Trimming trees in winter: features and useful tips

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Each experienced and novice gardener should know that the key to good crop fruit trees and shrubs is regular and correct care. One of these measures is the annual cleaning of plants of fruiting individuals from old and dead branches. Such manipulations are important to produce annually on the eve of cold weather to increase yields and prevent diseases. The correct adjustment of the crown and variations in the height of the trunk will pay off in full for the next season due to an increase in the volume of crop from each tree.

In addition, special attention should be paid to the remnants of shoots on the branches and the elimination of dry leaves. Different dry residues of branches can be used to fertilize the site, which is also very useful.

Features of winter trimming

  1. Constant time for trimming fruit trees is winter period. It is when plants are already preparing to sleep and dump the foliage, the removal is not so painful affects the tree as a whole.
  2. If you choose between seasons and decide whether it is possible to cut the trees in winter, then carry out such manipulations, for example, in the spring months is considered not so useful.
  3. Awakening fruit tree, even with knowledge, can be indirectly injured and more harm than good.

How to choose a season

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to determine the purpose of planned manipulations over the inhabitants of the garden. They may be different: from the desire to increase the fertility of individual trees and eliminate the remnants of dead branches, to the correct adjustment of the crown of the plant or recovery of shoots.
  2. If in priority it is worth an increase in the yield of fruit trees, then pruning in winter it is impossible to achieve this goal. If the specificity of your region is distinguished by warm winter, it is possible to proceed to pruning garden trees even in February. The main sign of the preparedness of the tree to purification and adjustment is the complete state of rest when the movement of the juice in the branches and the trunk is slowed down as much as possible.

Benefits of the winter period

Each plant is preparing for wintering. In this unfavorable period, the tree drops the foliage and slows the processes of life so that it flows into sleep. In such a state, even a novice dachnik will not be able to apply irreparable damage to branches or krone. Therefore, a long minus temperature in this case plays only the garden of the gardener.

Before starting work, read the possible ways of trimming trees, watch video and schemes. Try what method will be the most simple for you.

Choose a tool for trimming trees and shrubs


If it seems to you that it is easier for you to cut the old branches and remove the dead shoots from the trees easier and make it possible with ordinary scissors, a knife or just to break your hands, then you are very mistaken. For proper care of trees and controlling their yield, in the arsenal of the gardener there should be a whole set of special tools. Consider their types and scope.


When choosing this garden tool, pay attention to the mechanism, they are different. For example, a secator with a ratchet system does not differ in appearance, however, it is extremely uncomfortable to use. The fact is that for one cut, you will have to do at least 2 - 3 clicks, and this is inconvenient and long. Therefore, stop your choice on the usual instrument, and cheaper, and more practical.

Hoven Sadovaya

This garden tool in shape is very similar to a saber with teeth, and the end is narrowed. Please note that small spaces must be between the teeth of the hacksaw. They are needed so that the remains of sawdust do not accumulate there. Beginner gardeners for winter trimming trees are recommended to choose a hacksaw with a specific profile and a convenient angle of the canvas, and just look at how to implement everything on a practical video.

Secorator air

This garden tool is very similar to the usual secator, only fixed on a long telescopic rod. The main difference of its use is that there are special levers and ropes in motion. Often, such a device is used to trim the branches of trees in winter in hard-to-reach places.

Of course, each instrument needs to be attributed, however, the convenience and quality of using each of them directly depends on the purity and sharpness of the blades. The fact is that stupid cutting elements leave non-accurant torn cuts, and if they are also not chicted enough, it can lead to penetration of harmful microorganisms in the crown and tree disease. Therefore, after completing the surface of the tool, you need to thoroughly wash, dry and rinse.

An integral part of the trimming of two-year-old trees in winter is not only the presence of tools and the skill of them correctly use, for plant processing, it is also necessary to purchase a garden var. Under the water is understood to be a special lubricant for branches and crowns prepared on the basis of oil. Its feature is a plastic consistency at a positive temperature. After treatment of wood, open cuts need to be lubricated with such a solution for sealing and preventing suppuration. At sufficiently low temperatures, it is also a good solution to use Olifai-based paint, which also disinfects the open crown well.

Trimming trees in winter: types


On various garden forums and thematic editions, it is possible to study the schemes of proper trimming of various fruit trees and shrubs in winter. This way can go, just starting to master garden craft. For people who know their work, it is enough to explore a description of one or another way to do everything right without damaging the plant. Different types of trimming correspond to different ways.

View 1: Forming

This method well helps to adjust the crown, make it more dense and thereby correct the firm silhouette of the plant. Thanks to this type of trimming, the tree becomes more resistant to weather conditions and loads. If you produce forming trimming in mid-February, it will contribute to a faster rustling of branches.

View 2: Regulating

These measures are needed for an adult, shaped individual with a strong crown. Such trimming contributes to thinning branches for better illumination, and also helps to balance the skeletal part of the crown with young shoots. Adjusting trimming is recommended from mid-August to September or in February - August.

Type 3: Rejuvenating

This type of prophylactic trimming is useful for old trees. It allows the plant to update the branches due to the growth of new shoots. Performing such trimming trees in spring or autumn, you automatically awaken the apparent kidneys that are in sleep mode. After such manipulations, the increase is an average of 10 cm to 15 cm.

