How to build a greenhouse from PVC pipes

April 10. Repair and construction work, Construction Views 3133. Comments to record How to build a greenhouse from PVC pipes No

The greenhouse on the plot is the dream of many who are engaged in seriously growing vegetables and loves to please the seven young homemade cucumbers, when there is no longer anyone else, but even surprise something exotic - Pepino, for example, with a wonderful taste of mango and aroma Melon. All in our hands, everyone can carry out their dream.

Even when finances do not allow to build something overhaul, try to build a greenhouse from PVC pipes - it will cost it inexpensively, and thanks to efforts and great desire, you can grow everything that you wish. How to build a greenhouse with your own hands, consider together.

The attractive greenhouse from PVC pipes

This facility has a mass of advantages:

  • the design of the carcass of greenhouses from PVC pipes is not complicated at all;
  • differs reliability;
  • very simply going;
  • mobile
  • easy;
  • not expensive.

Benefits of the frame of PVC pipes:

  • not subject to rotting;
  • does not corrosive;
  • moisture consists.

The finished carcasses for greenhouses are on sale, but if you do it all with your own hands, it will, first, will cost cheaper, and secondly, it will become the subject of your pride.

The greenhouse of arched type

The most popular are architectural greenhouses. For the construction you need only a minimum of material and a day of two or three times.

Advantages of arched greenhouses

Compared to a greenhouse made in the form of a house, arched is different:

  • more uniform distribution of light;
  • in the absence of or minimum joints;
  • wind resistance;
  • the ability to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouse by adding arcs;
  • upon use of the same material, the arched design is stronger.

We will build a greenhouse with a spacious, so that everything is planted more - 3.7x9.8 m.

Preparatory stage

Before building:

  • choose a place;
  • take the platform.


Forest material

List of everything you need:

  • frame boards - 4 pcs. 20 mm segment of 5 m, 2 pcs. 3.7 M width of 60 mm. And 14 more rails of 3.7 m thick 20 and width of 40 mm;
  • 19 pcs. PVC pipes with a diameter of 13 mm 6 m long;
  • metal rod with a diameter with a length of 10 mm - approximately 27 m;
  • wooden rails 1.2 m - half hundreds of pieces;
  • plastic clamps;
  • screws, although it is possible to replace them with nails;
  • if you crossed the wall or ceiling with plasterboard and you have metal connections, they will be used when building a greenhouse, and if there is no, then you have to buy;
  • loops and handles for doors;
  • polyethylene film 0.5 mm thick, 6 m wide and 15.2 m long. Better-stabilized.


From the tool you will only need:

  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw.

We make the foundation

For the manufacture of the base, the rods and boards will be required:

  • from the rod manufacture 34 poles with a length of 0.7-0.8 m and 4 pcs. - 0.4 m;
  • From the board, we kill a rectangle with a size of 3.5x 10 m, which will be the base of the greenhouse;
  • to give the base of a stable position, fix it in the corners of metal seals with a length of 0.4 m;
  • the remaining 34 Cola distribute uniformly along the side walls of the base, 17 pcs. With each, driving them into the ground to a depth of 0.4 m.

Important: All wooden elements need to be soaked in a means protecting against rot and fungi. It can be a copper vigor or antiseptic.

PVC pipe frame

  • pVC pipes - 17 pcs. we dress on stakes, forming arcs;
  • breeping pipes to the base with metal compounds for drywall.


We make the front and rear walls of the greenhouse

From the 20x40 mm rails, we make blanks:

  • 3.6 m - 2 pcs.;
  • 0.45 m - 4 pcs.;
  • 1.7 m - 4 pcs.;
  • 1.4 m - 4 pcs.;
  • 1.2 m - 2 pcs.;
  • 0.6 m - 8 pcs.

Now everything needs to be collected:

  • of the 2-levels with a length of 1.7 m and one 1.2 m, they bring up a P-shaped structure;
  • retreating from the top of centimeters 30 adding two more P-shaped structures on both sides, where one of the parties will be general, up to 0.6 m, and the sides of 1.4 m;
  • now it is already at the bottom withdrawing 0.6 m and we attach two more squares to the existing 3rd quadrangles - one on each side;
  • finished designs are placed in the ends of the greenhouse and secure them to the ground with nails or screws.

