Falke panel for kitchen. Features and installation rules

March 9. Interior decoration Views 12905 Comments To the entry false panel for the kitchen. Features and installation rules No

Repairs in the kitchen and installing a new kitchen headset, as a rule, is not necessary without the so-called false panels. They represent the wall panels that are made from various materials that close the walls between mounted and floor cabinets. This is an affordable alternative to a more expensive tile.

The concept of false panels and their manufacturing material

Falc panels perform the role of a kitchen apron, which protects the walls from splashes and other contaminants. They can use sockets, lighting, switches, and the like. Falc panels have a variety of color gamut, which should coincide with the color of the kitchen headset.


What are the kitchen false panels make?

The most common materials from which the false panels are manufactured are:

Natural tree

For the manufacture of kitchen false panels made of natural wood, such wood varieties like oak, maple, cedar, alder and others are used as raw materials.

  • They have an attractive appearance, especially in combination with appropriate furniture, eco-friendly and safe for human health.
  • However, it is worth not to forget that the tree has a low level of refractory and moisture resistance, therefore such false panels are pre-treated with special compositions.
  • In particular, in order to increase wear resistance, they are covered with wax.



  • Chipboard is an affordable material, which is actively used for the manufacture of kitchen false panels and, accordingly, is in great demand from buyers.
  • However, do not forget that the chipboard is sensitive to sharp temperature drops, it is afraid of any mechanical damage and applies to household chemicals.


  • MDF, in contrast to the chipboard, is a material that is characterized by moisture resistance and is able to withstand significant mechanical loads on itself.
  • In addition, the panels from the MDF, due to the imitation of natural wood, have a fairly attractive appearance.

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  • Falc panels for the kitchen, which are made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with the addition of various softeners are characterized by hygienic, ease of care, high strength and wear resistance, they do not fade into the sun, and are also absolutely safe for the health of others.
  • PVC False panels are available with imitation of various natural materials: wood, stone, brickwork, etc., which allows you to implement any ideas of designers in the kitchen interior.



  • Falc panels of glass have aesthetically attractive appearance, especially those that are decorated with photo printing and have additional backlight.
  • In addition, such panels are environmentally friendly, unpretentious in care, are not afraid of high humidity, the negative effects of high temperatures, and they are also sufficiently durable and wear-resistant through the use of tempered glass.



  • Metal fold panels are made of stainless steel on which various drawings and patterns can be applied.
  • Such a kitchen apron, as a rule, has a glossy or textured surface. The latter is able to hide the slightest flaws and stains on it.
  • Steel false panels are not afraid of high temperatures, high humidity, mechanical damage, corrosion, easily clean and completely safe for health.



  • Affordable and inexpensive material that is distinguished by practicality in caring, wear resistance, moisture resistance, environmental friendliness, etc.
  • At the same time, plastic panel panels do not tolerate direct contact with fire, which should be considered when choosing them.


Installation of false panels

Preparatory work

  • Before starting work on the installation of false panels, it is necessary to level the walls with the help of plaster, hooking all the slots and irregularities.


  • Installation is made long before the mounted cabinets of the kitchen headset are mounted.
  • The installation process itself is quite simple and can almost every wizer, who at least once in his life kept a screwdriver in his hands.

Marking wall and installation of rails

  • First, it is necessary to mark the walls of the wall to determine where the rails should be located, for which, actually, the panels will be mounted. Thanks to these measurements, you can count the number of required regions and the distance between them. The tougher material (chipboard, MDF), the more distance. Therefore, if these are plastic false panels, then the rails must be closer to each other.
  • Do not forget also about the location of sockets, switches, etc.


  • Then go directly to the installation of the rails and the entire frame, not forgetting the level. This requires self-sized selflessness and a screwdriver.

Assembling panels

  • The panel assembly is made from the bottom up, if this is not a solid design.
  • I put each of them to the rake and screw. After that, insert the next top panel into the slide panel and carefully fix it.
  • Next, we repeat everything until we do to the last top of the top panel. If it is more necessary, then it is cut and insert it into place.
  • Finally, we make installation of the plinth throughout the perimeter of the finished kitchen apron.
  • We hide the mounted cabinets of the kitchen headset, which will hide the top of the panels.



About other ways to install false panels in the kitchen, you can learn more detail from the video:

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