Greenhouse with your own hands: Tips and recommendations

January 27 Repair and construction work Views 2109 1 comment Greenhouse recording with his own hands: tips and tricks

To acquire suburban area is its effective use for the benefit of owners. In order to grow vegetables and fruits in the garden of their year-round, not just during the warm, long time was invented outbuildings - a greenhouse. Properly organized greenhouses allow cottagers cultivate horticultural crops, regardless of weather conditions. About how should look like a hothouse, where it is better to place and what do we consider below.

Aims and objectives of greenhouses


  1. Hotbeds in our region need to grow plants used by man in food. This approach allows you to make gardening more productive winter, the second half of the fall and the first half of the spring season.
  2. Also a good greenhouse, made their own hands, and with the right approach, you can easily grow and the more unusual fruit for our latitude, something exotic.
  3. Most modern greenhouses are organized in the same principle, with individual differences in the materials used and drawings of the structure. However, for each view, a rigid frame must be performed, and then the facing material is already mounted on it. Metal, plastic and wood frames are most practical and widespread. For roofing work, it is often used inexpensive polycarbonate, shockproof glass and transparent PVC film.

How to choose a place for a greenhouse


In order for the household greenhouse to give a big harvest her, oddly enough, you need to position in the right place. Failure to comply with elementary requirements can reduce all work on no. So, what to pay attention to the design of the greenhouse.

  1. The main requirement is the place where you position the greenhouse design. This part of the household plot must be fully opened by the sun's rays as long as possible per day. In addition, the wind rose also has tremendous importance, especially if it concerns the northern cyclones. Therefore, to set the greenhouse on the site correctly need to adhere to the longitudinal location from the west to the East, thus the entire end part of the structure will be facing on the sides to the north and south.
  2. Do not plan the design away from the residential building, place it closer and in a prominent place.
  3. If other economic buildings have already been erected on the land plot, the greenhouse is not far from them. So you will more effectively distribute the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth and decide the question with the protection of the greenhouse from the cold gusts of the wind.
  4. In small areas up to 6 acres, it will not be possible to arrange a large building for the cultivation of vegetables, because then it will take the entire space in the center. In this case, professional gardeners attach greenhouse to home or summer kitchen. In addition to the organization of the process, it is very convenient from the point of view of operational work and practical access to beds without leaving home.
  5. When designing and installing a greenhouse frame, keep in mind that the end wall on the east side should be a little longer. So you will provide the inclination of the future roof in the west side, which will allow the sunshine to penetrate into all corners of the beds in proportional quantity.
  6. To create the necessary degree of illumination, especially during cloudy weather or during the lack of the Sun, it is recommended to take care of an additional source of light. No, for this you do not need to install street lamps, it is enough to direct light particles from other areas of the site toward the greenhouse. To do this, with a colder northern part of the construction, you need to install reflective screens. It should consist of the white-colored carcass, and rectangular canvases covered with a special reflective film. It is necessary to arrange such devices along the entire length of the greenhouse at a distance of no more than 1 m from the front part of the greenhouse. So you will ensure not only the correct distribution of the sun's rays, but also their sufficient amount.
  7. However, in one direction and distribution of light, the organization of the necessary microclimate in the greenhouse does not solve. To make it easier to maintain the necessary temperature in the greenhouse, when installing the frame, deepen a little base. Just only 0.6 - 0.7 m, so that moisture and heat delayed in the air longer. Be careful, do not overdo it, otherwise the low plants in your greenhouse will be in the shade.
  8. Remember that you will have to work in the greenhouse constantly and at different times of the day, and therefore access to water and electricity is simply necessary. This is another reason to have the construction near the benefits of the civilization of a residential building on the site.
  9. Remember about the shadow. Do not land even young trees near the greenhouse, and do not eat it close to adult individuals. Even if it seems to you that today it does not play any role, but the trees grow and not only above the surface of the Earth, but under it, which can deleacively affect both the lack of the Sun and on the development of the root system of plants in the greenhouse.

Greenhouses and greenhouses: types

Winter greenhouses


Such structures are specially equipped for growing fruit plants at negative temperatures. Winter greenhouse, made with her own hands, is constructed thoroughly and for many years, so it is in such configurations that the selection of terrain is extremely important.

For the construction of a stationary greenhouse, various roofing materials can be used, however, the foundation is unchanged. It can be both tape and pile or even a column. Select the type and technology of the base must be based on the planned sizes and materials selected for cladding.

Winter greenhouse thermos


This type of greenhouse execution assumes a rather serious foundation that entails a number of earthworks. Consider its features.

