Crushed stone for foundation: species and application

February 27. Building materials, Foundation Views 1305. Comments To record crushed stone for foundation: species and application No

Before spending large-scale construction work, which implies colossal financial spending, you should make a choice in favor of high-quality construction resources. Of course, now manufacturers offer just a colossal choice of construction products, and inexperienced people are guaranteed to be able to decide on the best resource option for a particular event.

If we are talking about metal panels, drywall and many other resources, everything is quite simple here. It is only necessary to explore the documentation that the manufacturer provides, and from this make the appropriate conclusions. In the event that we need crushed stone to create a solid and reliable foundation, the task is sharply complicated. You can find several different types of this product on sale, and each has its own characteristics.

Thus, not every crushed stone can be suitable for creating a foundation. This question is extremely important, since the state of the structure as a whole depends on the strength of the foundation. In this material, we will analyze the highlights associated with the classification and other important features of the crushed stone for construction work. We also take into account some subtleties that are usually observed when using rubble to create a foundation.


The main features of the choice of rubble for the foundation

Obviously, the foundation is an extremely responsible design that should be served at least several decades. In the event that the quality of at least one construction resource turned out to be low, you should expect not the most pleasant consequences. At the very beginning, the problem may limit ourselves to only small fractures of the foundation, but later it is impossible to exclude large-scale deformations of all structures.

In construction, there are many examples of how the state of the structure may deteriorate due to the incorrect choice of building materials. Obviously, all those who have not paid special attention to the quality or features of construction resources, after some time they wished it strongly.

First of all, it is responsible for such things during the creation of important structures. It may be a big house or a huge industrial building. From the wrong selected crushed stone, residential premises can gradually come to a dissent state, and in the case of an industrial structure, we can get colossal losses (except for money spent directly on construction).

Purchase rubble

  • To begin with, it should be borne in mind that the acquisition of rubble is the most important question from which half of success depends. Often the owners who crave to save at least some money acquire rubble in dubious manufacturers. Often this products can be found on large tracks where drivers on dump trucks immediately offer to transport crushed stone to the right place. The most interesting thing is that among these sellers often come across and responsible suppliers, and also offering products at a low price, but no one can protect themselves from errors. Indeed, there are sellers who easily provide inexperienced customers with low quality products, while arguing that the resource is the best suitable for construction works of various scales.
  • Obviously, to trust such words is only in the most extreme cases. It is even better to just ask the seller information about products. Often this is a kind of documentation in which all the necessary characteristics are indicated, as well as printing from the manufacturer. With such a situation, you can be sure that the goods actually meets all the requirements.
  • If you still have decided to purchase products that have no confirmations and official marks from the manufacturer, you should personally make sure that the product quality should be appropriate. To do this, you can simply analyze the appearance of the stone (we will talk about the main characteristics of the material below), and make some conclusions. In the event that the material is actually high quality, you can safely acquire.
  • Those people who do not want to risk, and also do not want to make a controversial choice, should look in the direction of products from authoritative manufacturers. Often crushed stone sold in industrial zones and near construction supermarkets.


Classification of rubble by origin

First of all, it is necessary to analyze the variety of rubble on its origin. It is necessary to note in advance that in this plan the material has a large selection, and it is precisely on the origin of the crushed to pay attention primarily when buying.

  • Granite crushed stone. The main feature of this rubble is high strength. Obviously, it speaks of his high operational capabilities. This crushed stone can be safely used not only when creating a foundation, but also in any other responsible projects. Ultimately, if a granite crushed stone was used, we are guaranteed to get a solid construction that will serve for many years. Unfortunately, not always the owners can afford to acquire a granite crushed stone, since its cost is high enough. If the design created is small, then the meaning in the use of granite rubble is still available.
  • Gravel crushed stone. Many builders use gravel material as a decent substitution with granite rubble. This stone is not so durable, but its price is significantly lower than granite. If we are talking about the use of gravel rubble to create a foundation, this is an excellent solution that will allow to obtain a truly durable and durable basis. Experts recommend using this type of rubble only if the building is no more than two floors.
  • Limestone crushed stone. This type of natural material is also often used when creating foundations. It has a low price, as well as good properties. The weak side of the material is low strength, so when creating responsible projects, limestone crushed stone is better not to use. Many people make a choice in favor of this material due to its environmental friendly, however, it is often a useless advantage.
  • Slag crushed stone. Slag material is quite common, as it has a low price. This crushed stone is obtained from industrial waste, so this resource is very much on the market. To create the foundation, slag crushed stone is also well suited, especially if the structure will have up to two floors.
  • Secondary rubble. This option is extremely low, so it is recommended to use it for the construction of a foundation only when creating small arbors or other modest objects in the area.

