Types of roofing materials

September 11. Roof, Building materials Views 3770 Comments To write types of roofing materials No

The roof is one of the most important elements of any building. It is for it that it accounts for the main load of various natural origin, which may result in not just the destruction of the roof, but to reduce the reliability and strength of the whole house. Therefore, it is very responsible for the choice of the main roofing material, carefully thinking on all the nuances of future operation. To learn more information about all modern coatings, their advantages and disadvantages, read the proposed article below.

Criteria for selecting roofing material

By asking for some roofing materials to buy, first of all it is worth considering the following criteria:

  1. Architectural solution design overlap. Depending on the geometry, the complexity of the shape and angle of inclination, select the best option that will ensure maximum efficiency and attractiveness not only the roof itself, but also the entire architectural ensemble on the site.
  2. Permissible load on overlapping. It takes into account not only the immediate weight of the material itself, but also the load from additional structures for decoration of the flooring - rafters, crates, insulation. Therefore, before buying roofing materials, consider the design possibilities of the foundation of the building.
  3. Durability requirements. In this respect, the defining factor becomes the type of building itself. For example, with the arrangement of a residential building, the requirements will be much higher than when finishing the utility hozblock.


Types of modern roofing materials

The current building market provides a lot of options for the design of the roof. All of them are distinguished by the structure, form, component composition, technology of use and a number of other criteria. In addition, naturally, the price of roofing materials is also an important factor. Considering this, the easiest way to perform the classification of the type of material.

The following categories exist:

  • rolled roofing materials;
  • piece goods;
  • sheet forms.


Rolled materials

Rolled coatings are 2 species:

  • with adhesive base;
  • digesory.

Important! The first form is greater popularity due to the simplicity of application technology and excellent adhesion indicators, and, accordingly, further strength. When using homeless coatings, an additional consumable material is required - a solution or mastic, but also the availability of professional skills of their use. This means that the responsibility for arranging such a roof is much higher.

Types of rolled roofing materials

Among the most sought-after types of rolled materials, I will select the following:

  1. Ruberoid. Until recently, this species was the only one affordable in the rolled coatings. Until now, his relevance is at a fairly high level, as this is the cheapest view of the roof. In this case, the duration of its operation is not too high. 7b.
  2. Rubelast is one of the referenced modifications. The principle of its manufacture is similar, but in the production process, a protective film is added to prevent gluing layers. The front side is treated with mineral crumb, which increases stability. 1309194923_1
  3. Gymelockeroid. A distinctive feature of this type of roofing and waterproofing material is its main component. It is used to create a polyester or high-quality fiberglass. Due to this, its strength is much higher than that of the cardboard usual runner. Additional impregnation by bitumen also introduces a number of additional advantages, for example, a significant increase in service life and an increase in resistance to destruction. tEHNONILOL_KNARKOV1
  4. EuroRuberoid. This kind of rolled roof is a great option for the roof of the house located in a harsh climate. His distinctive features: increased frost resistance and longer suitability, up to 30 years. The additional advantage of such a modification of the runneroid is the need to apply a smaller number of layers while maintaining the strength characteristics. Structure-Ekorubit.
  5. Membrane roof. This species is the most modern enhanced development of technologists. The distinctive features of this roofing material are in durability and simplicity of installation. The membrane coating refers to self-adhesive materials, that is, it is enough to roll it only to roll over the roof in warm weather, pre-removing the protective film.

Advantages of rolled roofing

In order for you to appreciate the rolled materials, we present the main advantages characteristic of all varieties of this group:

  • a light weight;
  • maximum practicality;
  • wide functionality;
  • quiet exploitation due to the softness of the material;
  • excellent waterproofing indicators;
  • ease of installation;
  • the possibility of using on the roofs with any angle of slope, even on flat;
  • resistance to direct solar rays;
  • good level of heat shields;
  • ease of renewal is the possibility of partial sealing of holes, as well as a complete restoration with laying a new material while maintaining the previous coating;
  • environmental purity of all components.

Important! Separately, we note that the entire line is represented by materials in various price categories. It is easy to choose the decoration of the roof in the economy version or a suitable type of coating that satisfies the high requirements for strength and duration of operation.


Disadvantages of rolled roofing

  • it is difficult to achieve high tightness;
  • it is necessary to use unsafe equipment in the formation of flooring;
  • it is not easy to detect the presence of the destruction of the canvas and the place of leakage.


Piece materials

This group is several varieties with various component composition. Basically, they all belong to the category of tiles.

Ceramic tile

The basis of such roofing materials is clay that has undergone the roasting procedure and molding. The dimensions of the piece elements are often small, only 30 * 30 cm, but the weight of each of them is about 2 kg. Standard color solution - a natural reddish-brown shade.


Important! Installation of ceramic tiles is carried out exclusively on the roof with a slope of 22 ° to 60 °. If necessary, to issue more steep slopes will require the creation of additional fasteners. If the skate is below 22 ° - the requirements for ventilation and the design of the water-repellent coating increase. Failure to follow these rules will lead to the rapid destruction of the coating itself and the other elements of the roof design.

Advantages of ceramic tile:

  • good noise insulation;
  • environmental purity;
  • resistance to burning;
  • lack of corrosion;
  • the permissibility of multiple frost-thawing cycles;
  • good vapor permeability;
  • formal variability;
  • durability.


  • bIG WEIGHT, which requires a very durable rafting system and compliance with the load on the base of the structure;
  • fragility;
  • the presence of additional conditions for installation of installation during the arrangement of complex roofs.


Cement-sand tile

The cement-sandy shingle is an alternative to the usual ceramic material. Their appearance is very similar. Requirements for the roof of the roof are the same. When molding, such a tile gives a flat or convex form.