  1. The design for the design should be quite deep, not less than 10 m. In addition to this wall of the dummy basin, you must additionally strengthen.
  2. In the future, to make a greenhouse with her own hands, its walls in front of the facing need to be insulated with the help of thermal insulation material.
  3. Special attention should be paid to the greenhouse entry, which will be actively operated in winter. It is recommended to make a transition room - a tambour that will take on the air blow of cold streams.
  4. When planning a winter greenhouse from RAM with their own hands, separately stop on the question of the construction of the roof and strength of its coating materials. Depending on the region and the character of the winters, it is necessary to take into account the possible thickness of the snow layer per season. The roof must withstand a similar test. From the practice, it copes well with such a problem by impact-resistant glass with a thickness of at least 4 - 5 cm. Of course, it does not cancel the regular surface control of the roofing surface and its cleaning to prevent collapse, but it is also important for lighting plants inside the greenhouse.
  5. A short light day in winter and the absence of sufficiently quantity of the Sun negatively affect the growth and yield of the cultures of the greenhouse, so it is necessary to provide additional artificial lighting. This question is easy to solve with the help of LED lamps with directional light. Plus, they are not heavy and easily attached to the roof surface, without increasing the load on it, in addition, such lamps consume quite a bit of electricity, so the lighting of the greenhouse until 16 hours per day will not be overhead.
  6. It is necessary in the drawings of the winter greenhouses you need to provide a place for heating devices and natural ventilation, which can also be made with your own hands. As an optimal heating, an ordinary furnace or modern heating convectors usually use, but in this case it is necessary to hardly control the humidity in the greenhouse, since inexpensive fans are often overpowered by air, which adversely affects the state of plants and their yield.

Greenhouse from polycarbonate


Polymer plastic is one of the most practical and demanded materials for the facing of modern greenhouses. He acquired such popularity due to a relatively low cost, with other advantages in the form of simplicity and installation speed. Although polycarbonate and has high performance, such as strength, ease, resistance to low temperatures and the plasticity of the nuances when planning such a kind of greenhouses should be considered.

  1. Most of the greenhouses made of polymer plastic have a semicircular shape, from the ends like the arch. A similar design is practical in terms of installation, time and financial costs, as it removes the need to build a solid design for walls.
  2. However, with such an organization, the greenhouses arise difficulties with the air of the room under the dome, because now it will be much more difficult to establish small vents. The fact is that the sheets of material performed by extrusion of polycarbonate granules strongly weaken its rigidity, which subsequently affects the tightness of the surface under the influence of weather conditions. The way out of this situation is easy enough to install two entrances to a greenhouse on both sides and from each end to build a small window for additional ventilation during the hot season.
  3. When planning to make a greenhouse from polycarbonate with their own hands, keep in mind that such a type of construction, despite its low weight, already requires although not quite solid, nevertheless inpatient foundation.
  4. Performing greenhouses and greenhouses from a transparent polymer with their own hands on the photo, do not forget to pay attention to the roofs, namely their shape. Since such plastic is well bend, it will be practical to arrange the bottom of the roof of the greenhouse in the form of concave inside panels. In this case, it is possible to calculate everything in such a way that the convex part of the polymer is located at an altitude of about 1.4 - 1.5 m. It is such a roof design that will contribute to spontaneous cleaning of the surface from precipitation, and any contamination can be easily removed.
  5. For the polymer roof it is not necessary to make a solid framework, due to the ease of material, it is sufficient to slightly increase the base using a construction grid and for this you can even choose a large size of cells. A similar approach is thoroughly consolidated by a light polymer, and will also help prevent possible plastic deflections under the pressure of a large amount of precipitation.
  6. Having calculated and mounted the greenhouse with their own hands on the basis of the above recommendations, you can mount a greenhouse quickly and relatively inexpensively, which you can use all year round.

Heated greenhouses


Make individual heating in the greenhouse with your own hands can also be several options. Elementary methods of maintaining a microclimate in the greenhouse include furnace heating in the form of a special bunching oven for the greenhouse. Such a heating device in the greenhouse can be built with your own hands from the old gas cylinder or wine barrel, simply by studying the elementary video.

Of course, the ideal case is such a proximity to residential heating that it is not difficult to connect it for the greenhouse. The use of stationary heating will save on the structures of the roof by making it a single one.

Single green tanks


Private greenhouses of this type when installing also need to start with the foundation. Usually, the construction is performed in the form of continuing a residential building, the inside of which is central heating is carried out. The best option is also considered to be the entrance to the greenhouse, organized directly from the kitchen or any other comfortable room.

To properly build a greenhouse of a single-table type, it is necessary to thoroughly think about its scheme and choose a durable material, for example, to stop at the polycarbonate version with the strengthening of walls using a construction grid or first drive out a metal frame, and then drive a shock-resistant glazing.

Summer greenhouses

To build on its site, the summer greenhouse will need, perhaps, at least strength and costs. For the most part, small greenhouses under the film are installed on the garden sites with their own hands, simply pulling the material on a simple base made of wood, remnants of construction wires or elementary PVC pipes.

