Reinforcement of the belt foundation with their own hands

December 17. Construction, Foundation Views 1308. Comments to record reinforcement of the belt foundation with their own hands No

Everyone knows that the foundation is the most important part of the structure that should not have any flaws. Moreover, it is necessary to do everything possible so that the base is distinguished by colossal strength, as well as high durability. Many modern technologies allow you to build a foundation in a short period of time, while ensuring the high quality of the work performed.

If we are talking about a tape foundation, it is most often used to build small private structures. But even such buildings should have high strength. It is reinforcing that allows you to be sure that the base of the house will be in one state for decades, and even many dangerous external factors will not be a serious threat.

In this material, we analyze the main points associated with the reinforcement of the belt foundation. Looking a bit in advance, it should be said that this process has a lot of subtleties to be paid attention to.


Features of the belt foundation

As already mentioned, most often tape foundations are erected in private construction. It is about small structures. But at the same time do not forget that the foundations of small private houses are subjected to sufficiently serious loads. Also can exist ground movements and frosty meal. In any case, you should always be prepared for the fact that the foundation will take on a wide variety of influences that can negatively affect its condition.

As for frosty powders, this force has a large scale. It is this lifting force that is capable of exceeding the weight of the structure itself.

In the event that the reinforcement is incorrectly, at the first threat the foundation can collapse, and then the same situation will occur and with the walls of the house.

If the structure is too large, the consequences of improper reinforcement may be simply colossal. In such situations, it is necessary to use the services of specialists who will not only hold the entire construction process, but also provide a long warranty.

The hosts who personally conduct the construction of private houses, most often make a choice in favor of tape foundations due to their simplicity. Despite the fact that such bases are not able to withstand too large loads, for a small structure, it is enough of what is available. There is also a considerable margin of safety, so you can be sure that the structure will endure some external influences.

Of course, without reinforcement, it will not do without reinforcement, especially if we are talking about a structure that has two or more floors, and a large scale. In any case, it should be seriously related to this process, as any errors associated with reinforcement can prevent many problematic moments, which will not be able to correct. It is possible to destroy the frozen concrete without reinforcing, so it is simply necessary to use metal elements to strengthen the foundation.

Subtleties of reinforcement concrete

First of all, you need to know that before reinforcement it is necessary to produce some analysis. We are talking about calculations that allow you to establish actual load on the foundation. After we installed it, you need to start the next step - the selection of fittings.

There is simply a tremendous number of fittings. However, in a concrete case, not all products may be approached. The fact is that too thin metal may not withstand existing loads, and too thick fittings can be very expensive.

For example, if we are erecting a garage or a small barn, then fittings with a diameter of 12 mm completely comes.

As for the calculation itself, it includes a lot of important information that needs to be carefully analyzed. Unfortunately, the newbie with it is unlikely to cope. It is necessary to be sure that the selected reinforcement will be truly reliable and durable. Accordingly, it should be referred to specialists who will conduct all the necessary calculations and will even provide voluminous documentation. If you have done everything yourself, then there is no guarantee that the low strength of the foundation will not appear in a week or year.

In addition to reinforcement, its depth affects the strength of the foundation. This issue should also be paid to a lot of attention, especially if the future building will be distinguished by a large area.


Reinforcement technology

  1. First of all, the formwork is carried out, which in small construction is a wooden frame. As you know, the tree absorbs moisture well, so it is necessary to attach Pergaman to the walls of the formwork. For attachment, you can use a building stapler. At the bottom of the trench, where concrete will be poured, there is a layer of broken brick. You can also use conventional crushed stone. The thickness of this layer should not exceed 50 mm.
  2. Immediately, it should be noted that during the installation of the valve, the distance between the metal elements and the outer surface should be taken into account. This gap must be at least 50 mm. Such a requirement will provide the excellent strength of the foundation.
  3. Next, the form of reinforcement is determined. Now in construction there are a lot of options, but most often we are talking about a metal frame. In this case, the rods are located at a certain distance, which makes it possible to ensure the uniform strength of the future concrete structure. This value depends on the dimensions of the foundation (first of all from depth). Most often, the step between the rods is from 100 mm to 250 mm. Also, attention should be paid to the sizes of cells. Often their length is about 400 mm, and the width is 300 mm. The depth of each cell should be about 750 mm. If a small private house is built, the depth of the cell is not so important.
  4. Now it is necessary to analyze the features of fixing fittings. The problem is that in this case any existing connection methods will not be suitable. In particular, it is indicated that the welding here is categorically impossible. The thing is that the thickness of the metal in the connection places is significantly reduced. Usually, for fastening fittings in construction, use the most ordinary wire. However, the connection of the elements of reinforcement is required as responsibly as possible, as it is extremely simple to allow an error. It is advisable to prevent intermediate reinforcement connections, as it is possible to gain many problems associated with the strength of the structure.