It remains to put the ribs of stiffness on the end, what we do:

  • cut off 4 BROs on o, 7 m, one of the ends cut off at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • one end of the bar connects with the upper side of the square in the end, and the second with the base, as shown here:


We strengthen the top of the arc laying along them all over the length of the greenhouse from the inside of the central pipe. Breeping it to each arc plastic clamps. The finished carcass of the greenhouse looks like this:


Cover greenhouse

The moment of responsible operation approached, on which the heat will be in our greenhouse:

  • we throw the film on the frame;
  • attaching it to the base, pulling it. Work start from the center and moving towards the edges, so you can collect the "extra" film to collect in the folds and consolidate the ends;
  • on the facade, cut out the opening under the door, leaving the allowance to the film can be adjusted inside.

Healthy: it is better to cover the greenhouse when warm on the street - the film softening, it will stretch well and will not be saved; the bakers can be replaced by stripes of linoleum.


We start with sizes refinement:

  • we do the control measurement of the opening;
  • knock a frame from wooden bars according to measurement;
  • we carry out the rigidity of the frame diagonally;
  • cover the frame with film and secure it around the perimeter by the rails. There should be a reserve of centimeters of 10 from all sides, subsequently we will fit it inside;
  • krepim to the door handle;
  • rama secrets looped;
  • the door is ready. We insert it into the opening and fix it.

Similarly, although not quite such an option, the construction of the greenhouse video demonstrates in stages:

This greenhouse can calmly overreim, its strength is enough to withstand the weight of snow, especially if you install the backups from the inside, but it is better to remove the film. The snow will enrich the earth moisture, and it will freeze at a smaller depth.

Greenhouse arched without the use of wood

The frame can be performed completely from PVC pipes and it will be more durable, if you know how to build a greenhouse correctly. To build such a design, you will need:

  • soldering iron designed to solder pipes from polyvinyl chloride;
  • scissors, cutting pipes;
  • fittings: Tees and Crosss.

Manufacturing process

The technology is the same as using wood elements, only the entire design, including the base, consists of PVC pipes:

  • to fix the pipes, on a pre-aligned site, we score pegs;
  • to two long sides of the base with an interval of 0.5 M, tees are welded, and from one and the other edge - crossmen. At the same time, if in tees to perform improvement in such a way that the pipe passes them, then the collapsible version of the frame is obtained;
  • in one of the ends to install pipes under the door frame, we weld two tees at a distance equal to the width of the doorway;
  • form the arch;


  • we make and install the door, and from the opposite end - the window.


We make hinges and latches

Hinges and latches for doors and windows make the same PVC pipes. For latch:

  • cut 2 pieces of pipe with a diameter 1 "100 mm long;
  • glue these two parts and the hinge is ready;
  • fresh the resulting part to the frame using screws.

In order to get a latch:

  • we take a cut of a pipe 1 "and cut out 1/4 of the circumference with scissors;
  • steady paper stepping the edges. The latch is ready.

Covered greenhouse polycarbonate


If you build a greenhouse from PVC pipes and cover it with cellular polycarbonate, it will be even more durable. The frame assembly begins with the end parts:

  • we choose a solid surface and lay out polycarbonate on it;
  • we take a building knife and a ruler and cut 3 sheets with dimensions of 200x210 cm;
  • arch, which will be in the end lay on a flat surface;
  • we take 1 sheet of polycarbonate, remove the protective film and cover the end to them so as to cover the door, partially the end and the window. Leaf facial side at the top. Align it so that the location of the cells on the polycarbonate was perpendicular to the base of the end;
  • fix the sheet using a screw with a pylized washer;
  • cut the excess material on the arc of the end;
  • sheet of the second, removing the protection, apply to the first end of the face upstairs;
  • we check the parallelism of the sheet in relation to the base and fasten it in the same way as the first;
  • with the third sheet, as well as with the second, attaching it to the first on the other side;


  • we decorate the doors and the windows.

We close the rear end in the same way. Next, we connect the ends with the base and mount the entire carcass of the greenhouse.


We start installing polycarbonate coating:

  • we take a roulette and measuring the arc;
  • cut off the sheet of polycarbonate, adding to the result of the measurement of 100 mm;
  • based on the length of the greenhouse and the sheet width (2.1 m), we determine the required number of sheets;
  • we put the sheet on the frame face up;
  • krepim him to the arc by the same self-drawing, which was used with the cladding of the ends;
  • we put and fix the following sheets;
  • we remove the protective film;
  • seal joints, by using silicone sealant.

It is important: The edges of the sheets located near the ends should be 50 mm.

How to build a greenhouse, about some of the process nuances and about solving problems arising during the construction of tasks, will tell and show this video material:

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