If we create a foundation with a shallow occurrence, it still makes sense to make a choice in favor of granite rubble. Financial spending will be considerable, but we get confidence in the high quality of the concrete structure.


Characteristics of rubble for foundation

In addition to the origin of rubble, you also need to pay attention to a number of characteristics that the material has. It should be noted that today on sale you can find a huge range of rubble with those or other characteristics, and sometimes it is very difficult to determine the choice of a better option. Thus, it is necessary to carefully analyze each item and make certain conclusions.

  • Rubble fraction. It is the material fraction that has the greatest importance. The size of the units of the construction resource depends on how strong the structure will be during the period of operation. In addition, on this basis, we obtain one or another level of clutch of material with a solution and other components of the concrete mix. We will talk more about the rubble fraction in more detail in this article.
  • Radioactivity rubble. The issue of security should always stand in the first places. Unfortunately, on sale it is really possible to find a radioactive crushed stone, and it can particularly influence the health of people in a residential building. Most often, unsafe material is sold without a license and any other documents. Thus, you need to either check the material before purchasing with a dosimeter, or simply refuse to acquire dubious goods. It is also known that the radioactive background of the granite rubble is often higher than that of the gravel.
  • Strength. Obviously, without high strength, crushed stone can not be used for responsible construction work. Moreover, if we talk about such a characteristic, as durability, it should be borne in mind that in this case there is a wide range of products, which is based on this important aspect. Again, granite crushed stone is the most durable material, since the composition of this product is almost deprived of undesirable components. In turn, gravel crushed stone has low strength, since its composition, obviously, can be diverse (the material is obtained by sieving the career). Limestone crushed stone is still less durability than gravel. Thus, the strength of each product must be specified directly from the seller. Much may depend on where the breed was mined.
  • Beschy. This characteristic is also extremely important if crushed stone is used for construction work. Beshech is a characteristic that determines the flatness of the material. Often, experts distinguish between 4 types of brees: the retaed, cuboid, improved and ordinary. Specialists, again, recommend using a cuboid material, as it has the highest flatness. If the products have plastic grains, then emptiness is often formed in concrete, negatively affecting the overall quality of concrete, which means that the entire structure is generally.
  • Frost resistance. The frost resistance of the material also needs to be responsible. In the climatic zone in which the CIS countries are, it is necessary to keep in mind that when it drops with frosts in warm weather, the quality of concrete deteriorates somewhat. Frost resistance is determined by the cycles of freezing and thawing the material. Often, concrete structures are withstanding about 300 cycles without losing the main properties. Thus, crushed stone must match this indicator.

As we have already spoken, in the documentation that should be present at the seller, all the above characteristics of rubble are indicated. It is based on this data that we must make a choice in favor of this or that material.


Fraction material

Already after we have decided on some characteristics of the rubble needed for construction work, you need to pay attention to the rubble fraction. Including from the material fraction depends on whether it is possible to use crushed stone for construction work.

Small crushed stone:

  • 3x8 mm;
  • 5x10 mm;
  • 10x20 mm;
  • 5x20 mm.

The average fraction:

  • 20x40 mm;
  • 25x60 mm.

Large fraction:

  • 20x70 mm;
  • 40x70 mm.

There are also non-standard fractions, but they are not suitable directly for construction needs, since such rubble often performs a decorative function.

Small and medium fractions are excellent options for creating foundations and other concrete structures. Large rubble fractions are often used to create bridge structures and many other massive structures.

In addition, there are European standards for rubble fractions, which, on the authoritative conclusion of specialists, are the best options for use in construction.

As for directly the creation of the foundation, it is advisable to use the medium-sized material. Too fine fraction will have a positive effect on the quality of a concrete structure, but it will not have to pay for this pleasure, and it will not be possible to find a special difference during operation. You can also use advice to consultants and other specialists who have certain experience in construction and know about some subtleties of this craft.

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