How to stick wallpaper on whitewash do it yourself

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Wall sticking wallpaper - the most popular view of the interior decoration. The advantages of such a variant of wall cladding are quite high speed of work and at the same time low cost. To cross the middle room, completely changed its interior, you can for counting hours, while not possessing special skills in this matter. Thanks to the wallpaper, you can hide small irregularities and defects on the wall surfaces, which significantly reduces the time to prepare them. The use of new materials in the production of wallpaper The life of the latter has increased significantly, while without loss of the initial appearance. Modern wallpapers are not afraid of pollution, it is easy to clean even with the use of non-aggressive cleaning agents.

Problems with sticking wallpaper may occur if you do it on an unprepared surface. This is especially concerned with a shocking on the blotted wall. About how to shove wallpaper on the whitewash - hereinafter.

Wallpaper Types for Poker


Now the market sells a large number of wallpaper of various quality and from a wide range of manufacturers. In order to properly choose the material for sticking on the seminal surface, it is necessary to understand the property of each of them.

  • Paper wallpaper. This is the easiest and cheapest type of wallpaper. Currently, they are used extremely rare due to their bad performance. There are two types of paper wallpaper: simplex (single-layer) and duplex (two-layered). The second appearance is a bit more expensive, but it is capable of listening to much longer. The advantages of paper wallpapers are their low price and lightness of sticking. Due to the low density, the consumption of glue during operation with this material is noticeably reduced, which favorably affects the cost of repair. You can also note a wide range of paper wallpapers, so that they can easily choose the room interior. The main disadvantage of paper wallpapers are low performance characteristics. They do not tolerate the sink, over time fade, easily rub. Due to the low density on the surface of these wallpapers, even small irregularities of the wall are visible.
  • Fliselin wallpaper. It appeared relatively recently, but they earned their niche on the market due to their strengths. Such a material serves quite a long time, while without losing its initial qualities. They can withstand a few spray, which will allow you to quickly change the interior design to quickly. The main feature of the wallpaper data is that they are passing the air, that is, "breathe." Due to this, the surface of the wall under them does not mold. Due to its structure, the wallpaper is easily clean, even using non-aggressive detergents. With all its advantages, flieslinic wallpapers have a significant drawback - limitations in choosing a picture.
  • Acrylic wallpaper - the average option between paper and phliselin. Unlike the latter, not too well wash, do not wear high humidity. However, the price of acrylic wallpaper is slightly lower.


  • Fiberglass wallpaper. Pretty expensive option. They glued them only for further painting - they can withstand up to 10 reparters. The strength of the wallpaper data allows you to wash them even with the help of a brush. Unlike some species of this material, fiberglass is hypoallergenic, which is very important if allergy or children live in the room. Another important feature of these wallpapers is their fire safety. They just melted without keeping burning. The disadvantage of fiberglass wallpaper is high weight, due to which they glue only with the help of special glue, as well as low plasticity, which makes it difficult to work with them. Due to the use of special glue, when removing these wallpapers, the layer of plaster can fall behind, which will lead to the need to apply a new layer.
  • Textile wallpapers. Perfectly look, hide the lack of walls, with their sticking, it is immeasured by the seam, they have excellent noise insulation and low thermal conductivity. However, the surface attracts dust to itself and withstands only dry cleaning. Separately, it is worth noting the high cost of the material and what you need to work with it have a vast experience.
  • There are also metallized, cork and photo wallpaper. They are quite rare, which is due to their cost and features of sticking.
  • Liquid wallpapers are not applied on the whims, they will hold very badly.

To work with the surface surface without additional processing, phlizelin or acrylic wallpaper is best suitable for their cause of their high weight. In addition, it is the most democratic value in terms of value.

