Water garden do it yourself

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The garden of aqueous plants is a unique composition, which is a balanced ecosystem. He elegantly fits into any atmosphere and allows you to relax when contemplating the surface of the water.

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Water garden - the world of a wide variety of plants


Plant adaptation to water


Real aquatic plants for the most part take care of themselves independently and do not require special care. As for the swamp and coastal, then they need a good guardianship.
At the same time, each type of plant has its own habitat, which is caused by the place of growth. In this regard, the water garden is conditionally divided into 4 zones: coastal, swamp, shallow and deep-water.

Water Living Plants


The following types of plants are present in water gardens:

1. Swamp.

Represent a transitional option between the pond coastal and other plant plants:

  • rogersi;
  • swamp primroses;
  • japanese irises;
  • bolotnaya bow, etc.

At the same time, they tend to root at the bottom of the reservoir. In the small water garden, which can be built from mobile containers, it is recommended to place a layer of soil for them.

2. Border species of plants loving water.

Grow in a wet soil along the edges of the ponds and in very raw nizenas:

  • swamp irises;
  • hunners;
  • reeds;
  • canes, etc.

3. Plants having floating leaves.

Can be rooted in the primer of the pond or remain not rooted:

  • duckweed;
  • azolla;
  • lilies;
  • many decorative aquatic plants, etc.

4. Plants immersed in water.

They have floating on the surface of the leaves, may remain uncorrected and rooted at the bottom of the reservoir. Such plants are grown for oxygen water saturation:

  • walisveria;
  • mirofilum, etc.

5. Plants cleansing water.

Nymphi (lily, water lily), Elday, Uuhut and Lotus - are plants enriching water with oxygen. At the same time, floating on its surface, they protect the flora and fauna from the harmful effects of sunlight. Thus, absorbing mineral substances dissolved in water, they provide self-purification of ponds.

6. Deepive plants.

Such plants rooted at a depth of 0.5-1.8 m. Accordingly, their leaves and shoots are under water. Only inflorescences can be seen on the surface:

  • bag;
  • buttercourse water and others.

In addition, there are oxygenator plants among deep-searates, which are fully immersed in water, serve as feeding for living organisms, restore the development of nital algae and unicellular:

  • coat;
  • pemphigus;
  • elodea Canadian;
  • restes;
  • ugut wisely, etc.

Plants for landscaping decorative reservoir




Specialists engaged in water gardens, often use the following types of plants:

  • trifol;
  • litholist;
  • nymphs;
  • buttercup;
  • yellow cube;
  • reed;
  • iris;
  • waterfronts usual;
  • white.

Nymphi - a variety of palettes and unique varieties

Nymife can be lined up in a barrel with water or a mini pond. For this, it is quite suitable for a dwarfish variety Pygmaea nonlvola, which has pale yellow ocher and star flowers. Such a water plant, as a real king, is inherent in the majestic peace: it loves a large amount of sunlight and standing water, so the waterfalls and fountains do not like it. Grounding, Nymphi creates a beautiful carpet, and the leaves of one plant can occupy the area from 0.5-2.5 m in diameter, preventing water heating in hot summer days.

RDEST (yarrow)

It has light green leaves that are collected in a socket. It helps to purify the reservoir, saturate with oxygen and can sometimes bloom. Well adapts to cold water, but it needs intensive bright lighting.

Mobile water garden do it yourself


If you have a desire to make a water garden at the cottage, but the size of the garden plot does not allow, then you can create a miniature and mobile version in a couple of hours:

1. Take cedar boards with a thickness of 0.25 cm.

2. The cutting of the blanks we carry out the most accurately, in order to minimize the discrepancy between the seams.

3. All ends process with silicone sealant and tighten with the help of self-tapping screws.

4. After collecting the box, placing the bottom, which is installed flush with the bottom of the side walls. Fix it on the self-tapping screw with a step of 15 cm. You can use a thick phaneer or trimming of old boards as the bottom.

5. The ends of the box are reinforcing the rails with a cross section of 12x25 mm, which are pre-covered with sealants and are attached to the self-tapping screw.

6. Install the separator board in the 1: 3 ratio, which will dispense the water surface and "land".

7. To seal the compartments, take ready-made plastic liners that are suitable in size, or use the same sealant.

8. In the bottom of the "dry" compartment we drill several drainage holes. In the event that the plants you choose different requirements for watering and soil, then place them in separate containers.

9. Before planting plants on the bottom of the compartment, pinned bricks in such a way that the pots stood about 5 cm below the water stroit. Then the soil is poured into them, not reaching 2 cm to the edge, then plants are planted and the vase is complemented by river shallow pebbles.

If you wish, you can add your mini-water garden with a variety of decorative elements.

If you plan to launch fish into it, then be sure to be floating on the surface of the plant, which will additionally produce oxygen.

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