View 4: Regenerating

It is possible to take advantage of this way to restore the physically affected plant. Such an approach is likely to return the water to bloom again and give a crop.

View 5: Sanitary

The sanitary method of plant pruning is used for regular seasonal removal of dead leaves and branches, as well as branches damaged by wind or affected diseases. This type of therapy is important for the warmth time of the day and process the secator with a disinfectant after each manipulation. It is also important to take into account the age and scale of the plant, since the too active trimming of this method will inevitably lead to the thickening of the crown.

Trimming fruit trees


You can plant a young fruit tree and several seasons enjoy his fruits into abundance, however, without proper care, the plant will give less crop every year.

  1. Trimming fruit trees allows you to control the health of the plant, and increase the number of fruit grown on it. Selectively eliminating the tree from the branches, you controlled reduce the amount of fruits, thereby increasing the illumination of the remaining harvest and crown as a whole.
  2. Getting the best nutrition and more sunlight, the remaining harvest of plants is much better and growing better. In the final calculation, the amount of the remaining fruits by weight and presentability will be at times to exceed the one that you could get from the uncircumcised tree in time.
  3. In addition, the correct illumination of the crown on top of the bottom contributes to the prevention of diseases of the tree due to the healing sunlight.
  4. The trimming of fruit trees is recommended to be carried out early in winter or in the spring until the plant is darling, and the active processes in the crown are slowed down. It is important to remember that the bark in no case should be frozen.
  5. At all young trees, it is important to form a proper and strong crown using trimming - a guarantee of the health of plants and long fruiting. Crown, depending on the selected type of correction, maybe:
  • lieuner with conductor in the center - the most common type;
  • bow-shaped.
  1. Until the tree gave its first harvest, it is only important to correctly adjust its growth, whereas after 1 - 2 cropping fruit tree creation should be produced more. It is at this moment that it is necessary to start thinning and shortening some branches of the plant. Gradually, you will create a strong foundation that will be able to withstand much more fruit.

Pruning Mechanics: Recommendations


  1. It is extremely important to pruning annually. Every winter it is necessary to remove 2 - 3 branches. Such an adjustment applies less damage less than more large-scale work every 3 to 4 years. Experienced gardeners are recommended to cut no more branches than for the current year grew, but in no case is no more than a third of the whole tree. It is important to remove older branches, giving the advantage of young.
  2. If you land on the plot dwarf trees, keep in mind - the approach is special. Such a variety of plants themselves grow very slowly, so their annual trimming should be even more gentle than young tall individuals.
  3. Do not forget about the types and rules of trimming branches, make an abscess under a small angle right above the kidney outside the branch. Such a type of thinning will contribute to the rapid removal of fluid into the soil from the wound, while the inner kidney can be charged. In addition, it is the external kidneys that contribute to the formation of a new escape that does not thwart the crown, but will bring a qualitative harvest.
  4. Do not forget to get rid of old shoots. On fruiting trees, often the most excellent fruits grow on small branches, which depart from larger and stronger. If you notice that the branches appear more and more, sacrifice one of the old and less productive, in order to save the overall harvest.
  5. Try to adjust the growth so that they increase the horizontal direction more. Growing down branches are the most useless for the crop, since the fruits there are getting the most insignificant amount of sunlight.

Trimming berry shrubs


Of course, not only fruit trees need regular care and growth control, berry shrubs also require special attention and maintaining a form by thinning branches. Similar to wood, the removal of some branches per year will contribute to the deeper penetration of sunlight deep into the bush, thereby will increase not only the amount and size of berries, but also their taste - it will become sweeter by improving photosynthesis. In addition, a sufficient distance between branches and the air will warn the appearance and development of fungal diseases inside the berry plant.

Vintage mechanics: Recommendations


  1. The breaking of the vine also needs to be done while sleeping plants - in winter or early spring. At the same time, the air temperature outside the window must be plus.
  2. In order not to crop the right shoots, some gardeners of the northern regions recommend waiting for the swelling of the kidneys, then definitely not mistaken. The wound of the trimmed vine may notice a long time, it will not harm the plant.
  3. Most often, grapes are circumcised by trimming on four loops. To do this, leave the central barrel with 4 strictly horizontal shoots, not more than 1 year, stretch them on both sides, respectively, on a flat rope or wire.
  4. One-year Loosine is called the escape, which grew up on the vineyard for the last productive period. Such vines are able to give the richest harvest. They are easy to highlight in the vineyard. Often they differ in color, have light brown and very smooth to the touch, while the old men are darker, with the rough structure of the cortex.
  5. To ensure the yield of the vineyard this season, select 4 large vines on top and bottom on the shrub trunk. It is important that they will be branched as close as possible to the base and moved into different directions.
  6. Keep in mind, the largest amount of berries gives a vine in 4 - 5 mm thick with a distance between the kidneys - about 15 cm.
  7. The selected vines are tape and then proceed to the formation of anti-beam shoots. They are chosen in the same way - 2 branches at the top, 2 below, only in this case their age does not matter, it is only important for the presence of each of about 3-4 kidneys at the base.
  8. After annual lesibins and shooting shoots are chosen and marked, you can proceed to trimming the shrub. With each individual you will have to remove all Lozins, except 8, and then those to shorten, we will leave only about 1.5 m in length. If last year the amount of harvest you did not arranged too, cutting off more, if it is enough - less.

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