How the perforator works

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The perforator is an indispensable tool when carrying out repair work in the house. Its main purpose is the drilling of holes in various materials (metal, concrete and wood). Using the tool, you can engage in punching walls and openings, as well as the removal of old ceramic tiles. In this article we will talk about how to work properly perforator.


Tool preparation for work

Before drilling a perforator, you should prepare the tool. Preparatory work is carried out in rare cases. In particular, the need for this occurs when during the work it is necessary to deal with or replacing the nozzles.


Preparation of the perforator to work provides:

  • swelling and cleaning of the cartridge;
  • application on the inside of the cartridge of special lubricant for nozzles;
  • lubrication will improve the operation of the tool and increase its operational period;
  • the lubricating ring shifts and the cartridge is installed;
  • for reliable fixation, the cartridge turns a bit;
  • the ring is released and the perforator is blocked.

To reduce the level of vibration, the perforator is equipped with a soft handle. Naturally, when preparing a tool to work, it must be disconnected from the electrical network.

Functioning of the perforator in various modes

There are three main instrument mode:

  • drilling;
  • drilling with a blow (it is also called drilling);
  • hit.


Before you start drilling holes, the operation mode is checked. Typically, the drilling mode on the front side of the perforator is shown by a label depicting the drill. Opposite this label, the toggle is installed and the drill is placed. Pressing the button to start the tool.

First, the perforator works at idle. It lasts no more than 1 min. When the tool is running, any extraneous noise, knock or vibration should be missing. If smoke or nothing appeared, then the perforator is faulty.

When carrying out the drilling process, it is forbidden to hardly press the perforator. Work begins with low speed with its gradual increase. Changing the number of revolutions is achieved by pressing the tool jug.

If special cartridges are used for drilling, it is prohibited to install a toggle switch in the positions:

  • drilling under blow;
  • counterclock-wise.

This will damage the cartridge with the subsequent branch from the perforator. To prevent this, you should use the "Block" function



The tool switches to drilling mode, which is marked with a "hammer with a drill". The drill is placed at the location of the hole. The perforator turns on. In the process of drilling, avoid the skew of the nozzle. The bur should not slip.

The pressure tool does not turn out to be. When the hole is filled with particles of material and dust, the drill is covered. Be sure to take into account the fact that the drill can be stumbled upon a piece of fittings. Therefore, during the execution, it is not necessary to relax. The perforator must be kept tight and stand at a convenient position.


Now about how the perforator works in the impact mode. Usually it is depicted in the form of a hammer. The nozzle-chisel is clamped in the instrument's cartridge. If you need to work at an angle, then the nozzle must be set to the appropriate position.

After setting the toggler to the impact mode, the surface is dragging. The tool is very tightly held by two hands. The perforator turns on and applied to the deposit area. In this mode, the perforator is hammering, but not drilling, and there is no need to make great efforts, since the result of the work will not be the best.

Adjusting the speed of impact is carried out during the dilution process. The number of shocks depends on the efforts of the force on the trigger. With a perforator, which has a shock mode, are made potholes in the concrete surface. A peak with a wide shovel is used as the nozzle.

Screwing screws

Some three-mode perforators have another feature. They can screw the screws. This suggests that the perforator can calmly replace the screwdriver. The tool is equipped with a quick-inside cartridge, in which the screw is fixed. The perforator is set to drilling mode.

Using the Reverse function, the tool is given the direction of rotation. Immediately put the minimum speed of revolutions. When screwing into a screw, the perforator must be kept in perpendicular position to the surface.

Recommendations when working with a perforator

In addition to the specific use of modes, a number of criteria should be taken into account during operation with the instrument. In particular, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • in the destruction of solid coatings, lubricant and coolant are necessarily used;
  • to prevent the scattering of loose and porous materials, their processing is performed in drilling mode;
  • before applying a long drilling a drilling is performed by a shorter nozzle;
  • to increase the service life, the nozzles are periodically cooled in water;
  • the shank of the drill is cleaned of dust, is wiping with a dry cloth and is lubricated with solidol after drilling 170-190 holes;
  • when using professional perforations, alternation of continuous operation and recreation periods is carried out (work - 30 min., Break - 10 min.);
  • it is necessarily a break with a strong heating of that part of the case, where the gearbox is located;
  • it is forbidden to cool the hammer by lowering it into water;
  • the drilling of the holes is performed in series, periodically pulling out and cleaning the boring;
  • the best ammunition cartridges are SDS-Max (32 mm) and SDS-PLUS (14 mm);
  • the maximum impact energy should not exceed 3.8 J (for SDS-Plus cartridge) and 28 J (for SDS-Max cartridge);
  • long-term operation of the tool is possible only when the blow strength does not exceed 10 J;
  • it is not recommended to increase the power of a small-sized perforator by increasing pressure to the surface.


