Glass Triplex: Characteristics and Application

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Today, many consumers are highlighted in the quality of the quality of goods and the presence of unique functional features. In the glass industry, special attention is paid to the safety of products. They should not be broken and cause injured to man. One of these products is the glass triplex, which will be discussed in this article.

Types of glass and methods of manufacture

In essence, this product is two plates of polished glass in combination with film or liquid material. Triplex glass thickness is from 6 to 40 mm, which depends on the type of material.


Triplex is sustainable:

  • to mechanical exposure;
  • to fire;
  • to noise;
  • to frost.

In turn, multilayer glass, resistant to mechanical loads, is divided depending on the type of influence on such groups:

  • resistant to shock soft or solid objects;
  • explosion-proof;
  • pulesty.

The criterion for the efficiency of the use of fire-resistant glass is the loss of integrity per unit of time; noise protection - indicator of reducing the noise passing along the street of transport; Frost-resistant - minimum operating temperature.

Depending on the method of manufacturing glass Triplex to order can be:

  • bay;
  • film;
  • construction.

During the production of the fuel triplex, the plates are used from the glass, which along the entire surface are connected to each other with a special liquid composition. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the liquid turns into a polymer.

The manufacture of a film triplex is carried out by exposure to high temperatures and pressure on the finished polymer film, with which glass plates gluing.

The construction triplex is made from organic glass with the addition of polyvinyl butyral film or other polymeric materials. In the form of glass plates can be straight and bent. Moreover, the necessary form is attached to the glass in advance to the gluing process.

In appearance, the triplex is divided into:

  • colorless and tinted;
  • matte and colored.


In the manufacture of glass triplex with a tinted film used painted. In the automotive industry, the tinted glass has a strip to protect against sunlight, which is in the top of the material.

Colored triplex production can be carried out in two ways.

  1. The first option involves the use of ready-made painted glass plates.
  2. The second way is to glue a special color film on the manufactured triplex.

In the conditions of high loads, the tempered glass triplex is used. His durability (especially for bending) is several times higher than the properties of simple glass.

By purchasing a high-quality triplex, it should be considered that it is characterized by:

  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • increased moisture resistance;
  • low optical distortion;
  • the presence of a film that should withstand the boiling process for 2 hours.

Scope of application of material

Possessing the magnificent ease and transparency, perfectly smooth and shining surface, the glass triplex in the photo and in real life has been applied in various spheres of human life. The presence of this type of glass in architectural compositions and in the design of the room is attached to any incomparable charm and severity.

Practicality, reliability and affordable value made material popular in the rapidly developing construction industry. Nowadays, Triplex can be seen in the interior of many buildings. Glass facades, visors and windows decorate the appearance of houses. Office partitions, shop windows, stairs, floors and showers look expensive and modern indoors.

Often the triplex is also used in production facilities. For example, it is used in the manufacture of elements of railway compositions. In the banking sphere, glass box office components and cells for storing cash and expensive items are popular. Reliable car windscreen glasses are also made of triplex.


Increased triplex transparency fills with light any room without cluttering it. Rooms with glass partitions become visually more spacious. The ease of structures gives a feeling of the complete absence of walls.

In addition, glass structures in most cases are transformable. By installing the door with a glass triplex, a partition or a coffee table of glass, after some time these designs can be changed without problems. Fusing, sandblasting, photo printing, painting, etc. - With this, any original design ideas can be implemented on glass designs.

A rather unique technical solution is the production of a heated triplex. The heating element serves as a layer of oxide durable inserts from metal. The coating that conducts the current is inside the glass. The power of the incoming electricity is adjusted using a special device.

The scope of the heated triplex can be diverse. It can be used:

  • as an additional heating source;
  • when removing a large number of snow with roofs of buildings;
  • when heating the glass designs of machines (portholes on ships, windows of electrical locomotives).

With the help of a heating triplex, glass partitions can be heated in offices and at home, creating comfortable conditions for staying in the premises.

How to make triplex

There is an excellent opportunity to make multilayer glass at home. And no need to spend huge funds and physical efforts. All necessary materials are bought in a specialized store.

Independent Triplex production is carried out using:

  • conventional silicate polished glass;
  • the binder of the liquid component, which includes styrene;
  • catalyst-hardener;
  • glasses cleaner;
  • synthetic paints to give shades.

There are several mandatory requirements for the manufacture of triplex. In particular, the creation of the binder component should be engaged after harvesting and cleaning the glass.


Determined amount of chemicals used. When using the mounting tape thickness of 1 mm is necessary to 1 liter of liquid at 1 m glass. If the tape has a thickness of 2 mm, then the binder liquid component required 2 times longer.

The mixing of chemical reagents is produced in a clean plastic container (preferably with divisions). The specific weight of the hardener in the range of 1-2% of the total binder liquid.

A more detailed figure it depends on the air temperature. Optimum temperature is 18 ºC. At 6 ° C to decrease its amount of hardener need to be increased to 2%, increasing by 6 ° C - to reduce to 1%.

Displacement of synthetic dyes up to 5% of the total amount of all components. The exact figure depends on the saturation of colors.

Now go directly to how the triplex is made at home.

  • It all starts with cutting a glass sheet into smaller billets. To do this, use a glass cutter and a table. Connectable preform must have the same resolution.
  • All joint surfaces thoroughly cleaned glass cleaner and wipe wipes. Glass must be clean, dry and lint-free.
  • On the entire surface of the first glass is pasted on the perimeter mounting tape. Wherein in the corners of the blank between the joints of the tape should be a small gap.
  • Virtually all mounting tape with a protective film is removed. The exception is the place to be inserted watering. At this point, it is necessary to pull the edges of the tape outside of the glass.
  • Above the transfer film pasted over the first sheet of glass is placed second. Effective bonding of the two sheets is achieved by gently pressing the tape.
  • Glass a little apart, and between them a thin spout is inserted into a pre-made watering. The protective film is removed at this point.
  • On the table, put a piece of wood. It should be laid at an angle of glass. After watering fill liquid component in the space between glass panes.
  • After filling the bottom of the triplex structure angles are terminated clay. This prevents leakage of fluid.
  • Further, the space between the glasses is completely filled with the composition. And casting is carried out without interruption, which prevents the appearance of air bubbles.
  • Filling the entire triplex liquid, watering carefully removed. Cleared protective film, which was under watering.
  • Around the perimeter of the construction of the upper glass is pressed against the bottom. We pay special attention to the corners of the triplex.


  • The bar is cleaned. The connected glasses are stacked on the table. The flooded fluid should evenly distribute the interconnect space, displacing air bubbles through the existing gaps in the corners. After that, they close them with plasticine.

If there are air bubbles on the edges of the glasses, they are removed by the syringe. A needle is entered between the ribbon and glass, with which the remaining air is removed. After 20 minutes, the chemical component hardens. Triplex is ready to install on scheduled place.

Triplex making video:


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