Installation of the shower rack do it yourself. How to install yourself and on what to fix the rack to different types of walls

September 14. Useful advice, Plumbing Views 630. Comments To record mounting a shower rack with your own hands. How to install yourself and on what to fix the rack to different types of walls No

The shower cabin has recently all more often displaces the usual and habitual bathroom. After all, use the shower instead of splashing in 150 liters of expensive hot water is much cheaper. This can significantly save a family budget. And in small-sized apartments, the installation of the shower also saves the useful area, which is constantly lacking.

One of the main elements of the shower cabin is a shower panel or shower. They have a different design, functionality and installation method. On how to install the shower racks do it yourself, let's tell you further.

Benefits of the shower rack

Very often, people who are going to make repairs in the bathroom, stand in front of the choice that to put yourself - a shower rack or limit the shower set. The latter, as a rule, consists of a wall mounting to a shower watering can, elongated shower hose and mill, which is attached to the wall under the shower. Compared to such simple equipment, the shower rack has a number of indisputable advantages:

  • The convenience of use. Due to the presence of a rack and a special bracket, the watering can be installed at any height, with any angle of inclination and angle of rotation. This allows you to adjust the direction of the jet of water as it will be convenient to the user depending on its growth.
  • Improved functionality. On a shower rack, you can attach a large number of additional equipment: hooks for washcloths, soaps, etc. At the same time, it is possible to choose the position of each of them individually depending on the wishes of the owner.
  • Easy installation. There is nothing complicated in the mounting of the shower rack. As a rule, complete with each factory product provides a detailed and understandable instruction for its installation. Make it easily may even begin the master.

In addition, showers are equipped with very high-tech devices, such as thermostat, which can dose hot and cold water to achieve a given temperature. Often, several nozzles are mounted in the rack, thanks to which the effect of hydromassage is created. It is thanks to all these positive moments, showers racks are greater popularity than ordinary shower glasses. However, it is worth noting that the cost of the first higher, and it changes depending on the level of functionality.

Types of shower racks

Currently, plumbing manufacturers can offer customers a large number of different rack models that differ not only in their design, but also functionality. Among them it is worth highlighting the following models:

  • Stand with a mixer. An excellent option for equipped with a regular bathroom with a shower. It is a mixer in which a stainless steel pipe is handed. On her tip is installed can be installed. Often, this pipe performs the role of a rack for another canoe, which is connected to the mixer through a flexible hose. This option is optimal, as you buy all items in the complex are always much cheaper than one by one.
  • Stand without a mixer. It is a simple bar, which is installed vertically. It is fastened to the bracket to hold the soul can, which connects to the mixer through a flexible hose.

  • Shower rack with crane. This is not a very popular device that is a rigid pipe with a shut-off crane installed on it. The latter allows you to quickly turn off the shower watering can from the water. However, with the connection of such a device to some mixers, problems may arise.
  • Rack with a thermostat installed. Very useful thing. It allows you to mix cold and hot water in such proportions to achieve a given temperature. The thermostat can also be equipped with a standard shower rack or a mixer, however, choose a thermostat for a specific model so that it works fine, it is quite difficult. Therefore, if you plan to buy a mixer with a thermostat, it is better to give preference to the factory model. True, it is worth noting that the cost of devices that are equipped with thermostats are several times more expensive than ordinary racks.

  • Stand with spill. Something resembles a shower rack with a mixer. At its beginning, it is small thanks, thanks to which you can fill with a bathroom with water. Apply such racks quite rarely. Pay for scolding, whose use is happening very rarely, few people want.
  • Rack with top shower. Very popular models. The rack is a pipe, at the end of which a stationary upper watering can be installed. As a rule, it is characterized by a large diameter. A leak on a flexible hose is suspended to such a stand on the bracket. By itself, the fixed upper watering can not be too convenient, since it is not regulated.

A large selection of various models and complete sets allows you to select a rack for specific operating conditions and personal preferences. Choosing a shower rack, you need to pay attention to the quality of its elements. It is better to give preference to proven manufacturers, which there were no complaints as products. Shower racks are not cheap, so throwing money on a poor-quality product, which can give a flow or over time to lose its original appearance, it makes no sense. It is better to overpay a little behind the proven product than a short period of time, buy and install a new model.

How to install a shower rack in the bathroom with your own hands

Methods for mounting the shower rack depend on the configuration of the model and its processability. A simple shower rack with a lower mixer is installed in the following order:

  • The first thing is mounted for connecting the mixer. It is necessary to do this in such a way that the openings of cold and hot water are on the same axis. Otherwise, the mixer will be difficult to install in its threads, and if the pipe will be welded to it, it will be tilted in one or the other side. Yes, and the mounted mounted mixer will look too aesthetic.
  • To install the mixer connection, a special plank is used. It is designed for the standard width of the mixers, so its use will make much easier for the installation process. Connecting the mixer is carried out through special corners that are screwed to the bar with screws.
  • From the bottom to the corners, the pipes for the supply of cold and hot water are summed, and from the front side, adapters with outer threads are screwed into them, which mixer is installed. Each threaded compound must be sealed to avoid the appearance of leaks. To do this, use the usual panel or rubber tape. The sealing seal depends on the owner, because they work equally efficiently.

  • IMPORTANT: Wash the seal only in the course of the thread. Otherwise, when twisting, he just gets drown. Also when installing the mixer, you can not forget about gaskets. The mixer is installed very simply, it is screwed to adapters using precipitated nuts. These work is better carried out during repairs. Then all connections can be hidden for the false-roll plate on which the ceramic tile is then stacked.
  • When the mixer is installed, it is necessary to resolve the question at what level the shower rack is attached. There is no universal height of the shower rack. It depends on the height of human growth, which will use it. Thus, the highest point of lifting the holder of the watering can be equal to the growth of a person + height of the foot of the bathroom (pallet) + 20 cm. In such conditions, the device can be used without special difficulties.
  • It remains now to decide how to fix a shower rack against the wall. The standard model consists of two mounts and rods. The attachments are fixed directly to the wall with two dowels. The fasteners are applied to the wall and through the holes in them with the help of a pencil or the drain, holes are scheduled for dowels. You need to install the rack already on the finish wall on which there is a tile. Holes under the dowel are drilled with a diamond tip drill. It is necessary to do it carefully, not too pressing on the drill. Otherwise, you can damage the tile (it will just split).

  • When the holes are ready, you can screw the rack itself. It is done on ordinary self-drawing. Given the fact that in the bathroom heightened humidity, self-tapping screws must be stainless steel. Otherwise, they can be powder and spoiled the rack itself.
  • After the rack is installed, it is necessary to mount the shower holder on it, which is reminded by its design. It has piping pads. They are needed so that the holder can slide on the rack, but with a certain effort. This design element is dragged with a screwdriver or hex key. The effort should not be too big that the holder can move around the rack, but not too small so that he does not do it "on its own." After completion of the work, it is necessary to check how the shower stand is connected, at the time of the presence of leaks.

Recently, the so-called "hidden" racks have become very popular. In such models, almost all the main elements are behind the wall. Only the walls of the mixer's valves and the switch between two can be visible from the wall. As a rule, two watering can be used in them: the first is large and stationary, the second is small on the flexible hose. One of the main features of such models is that they require the special reliability of all compounds. Otherwise, the first to leak the neighbors from below.

Installation of the shower rack do it yourself: video

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