What to buy lining for a bath

June 22. Building materials Views 1630. Comments to record what to buy lining for a bath No

The bath is a special place where a person acquires health, beauty and spiritual equilibrium. According to the tradition of the baths build out of wood, and if earlier it was massive logs, then modern technologies offer a more practical and aesthetic solution - wooden lining. How to choose a suitable profile, and most importantly - from which tree of the tree make the internal decoration of the bath?

Criteria Selection Wall Tagent for Bath

Wooden lining is the optimal option for the inner finishing of walls in the bath, and there are a number of reasons. First, it is made of natural material - wood. Secondly, when laying, harmful adhesive compositions are not used, which, when heated, could be eliminated toxic substances. Thirdly, it is just beautiful - to be in the bath, covered with lining pleasantly and comfortable.


What qualities should have lining for a bath:

  • strength;
  • naturalness;
  • vapor permeability;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • not exposure to rot;
  • aesthetics;
  • durability.

The lining should be made of natural wood without synthetic impurities. It should have a high strength to skip the minimum amount of moisture, while not interfering with the walls of "breathing" so that natural ventilation does not disturb. Of all the materials, only the tree can combine these qualities.

Mandatory condition for the use of lining in the bath is impregnated with antipirens - non-toxic substances that protect wood from fire.

What kind of wood to choose

The price of the wallboard for the bath is determined by the tree of wood from which the material is made. In the modern market, you can find a lot of proposals, we will consider the most popular of them and tell what lining for the bath is better.

Lighting linden

This breed is characterized by very low thermal conductivity. This means that it slowly heats up and cool for a long time, not releaseing heat from the room, which is ideal for the bath. By the way, experts recommend to carry out the internal decoration of the walls, gender and ceiling bath with lining wood with hardening wood. Coniferous rocks are dried by resin, which not only cause discomfort, but when evaporated can harm health. The same rule concerns and bath furniture.


Lipa resin does not highlight. On the contrary, it is famous for the fact that when heated, useful volatile substances that have favorably affect health. That is why the lining for a bath from the linden is considered the most healing than from any other tree.

Lipa has a lot of advantages over other breeds:

  1. Beautiful natural vapor permeability, thanks to which the lining can "breathe" as a living. In the Ban from Linden will always reign a comfortable microclimate.
  2. Good sound insulation.
  3. Lipa is the perfect material for finishing the inner surfaces of the bath and the construction of furniture (benches, sun beds, hangers, etc.). Furniture for a bath from Lipa is good not only by the fact that it does not emit resin - it is very pleasant to the touch and slowly heats up, so it is not capable of burning. Through the bunny procedures with the use of linden treat cellulite, sore lower back, liver disease, etc.
  4. The light shade of the linden lining will look good in any room. He will make a little parilla visually more, and spacious - lighter.
  5. Lipa retains his healing aroma over long years. To enhance a pleasant smell, many laid next to the heater several segments of lining from the Siberian cedar - it is also known for its aroma and unique healing properties.
  6. The lime wood itself is very soft, gentle and practically does not have bitch. For this reason, it is easily processing, and during drying it is not deformed. From it you can make magnificent carved furniture, bath accessories and decorative elements.

Do not forget about the energy background, which is present at each tree of wood. So, Lipa has long been considered an "energy donor" - it is capable of improving the mood during minutes, calm the nerves, to "align" pressure. One session in the linden bath, and you will forget about insomnia, depression or Handra - this tree instantly replenishes energy reserves.


The cost of linden lining depends on the length of the product. So, 1 square. M lining 2-3 m long stands more than a shorter in 1-1.7 m. For such short products there is a special docking strap from the same linden. Using short fragments, you can not only save a considerable amount, but also create interesting patterns on the wall.

Licensing of larch

The Siberian larch is known as one of the strongest and durable tree species. It is not susceptible to rotting and often used to create reliable flooring and staircases. The lining for a larch bath in the case of proper laying will serve not one decade.


Larch lining is widely used not only in residential, but also in commercial construction. The reason for this is not only the beauty and durability of the material, but also its relatively low cost. If we take into account the operational characteristics of the breed, then by the qualities of the larch could be compared with the Canadian oak, but the finish price will be significantly lower.

As well as Lipa, larch has low thermal conductivity and slowly heats up. It does not exude resin and is suitable for the manufacture of furniture and trim. The structure of the wood does not violate the natural ventilation indoors and supports a comfortable microclimate.


The main advantage of the larch lining and the larch itself is that it is not susceptible to rotting and damaging the trees-anchors. From this it follows that before laying the lining, it is not necessary to process chemicals that scare insects, as in the case of other breeds of wood. Less chemicals is a healthier climate.

Lining from pine

As mentioned above, it is extremely undesirable for trimming a bath or sauna, since it can be separated by resin when heated. However, if you make competent vaporizolation and provide additional ventilation of the intrauterine space, then this trouble can be avoided.