  • resistance to any aggressive impact, even radiation;
  • high frost-resistant indicator;
  • improving strength as exploitation.


  • the volume of elements - the thickness is at least 1 cm;
  • high weight;
  • high requirements for the transport process;
  • the need to observe maximum accuracy during the installation process.


Bituminous tile

To date, the bituminous tile rightfully won the recognition of consumers and enjoys constant high demand.

The structure of this roofing material includes the following layers:

  • directly molded tile from pure bitumen;
  • fiberglass coating;
  • cellulose layer;
  • polyester coating;
  • steady dye;
  • mineral additives for processing facial surface;
  • adhesive canvas.



  • high plasticity;
  • wide Roof Design Opportunities;
  • the admissibility of using almost any roof, the restriction is only when a bias is up to 12 degrees;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • high strength;
  • not corroded;
  • does not rot.
  • restrictions on the installation season - it is unacceptable to operate at temperatures below + 5 ° C;
  • high flammability;
  • changing the color with constant exposure to ultraviolet;
  • high cost;
  • with complex design - special installation conditions.



This category includes a wide variety of component types. Some of them are present on the market for quite a long time, others are just the latest developments. But all the types of roofing materials allocated by us invariably find their application.

Asbesto-cement slate

This roofing material consists of the following components:

  • asbestos - 15%;
  • portland cement - 85%.

Important! As a result of competent mixing and molding, the usual wavy slate is obtained, the standard dimensions of which are 1.2 * 0.7M with a wave height of 3 cm.

Today, the use of this type of coverage is considered an optimal solution for finishing the economic buildings of secondary importance. The main reason for this is the lack of external attractiveness. When using this sheet material, it is necessary to use additional waterproof in the form of rubberoid or other rolled coating. Installation technology requires accuracy and careful attitude to sheets to exclude overruns due to breakage. Fastening is carried out with roofing nails with special pads under the hats.


  • cheapness;
  • ease of processing.


  • the presence of asbestos in the composition harms human health at constant contact;
  • unattractive appearance;
  • long period of drying after natural precipitation, which contributes to the reproduction of moss and fungus;
  • fragility.


Important! Despite the long list of disadvantages, asbestos-cement slate and today is used due to its very low cost, for example, when the cottage is arranged with the seasonal visiting.

Ondulin (Bituminous Slate)

This option is a modified and improved conventional slate. The basis of its cellulose fibers, which are processed by bitumen, resins and mineral additives. It appeared on the market relatively recently, but immediately attracted consumer attention thanks to a number of very significant advantages.


Important! The use of bitumen slate is quite varied - it is great for any roofs whose slope is over 5 °.


  • low weight;
  • the ability to use in light building structures;
  • ease of installation;
  • elasticity;
  • strength;
  • wide color palette;
  • long operation.


  • operating Restrictions - Installation of antennas or snow-holders can cause a breakdown of sheets;
  • high flammability;
  • loss of strength after the expiration of the warranty period;
  • burnout bright coloring with constant exposure to sunlight;
  • not suitable for use in conditions of harsh climate due to weak frost resistance.



This type of roof material is one of the simplest. The profiled sheets for the decoration of roofing floor are made of galvanized hot steel method. Raising stiffness is provided by corrugation.


Important! Restriction on the slope of the roof rope is at least 10 °. The maximum value is not limited.


  • excellent strength;
  • speed mounting;
  • variability of sizes and shades;
  • long period of operation;
  • acceptable cost.

As a lack of professional flooring, it is possible to note only its poor noise insulation, especially when the natural precipitation is dedicated.


Metal tile.

This material occupies a leading sales position. The basis of this tile is high-strength galvanized steel supplemented by a polymer protective coating. The visual effect is that it seems that the whole roof is eliminated by small elements of the tiles. In fact, this is only the design of a solid sheet, the dimensions of which vary depending on the manufacturer.


Important! Suitable use of this roofing material - roofs, whose slot angle exceeds 15 °.


  • speed of installation work;
  • excellent resistance to any mechanical exposure;
  • affordable price;
  • low requirements for transportation conditions;
  • wide species row.


  • low noise insulation;
  • when installing a complex roofing remains a lot of waste.


Folding roofing

A distinctive feature of the folded roof is the smoothness of the steel or copper sheets used. The name of the material went from the principle of technology, more precisely, directly fastening and connections to sheets, which is carried out using a special fold-fold.

Important! The permissible minimum angle of the skate when installing such a roof is 20 degrees. The upper limit has no limit.


  • high strength;
  • durability;
  • nonseasing;
  • the flexibility of the material provides lightness of the decoration of the floor with any roof design;
  • lack of restrictions on the time of installation work;
  • attractive form, especially when using copper sheets.


  • the possibility of formation of dents with direct mechanical impact;
  • the need to apply high-quality insulation;
  • horificate when using copper sheets.



As a conclusion, we present comparative indicators of the durability of the above-described roofing materials using the standard values \u200b\u200bof manufacturers and the real time of conservation of all strength characteristics:

  • rolled coatings - from 5 to 30 years;
  • clay tile - 20-30 years old (100-150 years);
  • cement-sand tile - 30 years (100-150 years);
  • bituminous tile - 15-20 years (30-50 years);
  • asbestos-cement slate - 10 years (30-40 years);
  • professional flooring - 15-20 years (up to 50 years);
  • ondulin - 15-20 years (20-30 years);
  • folding roof - 15-20 years (30-50 years).

Check out the proposed video review of roofing materials from which you will learn additional nuances on some varieties and can independently assess the level of attractiveness of each of them:

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