Mushrooms Weighs: Growing, Care

September 11. Plot. Views 4480. 1 comment to write mushrooms oyster: growing, care

Weighing mushrooms are quite profitable and valuable. They are nutritious, contain in its composition 17 types of amino acids, as well as digestible protein. Thanks to the content of nutrients, normalizing cholesterol indicators that reduce blood pressure and eliminating problems with digestion, growing mushrooms at home is becoming an increasingly popular occupation. However, to achieve high yields and minimizing expenses, you must have certain knowledge skills.

Features of culture

Growing mushroom mushrooms a fairly profitable idea for business, since this culture has a high growth rate and is characterized by good yield. From 1 square meter can be collected per month about 10 kg of mushrooms. This plant does not specice, does not need an expensive substrate and is not affected by the freezing.

The cultivation of such mushrooms does not represent complexity, while specialists distinguish between two methods of the process:

  • intensive;
  • extensive.

The first implies artificial conditions for cultivation, the second provides for growth in a natural environment. An extensive cultivation method for some indicators is inferior to an intense method. It gives a smaller amount of harvest and depend on the weather conditions. However, it is possible to grow mushrooms both in the room and in the homeland. Consider the methods of cultivation and care for madges in more detail.

Oyster Mushrooms.

Cultivation of the harvest in conditions of closed space

To grow this culture, the cellar, basement or pit in the garage. Before proceeding directly to the process itself, the selected place should be disinfected. For this you need:

  1. Treat all available surfaces with 4% lime mortar.
  2. Then the room must be closed for 48 hours.
  3. After the specified time, it is necessary to ventilate well inside.


Preparation of substrate

For growing it will take a substrate. You can cook it yourself. For this, it is necessary to prepare such components:

  • chips, sawdust, chips;
  • nutrient additive (it may be pearl cereals, as well as barley, oats or millet).

So, to obtain one block of the substrate you need to take 400 g of chips, 300 g of prepared grain. In addition, you should buy the Miscelium Mushroom. You can do it without difficulty via the Internet or in specialized stores. For the first time it is not worth buying more than 1 kg. It is also desirable to store mycelium in the refrigerator until it is used. The further preparation process looks like this:

  1. We take a container, such as a saucepan or pelvis, and pour all the components with water in two stages.
  2. The first time the water temperature should be no more than +25 ° C. We are waiting for 25 minutes.
  3. Then we drain the dirty water and pour the second time. Now the temperature must be +80 ° C.
  4. We leave for 5 hours.

Treatment of substrate water is required for moistening and preventing infection with various undesirable organisms. In order to increase the nutritional nutrition, you can additionally add some components. It may be plaster, ground limestone, superphosphate.

Oyshemka mushroom, photo:


Preparation of bags

The conditions of growing mushrooms of the mushrooms imply a mycelium landing into ordinary polyethylene bags. They need to make holes for the fruit. The diameter of the holes should be approximately 2 cm, thus try to keep a distance therebetween of 20 cm.

Preparing accordingly bags, go to sleep in their substrate. We perform this in the following order:

  1. The first layer of the substrate is placed in a thickness of 15 cm, then add mycelium.
  2. Then over mycelium again mass of the substrate. So fill the whole bag in the same proportions.
  3. The amount of mycelium should be calculated in such a way that its mass is 5% of the total bag weight.
  4. Filling the bag, it should be tied up and attributed to the prepared room.
  5. We install them on each other 2-3 units.


Growing technology

Regardless what mushrooms you wish to land on your farm, to obtain a quality harvest, first of all, it is necessary to adjust the temperature regime:

  1. The room temperature should be +24 ° C, and the substrate should not exceed + 28 ° C.
  2. Also follow the level of humidity. In the room, this indicator should vary within 90%.

Features of the technique of growing mushrooms are as follows:

  1. When the substrate is tightened by the mushroom, the bags move to another room and install them on each other. For the successful fruction of culture, the temperature mode must be maintained to +18 ° C.
  2. After a certain time, we will be able to observe how the embryos of mushrooms will appear in the holes, which will initially have the type of traffic jams. Over time, fruit bodies of culture will be formed over time, which have all the properties of mushrooms of the oyster.
  3. At this stage of the process of growing, you should take care of the lighting. Ordinary daylights will be suitable for this purpose. They should work for 12 hours daily.
  4. Also mushrooms need ventilation. For this, it will be enough to put fans in the room, which should be included up to 7 times a day.
  5. Do not forget to regularly open the doors and windows to ensure natural ventilation.