Greenhouses from the film


The greenhouses of such a configuration do not require the laying of the foundation, since they are not designed for long-term operation and put on the hosts on the ambulance hand for one season. Minus such structures lies in their vulnerability. In the summer, the film can break from heavy rain or hail and even the wind can damage the bases of consolidation. Well, about the winter period of its operation and speech can not be, because such a greenhouse does not provide for heating and strengthen the roof under the pressure of snow.

Nevertheless, such greenhouses are quite popular because of their simplicity, cheapness and installation time. And even if you do not want to design a solid greenhouse, a greenhouse under the film can be made more wear-resistant to weather conditions and extend its life. To do this, you can do the following:

  • to cover the use of not the cheapest PVC film, but to stop your choice on the reinforced type;
  • consider the greenhouse frame, for example, from pipes that can be quickly dismantled with their own hands in winter;
  • use more practical fastening of material to a frame that will not spoil the material and allow it to last longer.

Even such a simple design and minimum materials will make a greenhouse more aesthetic, rather than a greenhouse from old frames, properly, with their own hands. In addition, such a construction is mobile and, if desired it can be installed again elsewhere.

Wooden greenhouse with your own hands: Installation instructions


The most common, simple and cheapest material that can be selected for the greenhouse is a tree. Made correctly, such a design can serve for quite a long time. Strong wood is capable of listening to 10 years. Larch and oak are famous for its excellent operational properties.

Preparing a place under the foundation


  1. To begin with, we correctly choose a place to locate the future greenhouse.
  2. The next step is placing the rectangular area and proceed to the preparation of the soil. To do this, align the top layer of the Earth, falling asleep even minor pits, and divide the chain slices. In parallel, we remove all the garbage and protect the territory with the help of ropes stretched between stakes.
  3. Of course, the size of the greenhouse needs to be chosen as necessary, however, it is worth sticking to the recommended standards, at least 6 * 3 m. Otherwise, the area will be too small, and the plants may suffocate.
  4. Now we take for the foundation. For a frame from a tree under the film, a serious basis is not required, since the greenhouse will be easy by weight. In this case, we choose a columnar foundation that is quickly mounted with your own hands. In addition, the costs of materials will be insignificant.
  5. We prepare 6 small pits 50 cm deep under wooden columns with a cross section of 11 cm and a length of 3 m. We have them at the corners and in the middle one. We deepen no more than 0.5 m. Thus, we obtain the final height of the base of 2.5 m - it is quite acceptable for the film greenhouse.
  6. We prepare a small amount of concrete mixture and pour into the spaces of the pits, thus strengthening the foundation. A few days later, we begin to mount the carcass of the greenhouse.

Mount the frame for a greenhouse


  1. We prepare horizontal bars and mount them with self-draws to the posts at the top and in the middle. It is allowed to use metal corners, but in no case nails.
  2. To the upper beam fastened rafters in increments of 0.5 m for the subsequent installation of the facing. The framework made in this way will be more stable.
  3. Do not forget about mandatory vents - windows, well, and naturally, doors. The input should be at least 1.8 * 0.8 m and it would be better for two, and the windows are about 0.5 * 0.5 m.

We establish the overlap of the greenhouse

The materials discussed above are good for the greenhouses, each is unique. Consider the facing of the frame for the greenhouse by an ordinary PVC film. It can be said that this is the cheapest material of all, but also the most vulnerable. The film is well passed the sun's rays well, very light, simply mounted and does not require additional strengthening. On transmissibility, it can be compared only glass, but it is not cheap, it is easy to damage even when installed, which complicates the installation. In addition, this material weighs much more, therefore requires an enhanced frame and foundation. After buying and preparing the material, we proceed to the decoration of the roof.

  1. We make the shape of the streamlined so that the precipitate cannot be delayed on its surface did not interfere with the penetration of the sun's rays and did not lead to its damage. Stop at a duplex with an inclination angle of 25 ° C.
  2. Mount the film from the outside using wooden crossbars of a small thickness. So we will not damage the film itself, and it will last our greenhouse longer.

Preparing a greenhouse design to work


After the installation of the design is over, and the greenhouse has become similar to the greenhouse, it is necessary to prepare it for operation. For this you need:

  • check the tightness of all walls, and especially inputs and windows;
  • take care of proper heating and coverage of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouse;
  • tested uninterrupted water supply;
  • check ventilation.

After the necessary strokes are completed, you can be taken to landing crops, choose the ground, place the beds, set the desired temperature and irrigation schedule.

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One answer to the greenhouse with your own hands: Tips and recommendations

  1. Inwer.:

    Here is such A greenhouse is difficult to install yourself? Or do you need to hire workers?

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