Materials for plating wallpapers after whitewash


To produce these works, in addition to wallpaper, you will need a certain tool and materials:

  • Primer. The primer is necessary for fastening the plating layer and plaster in one. With their separation, air will be formed, which will result in flaking wallpaper from the surface. It can be prepared independently of water and glue PVA.
  • Putty. If the plaster peeling sites will appear on the walls of the walls, they will need to be knocked down and close with putty.
  • Clay wallpaper. Sold in most cases in dry form. It is necessary to breed it immediately before starting work (it is stored no more than 2-3 days). The glue itself is selected and the proportion of its preparation depending on the type of wallpaper.
  • Drill with a mixing nozzle for the preparation of glue.
  • Loop knife.
  • Rubber roller for rolling wallpaper strips.
  • Roller for primer.
  • Large and small brushes for applying glue and primer.
  • Roulette, kitchen, simple pencil, several rags.

How to stick wallpaper for lime blotch


The process of sticking wallpapers on the seminal surface is beginning with its preparation. Otherwise, the lifetime of wallpaper will be much lower.

Procedure for work:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to determine the places of lag or bloating. This can be done by a banal tapping. If such places are detected, it is impossible to glue on them. They are knocked down with a hammer to the base, and then put off. So that the putty keeps as much as possible, the place of work is pre-ground. Next, the dried places of the putty are watched by a special painting net.
  2. After the walls are aligned, they must be projected. Primer can be applied with a brush or with a roller. In the case of use, the last consumption of primer will be much smaller. However, it is not worth saving on the primer. The deeper it will penetrate into the inner layers of the wall, the better.
  3. If there is a fungus or mold on the surface of the bliss, which is often in old houses, which for some reason remained for a long time without heating, they must be treated with an antiseptic. Otherwise, the mold under the wallpaper in a few weeks will not have all the work.
  4. Keep the primer will be about a day, depending on the pore of the year and humidity in the room. Do not start work before drying the primer. When it dries, you can begin to glue the wallpaper on the whitewash.
  5. The glue is mixed in the bucket using a mixer. The water temperature is poured into the container, and the powder is gradually added, while stirring the mixer on small revolutions. Ideally, the glue should not have lumps. The finished solution is given to breed for half an hour, and at this time you can prepare wallpaper.
  6. The first thing is cut off the first strip. Length is equal to height from the ceiling to the floor. Cutting off the first strip, you need to draw the initial line using the level, on which the first strip will be pasted.
  7. Now you can smear the lane and the wall with glue - it is necessary. Glue walls with a height of more than 2.6 meters better together. Then you will not have to jump from the ladder to the floor. When applying the adhesive to the surface of wallpaper necessarily need to lubricate the edge of a well.
  8. The missing band is so that the front side does not come into contact with the wrong one. Glue wallpaper from top to bottom, gradually smoothing them over the surface. Make it with a rubber roller, performing movements from above-down and from the center to the edges. Movements must resemble a Christmas tree. The strip is running until all air comes out. When sticking wallpaper, it is necessary to remember that they are smeared with glue, they are very easy to rush, so you need to work carefully. After that, stick the second strip of jack. If the next day the walls of the wallpaper will be departed, they can be launched again with glue and roller well.

Secrets of bleaching wallpapers on bliss


There are several important points that you need to know that the sticking of wallpapers on the blotch has passed successfully.

  • In old houses or apartments before sticking wallpaper, it is necessary to shoot all the plaster to the base. It is impossible to glue the wallpaper on the old one. In those days, instead of ordinary clay, a lime material with a high content of active substances was used. They can simply exercise even high density wallpaper.
  • If you plan to punish the wallpaper on a whitewash the ceiling, it is better to wash off. She simply will not stand the weight of the wallpaper and squeeze from the plaster.
  • Construction masters still recommend to wash off whitening before inner work. There is no particular sense to leave it, especially if it is made of lime. The only positive qualities have the whitewashes applied to brickwork. In this case, it can neutralize smells of paints and building solutions during the repair process. Inside the room is better carried out with the help of a chalk solution.

Ceiling wallpapers: Photo






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