Important! To maintain the appropriate moisture in the room, you can set the containers with water or perform an independent spraying.


We collect a crop

In the process of ripening, mushrooms are not always possible to get into the prepared hole. Therefore, they should help: cut holes in the right places, increasing them slightly in size. After the sins seemed, you need to wait 1 week before their full ripening. Collecting the harvest, you need to completely cut mushrooms, do not leave parts of the fetus.

The crop of this grade mushrooms ripens in three waves. Cutting the first oysteries that next you receive after 2 weeks. And after the same period of time, the third harvest of culture will be ready.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Growing mushrooms on logs

In case there is no suitable room, you can grow a good harvest and in the open space, for example in the garden. This method of cultivation is convenient because it does not require any special equipment. The process of culture is as follows:

  1. Initially, you need to prepare logs. It can be fragments from birch, willow, alder, poplar. However, remember that for this purpose it is not recommended to use logs from oak and bone rocks.
  2. Fill trees follows between autumn and spring, the optimal period is the beginning of the movement of juices.
  3. Prepared logs must have a diameter of 20 to 40 cm, and a length of up to 50 cm.
  4. The next stage should be wetting the logs and the grooves in them.
  5. Next, in already existing furrows fall asleep mycelium or seeds of mushrooms of oysteries and cover the crust of wood.
  6. Then it is necessary to make holes in the ground, pouring in them sawdust or leaves.
  7. These recesses should lay logs and cover them with a film.
  8. Leave in this position until the culture ripening. However, remember that it is necessary to take care of regular moisturizing logs and soil watering.
  9. After 2 months, you can assemble the first harvest.


We grow oyster on the balcony

In the absence of a special place for full-fledged growing, an ordinary balcony or loggia is suitable. The absence of the natural environment will not affect the quality of the harvest and its abundance, but it can bring some inconvenience to resolve a person in an apartment with a mini-farm on the balcony, for example, a characteristic smell of mushrooms. However, if you decide to row the rampant in the sneaks, you should adhere to such recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to prepare sawdust and grain in the amount of 600 g of each type of raw materials.
  2. You also need to prepare a pelvis, saucepan and water.
  3. Grain and sawdust mix in the pelvis, pour 1.5 liters of water and put in the container that should be loose loose.
  4. Then put on a water bath, on which the saucepan must be 3 hours.
  5. After that, you need to wait until the substrate will be cooled.
  6. At the next stage, the substrate should be moved to the pelvis, after which it is for its surface to lay mycelium in the amount of 300 g.
  7. All the mass thoroughly mix.
  8. Next, you need to prepare a box with a capacity of about 5 liters and put inside her trash bag.
  9. Pour the substrate mass into the box and cover with a polyethylene film that can pass the air. To do this, it is necessary to pierce the holes.
  10. I fix the tape film on the side walls of the box. In addition, the substrate should also be covered with a cap that can be sewed from Agrila.
  11. Take care of the appropriate temperature mode. It should be +5 .. + 10 ° C.
  12. After 3 weeks, it is necessary to check the condition of the substrate. To do this, remove the cap and see whether the primitives for future fungi were formed.
  13. If the film begins to impede the growth of culture, it needs to be removed, but the cap is left until it is until it becomes to interfere with the growth of mushrooms.
  14. Do not forget about the moistening of culture. Water the bags of the pulverizer at least 1 time per day.

In order to collect ready-made harvest, mushrooms should be out of the bag overwhelming them up and down. After the oysteries are collected, it is worth paying attention to the weight of the substrate. If it exceeds 3 kg, it is quite suitable for re-falling in the oyster.

Raw materials that can no longer bear fruit, is well suited as fertilizer. In the presence of a household plot, the exhaust substrate can be laid in shrubs or under the crown of trees.

Growing technology of mushrooms is presented on a video clip:

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One answer to mushrooms oyster: growing, care

  1. Igor:

    But, I think, people will be interested in such a theoretical question ...
    Will there be a messenger of HV scrabble of American maple?
    (Lat. Acer Negúndo) - a dangerous invasion species, naturalized in our conditions.
    I have pollles around them ... I got already ... fat - year from year ...
    It seems to be deciduous - and - Maple ...
    If the mushrooms grow - the population is inhabit.
    So far - only on firewood goes ...
    Weed - in dinner. I do not plan special incomes.
    So ... purely theoretically.
    Maybe what other fungus will grow on the invader better?
    Is it possible?
    Sincerely . Igor Mironov.

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