Floors from marble crumbs. Features, Filling Technology

February 5. Interior decoration Views 9055 1 comment To record floors from marble crumb. Features, Filling Technology

Today, floors from marble crumbs, like many centuries ago, are very popular. They are installed in various public buildings, lobby, halls, corridors, train stations, medical, training, trading institutions, as well as on the staircases and others. What do they imagine?

This is the so-called concrete mosaic bulk floor, which consists of two layers: the lower cement-sandy thickness is about 20 mm and the upper - mosaic solution with a thickness of 20-25 mm. The last layer consists of a marble rubble or marble crumb of various sizes obtained by crushing marble, for example, defective plates.

Advantages of floors from marble crumb

This type of flooring is distinguished by a lot of advantages, among which you can allocate, first of all:

  • waterproof;
  • hygienicity;
  • high wear resistance;
  • attractive appearance due to the variety of shades and colors of natural marble.


The process of filling floors from marble crumb

Another advantage of bulging floors from marble crumb is the simplicity of its arrangement. This process consists of the following steps:

  • preparation of the foundation;
  • installation of separation veins;
  • preparing a solution;
  • filling floor;
  • grinding of finished flooring.

Preparation of the base for floors of marble crumb

Before proceeding with the fill of the floor from marble crumb, it is important to prepare a good reason for it, which should be durable. Reinforced concrete plates, concrete or cement-sand tie can perform in its role.

  • For this, the base is purified from possible garbage, eliminate serious defects and irregularities of its surface, close the holes near the pipes.
  • In completion, the entire surface of the floor is treated with a electric gas in order to give it roughness, after which they remove all the dust.
  • Before applying the mixture, the base is wetted with water.
  • In addition, before starting laying the floor, it is also important to determine its level and apply the corresponding marks throughout the perimeter.

Installation of dividing veins

If you plan to install a single-color marble crumb floor, then on its base every 1-1.5 m put special beacons or rails. When choosing a multicolor coating, you need to mark the future picture.


Preparation of mosaic solution

To prepare a mosaic solution, its main components are needed such as stone flour, M400 grade cement, marble crumb of various sizes (large, medium, small) and water. Sometimes special pigments can also be added to this composition, for example, ochery, chromium oxide, ultramarin, etc.

  • Before pretending to prepare a solution, the marble crumb was washed well with water to achieve the best clutch with a solution.


  • So, for the preparation of the solution first take dry components: 1 part of the stone flour, 1 part of the cement, 1 part of the shallow marble crumb, 1 part of the middle marble crumb, 1 part of a large marble crumb.
  • After careful mixing of dry components, they are added gradually using watering water until it turns out a hard mining solution.

Pouring floor of marble crumb

To do this, use a hard solution or low grades concrete, which is placed in the cards, and then with the help of ironers, it is neatly spilled.

  • When the bottom layer grabbing, did not have time to fully harden, switch to laying a mosaic solution.
  • It is also tamped using smooth iron or vibration.


  • If cement milk accumulates on the surface, it is removed by rubber scrapers.
  • After the solution is well constructed, its surface is thoroughly aligned and smoothed.
  • Then you can shoot the bearer rails by filling out the survivors of the grooves after them.
  • The floor is fully frozen within the next 5-7 days. During this period, it must be constantly wetting at least once a day with water to maintain optimal humidity.
  • Top covers the floor with a film or sawdust.

Grinding of finished flooring

After the expiration of the already mentioned 5-7 days, when the solution gives sufficient strength, go to the last stage of work - grinding.

  • At the very beginning, we use rough ridding using a grinding machine. Before her start flooring necessarily need to sprinkle the wet sand.
  • When this stage is completed, the sand is removed from the surface of the floor is carefully inspected and if there were potholes, they are carefully sealed.
  • The next stage involves rough and fine grinding using special abrasive stones.
  • Floor completion of the grinding process of the marble chips is its polishing by means of so-called felt circles and special polishing powder.



For more details about the process of polishing the tile floor can be learned from the video:

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One response to the floors of marble chips. Especially casting technology

  1. Vyacheslav:

    it requires concrete polishing marble crumb Phone 8-911-920-23-72

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