remove all accessories from the door, eliminate defects;
  • if large recesses were detected on the surface - close them with a special putty and let it dry;
  • collect the door by sandpaper, which is fixed on a special circle, squeezed into the cartridge drill;
  • apply wood primer;
  • when the primer is absorbed and dry - proceed to the coating of the cloth with varnish.


  • in the event that it is necessary to cover the previously painted door, the canvas need to be cleaned with a solvent. Next, the product is drawn by the sandpaper and grind;
  • in order to avoid drifts, handle the door with small areas, acting the same type;
  • if the new door is covered with varnish, it should only be degreed;
  • the perfect variant of the lacquer coating: the first layer is the primer, the second is the underlying layer, the third - front layer.

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