Pine is a very cheap and widespread material. It is suitable for finishing a small bathhouse if the financial position does not allow to purchase more expensive wood. Pine is quite soft, easy to process and has a beautiful pronounced texture.


When heated, the pine lining exudes a pleasant coniferous aroma. The phytoncides, highlighted by the tree, favorably affect the health of the respiratory system, improve the mood, increase the vital tone. No wonder the walk through the coniferous forest is considered healing.

Pine weighs little, so the lining does not require installation on a powerful fortified basis, and this can also be saved.

Cedra lining

If you want to make a truly good and therapeutic bath, boldly choose the lining from the Siberian cedar. Despite the fact that this is also a coniferous breed of wood, it is ideal for the inner decoration of the Parims, since it highlights very little resin. Moreover, cedar fragrance treats diseases of respiratory and nervous systems, helps faster overcome colds and strengthen the immune system. Cedar phytoncides possess a powerful antiseptic effect. Very popular combinations of cedar lining with lime.


Cedar has a very beautiful texture and a variety of shades, so the surfaces are covered with such a clapboard, represent a real work of art. Over time, some cedar varieties can give a nice pinkish shade.

This is one of the most durable and strong breeds used in construction. The saturation of natural resin substances protects the tree from rotting and damage to parasites. Such a coating is capable of listening at least 15-20 years.

To finish the bath, it is recommended to use only Canadian cedar, since it has a low thermal conductivity and highlights the smallest number of resins compared to other varieties.


The cost of lining for a bath from cedar is impressive, but such a coating will pay off in full after 3-5 years, because it will give real pleasure from visiting the steam, will strengthen health and will not require repair over long years.

Lining from Osina.

The lining for the bath from Osin is another budget option for interior decoration. This is a rather soft and easily processed material. In the old days, the Aspen was considered a powerful faith from unclean strength and trouble. Before each house, at least one tree was certainly somewhat, so that everyone who had unkind intentions towards the owners would lose their strength by passing by Osina. It is believed that her wood "pulls out" from a person all bad - thoughts, experiences, anxiety, diseases and disorders.


The aspen lining is distinguished by light color and is capable of visually expanding the space of the steam. But over time, she may darken due to high humidity. A special agent called "Belinka" helps to cope with this.

The main drawback of Osin is the exposure to various diseases and damage to parasites, so it must be treated with protective compositions before laying it. Aspen does not exude any smell and highlights a very small amount of resin.

Lining from Duba

The most reliable, durable and beautiful baths were always built of oak. It is a durable and heavy material with a dense structure and a beautiful pattern of fibers. The bath, covered with oak lining, will serve at least 30-40 years without major repairs.

Sony DSC.

The color of such lining is very warm and pleasant, so in such a room immediately arises a sense of security and tranquility. Oak was always considered a "male" tree with a powerful protective energy. He gives strength, increases vitality and strengthens the will.

Over time, the color of the lining acquires a noble dark shade, and the finish becomes even more beautiful. If you wish, you can buy artificially aged or bleached oak. The material is not subject to rotting and damage in insect parasites, therefore does not require additional processing with chemical compositions. Oak lining during heating allocates phytoncides, which have an antibacterial effect, disinfect air indoors and eliminate unpleasant odors.

Lining from alder

Another popular material for creating lining is Alder. It is perfect for the interior decoration of the walls, gender and the ceiling of the bath, because it is a deciduous breed and does not distinguish the resin. Olha is distinguished by a pleasant pinkish-yellow tinge, so that it instantly creates an easy atmosphere indoors. The energetics of Olhi raises the mood, improves well-being and contributes to the speedy deliverance from fatigue and stress.


The main advantage when used in the bath is the ability to not crack from high temperature and not deform when cooled. For this reason, it can be used not only to cover surfaces, but also for the construction of furniture and accessories for the bath.

Porous "breathable" structure of wood well maintains heat and does not allow condensate formation. Olha does not rot and is not covered with mold or fungus, so it does not need to be treated with chemicals.

Like Lipa, Olha has healing effects. It is used to treat gout, rheumatism, colds. It has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect.


So, from all of the above, it can be concluded that for the plating the steaming, it is necessary to prefer the lining of the hardening of the tree, and coniferous is suitable for the shower and pre-bankers. This will be the most rational solution both with practical and material point of view.

The best solution will be to buy lining on a bath from linden, oak, alder or cedar, but if you want to save, you can use aspen, pine or fir (before laying to handle protective compositions). Make sure the lining is well sucked and does not have defects (cracks, bitch). Otherwise, the bath, covered with crude clap, will be the "oven" for the first 2-3 years. To save and achieve a more interesting and beautiful effect, it is recommended to use various wood breeds.

Bath, covered with clapboard (photo)

We hope the article helped you decide which lining for a bath should be bought, and from what better to refuse. By tradition at the end of the article, we suggest you to draw inspiration from the photos of the interiors of the bath, decorated with lining from various wood breeds.

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