Very often you have to deal with the drilling of holes under the dowel. In order for the depth of the holes to be the same, some "masters" recommend on the boring to coat the tape or the isolent. But it is the root of the wrong decision. Winched tape will begin to warm and gradually move to another point of the bora. It is best around a borar to carry out a fat line with a fat line with a thickness of at least 5 mm. If the line starts to stick, then it can be renewed.

In such a process, how to properly drill the perforator, it is impossible to do without protective funds. It is necessary to purchase gloves, protective glasses and anti-noshemny headed inserts-earplugs. When working with the tool, overalls is necessarily fastened. All elements of clothing that can get hung on the bob are removed.

Features of drilling of different surfaces

The perforator is used to drill various materials: metal, concrete, wood, ceramic tile, etc. Each process has specific nuances. If they are observed, then work will be performed qualitatively.


Metal is a solid material that is poorly measurable. To work with it, the most durable drills will be required. Moreover, to save on the purchase of drills is impossible, since poor-quality nozzle can lead to the destruction of the metal blank.

Much complexity causes work with subtle metal sheets. In the process of drilling, steel blanks are constantly shifted from the place. To prevent this phenomenon, sheets should be fixed in a special device.

To create a smooth hole under the metal sheet, leans tires. Thanks to the rubber, scars will not appear when drilling holes with a large diameter. If a deaf thread is cut, then it is possible to eliminate garbage from filling the wax or paraffin inside the opening.


Compared to metal, the tree is easily mechanically exposed. Despite this, when working with this natural material, a number of requirements should also adhere to. In particular, they include:

  • mandatory log fixation;
  • lining an ordinary emery when working with a small piece of wood;
  • the wrapping of the workpiece with felt will contribute to the removal of burrs who appeared after drilling;
  • it is impossible to press a perforator to the perforator.


It is worth considering that there are several varieties of wooden coatings. Processing a specific type of wood will occur differently. Many are wondering if it is possible to drill such a tree like a plywood. After all, it can split.

In this case, you have to create a nozzle, which in appearance will resemble a potato. To do this, the steel tube is drawn, which will become a tool for spending the holes in the plywood.

Concrete surface

Now let's talk about how to drill concrete perforator. The best tool nozzle is a drill that has a winning tip.

The process of drilling a concrete surface itself consists of the following steps:

  • the drilling point is planned;
  • with the help of a normal drill at this point, a small deepening is done;
  • installed the drill of the required size;
  • there is a final drilling of the hole.

In the process of carrying out the operation of the drill periodically descend into water. This will improve their passage in concrete. To avoid the spread of a large amount of dust, a tin can or box dresses the drill. All dust when drilling the hole will be collected in the bank.

If you have to punch with a perforator reinforced concrete slabs, then there is a high probability of contacting the tool with reinforcement. This problem can be solved by moving the drilling point diagonally or a bit of the BC.


And how to drill a punch with a punch when the hole needs to be done only at a particular point? In this case, you will have to take advantage of a special nozzle and a conventional drill. Winged drills are not intended for punching fittings.

Ceramic tile

Tile is a very fragile material. For this reason, for the creation of holes, ordinary drills are clearly not suitable. You need to purchase special products that have carbide attacks. Thanks to the attacks, the load on the surface is reduced, which leads to facilitating the drilling of the ceramic coating.

The marker marked the point of location of the hole. If the tile is not yet laid, then the label is on its face. When drilling a glued tile, it is better to use the drills designed for glass.

Some experts recommend using the mounting grid, which is placed between the drill and a tile. It will not allow tile splitting. After passing the tile drill to the perforator, the borne is put on, with which you can make shock movements.

Tool care rules

The operating period largely depends on the operating conditions of the perforator. Priority attention is paid to high-quality and timely tool lubrication. It is impossible to save on lubricants, otherwise the perforator will quickly fail.

Working with the instrument in most cases is accompanied by a large amount of dust. Maintaining the perforator cleaner is carried out with a vacuum cleaner. Protect the tool from concrete particles by putting on a shield burned from the bottom of the plastic bottle.


After completing the work and shutdown, the perforator is cleaned with a soft cloth. If there is a need, you can use a damp cloth that is wetted in soapy water. Ventilation holes are subject to mandatory cleaning from dirt and dust.

Periodically a preventive inspection of the perforator is carried out. It will help to eliminate the tool malfunctions at the earliest stage. Especially relevant inspection for perforators, which are characterized by a strong blow and high power.

Intensive use of the perforator is already a reason for contacting the service center. Even if the tool is normal.

Video about how the perforator works:

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