Separately, I would like to note that not only reinforcement can be used to increase the strength of the foundation, but some other tricks. For example, if you do several ventilation holes in the foundation, the strength characteristics of the base will increase significantly.


The process of making a frame of fittings

The whole process of creating a frame of fittings is quite simple. Therefore, even the newcomer can easily cope with this. The main thing is to have the entire necessary amount of reinforcement, as well as calculations that make it possible to approximately submit the future design. Even better - to create a small sketch on which reinforcement will be depicted.

First of all, the vertical reinforcing rods in the land takes place. Most often, if the foundation has an impressive height, it is necessary to place two metal elements in one place. Accordingly, it is required to ensure the connection of these elements among themselves. As already mentioned, the high-quality connection of the elements requires the use of metal wire. All elements of reinforcement should also be connected immediately (which will be located in a particular place), and not separately.

Experts advise on making a metal frame in parallel with the construction of formwork. This is significantly saved, especially if the marking of the territory is already produced in advance. It should also be remembered that the created design of the reinforcement should be really durable. The thing is that under the weight of concrete, which will be poured into the formwork, there is no durable design, it can either twist a little or completely fall. It is impossible to allow this, so before the fill should be handed over to check the quality of the work performed. It is enough to ensure some kind of load to make sure that the design reliability.

Standard reinforcement methods include a vertically pairwise step, which is 300 mm, as well as a horizontal pairwise step - 2000 mm. In the latter case, you need to make sure there are vertically laid bars.

Often, if there is a project for building a structure, it indicates information about all building materials necessary to obtain the final result. There should also be information on the number of reinforcement and its diameter.

As for the fill of the formwork, the mixture should use high quality concrete - M200.

Other events

It should be borne in mind that reinforcement is not the only process that allows you to make the foundation resistant to external influences. Separately, it is necessary to note the protection against moisture, which is uniquely available at the soil level.

Accordingly, for the waterproofing of the foundation, we will need to arm a bitumen mastic. However, the fact is that it is possible to carry out the coating only after the week has passed after the fill of concrete. Only after 7 days, concrete is quite free to carry out other construction work.

Next, we freeze the foundation of bituminous mastic. Almost immediately can be glued to the concrete surface waterproofing material. It may be, for example, polyethylene, or rubberoid. The choice is not fundamental, but it is necessary to ensure maximum moisture resistance. Frequently, insulating materials are stacked by braziness, which makes it possible to completely protect against the influence of moisture and water.

Often, after the construction of the foundation, the soil is processed by a binding polymer, which also gives a good effect that allows you to forget about the negative impact of moisture and water.

The sinuses of the foundation should be filled with sand, after which there is a thorough traam.


Details of reinforcement

  • In modern construction, experts recommend reinforcing a somewhat different way. This is a sufficiently unusual armature location. Metal elements should be perpendicular to each other. In most cases, such a solution can significantly increase the efficiency of reinforcement even on a small scale of construction.
  • As mentioned, the ordinary wire is most often used for ribbon rides. However, in this case, several increased fastening efficiency can be ensured. Specialists advise using steel annealed wire, as well as knitting pistols. With this situation, the construction process not only accelerates, but will also be in high quality. However, do not forget that, first of all, it is necessary to ensure the stability of the metal structure when pouring concrete. The rest of the problems and questions go to the background.
  • As you know, it is often in construction a peculiar stand for the reinforcement frame is a brick lumber. It perfectly performs its direct function, but in some cases the brick can be replaced with plastic holders that can be found in building stores. Many specialists argue that brick is a more practical option for small and large construction, but in the case of its absence it is quite possible to do with plastic stands. Again, it is necessary to provide high strength of the reinforcing design by any means, especially if the construction is truly large.

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