Types of thermal curtains

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The heat curtain is a long fan heater, creating a flat and powerful stream of hot air. It is designed to create an invisible obstacle to the penetration of cold mass of outdoor air into the room. Such a veil fulfills the function of a closed door in those rooms where the constantly large stream of people and the door opens regularly and closes. Installed above the doorway or above the window. Provides the opportunity to keep the main door in the open time for a long time without the weight loss inside the room.

The design of thermal curtains

Before the thermal curtain to buy, it is advisable to get acquainted with the existing types and criteria of choice. With this approach, the result will be the quick selection of perfectly suitable equipment. 247_BRIZG_1

The main structural element of such equipment is an air duct that provides a uniform flow distribution. The direction of the jet at a certain angle of 35-40 degrees to the entrance plane is possible due to the special guide plates fixed on the air duct. defen2.

In addition, it is necessarily present:

  • a heating element;
  • fans;
  • filters. DSC_0064.

The principle of functioning of thermal curtains

The principle of operation of the thermal curtain is extremely simple. The fan installed in the curtain with high power creates a high-speed stream of warm air. This flow forms a veil, which does not allow the inner and outer mass of air to mix, lowering the temperature indoors. Most often, thermal curtains guide the air down. rabota_Teplovoi_zavesi.

Important! It is noteworthy that the thermal curtain is the price of though more expensive than the usual radiators and air conditioners, but the power and efficiency of the preservation of the necessary temperature regime in the room completely pays for costs. Check out the video in which the principle of action of thermal curtains is shown in visual form.

Areas of use

The premises are experiencing an urgent need for such devices, where a large flow of people is constantly open and closed the doors, creating drafts. 1405162083_8-________________________-________________-____________

These premises include:

  • restaurants;
  • the shops;
  • metropolitan;
  • warehouses and industrial workshops;
  • passing;
  • halls of office centers. teplovaia_zavesa.

Benefits of installing heat curtain

The main advantages of thermal curtains are as follows:

  • ensuring the protection of the room from getting cold or warm air from the street;
  • support for microclimate indoors;
  • electricity savings by reducing heat transfer;
  • protection against insect penetration, dust and harmful gases and streets;
  • protection of the cooled storage facility;
  • isolation of the room from drafts. Img_0682.
    Important! Regardless of the type of construction of the air heat curtain and the breadth of operation, it is worth allocating automated adjustment. Such a feature allows you to control without additional personal efforts and spending time time start and stopping the fan engine, as well as the intensity of the device, setting the necessary installations relative to the position of the gate and the ambient temperature. Thermoscreens1-1024x768.

The principle of the classification of thermal curtains

Thermal curtains are distributed to types according to the following technical criteria:

  • type of energy source;
  • installation method;
  • view of the heating element. vario.

Types of thermal curtains by the type of energy source

Depending on the type of energy carrier, thermal curtains are divided into:

  • electric;
  • water;
  • gas. gL_2.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric thermal curtains

Electric thermal curtains are devices in which air passes through an electric heater. Used for a wide variety of premises. nEWS-9OHVRQRYUM-21

They have a number of advantages:

  • the design has a small weight;
  • convenient and fast installation;
  • exclusion of the danger of flooding or explosion hazard. montazh_Teplovyh_zaves_Minsk.

Despite the positive parties, do not forget about such disadvantages:

  • increased power consumption at high cost source;
  • danger due to electric shock. 1FK11

Pros and cons of water thermal curtains

Water heat curtain is an excellent tool to reduce energy costs to maintain heat. Such devices make it possible to overlap the large perimeter of openings and travel in industrial premises. At the same time, they consume a very small amount of electricity. The fee for such savings of the electroresource is the high price of equipment and its installation, as well as the need to connect a water thermal veil to central hot water supply. teplovaja-Zavesa-Neoclima-Intellect-E-08-XL-Kharkov

The heating function performs a water calorifer, which does not freeze and does not break away from critical temperature differences in the cold season, due to the complex automatic system. teplovaja-Zavesa-Olefini-KWH-14-Kharkov

The main advantages of this type of curtain are:

  • efficiency of work compared to electric thermal vents;
  • the compactness and mobility of the device allows you to install it in an opening width of more than 3 meters;
  • establishment of an excellent overheating protection system;
  • convenient and adaptable design of devices;
  • ease in controlling the flow of warm air, due to the rotation of the lattice located in the nozzle region;
  • low noise background;
  • reliable protection against cold air, insects or dust inwards, as well as the protection of the room from the heat in the summer season;
  • complete obstacle to the occurrence of drafts;
  • water thermal curtains are not amenable to corroded and, due to this, serve for a very long time. W-series_0392.

Important! The most widely such equipment is applied at industrial and commercial facilities:

  • manufacturing workshops;
  • warehouses;
  • depot;
  • hangars;
  • Shopping center;
  • athletic facilities;
  • Banks. pRODOTTI-38246-RELA5215C13-331C-46D8-A42A-3962395B7FCE

Despite the huge amount of advantages, the water thermal curtains there are disadvantages:

  • the complexity of the installation of the system, which consists in the mandatory connection of the device to the central heating system;
  • the high probability of the device output due to the fact that the possibility of a breakthrough of a local or central water supply is not eliminated. file

Advantages and disadvantages of gas thermal curtains

Gas thermal curtains are new on the market. Such a system is applied at the moment only if there is no possibility to arrange water or electric. At the same time, the gas heat curtain, the characteristics of which respond to sufficiently high operational indicators, is an excellent alternative to installing other devices. tEP1

Among the advantages of gas units, the following are allocated:

  • cheap energy;
  • the ability to use at any temperature mode;
  • noncrossment system;
  • uniformity of air flow supply;
  • high density of the heating air jet;
  • it is permissible to use various types of gas. phpthumb_generated_thumbnailjpg
    Important! As a lady, it is worth noting that this type of energy is explosive and poisonous. Therefore, in case of non-compliance with the rules of installation and operation, the likelihood of an emergency and the threat to the health of all others are high. tEP3.

Classification of thermal veil on the principle of installation

Depending on the method of recommended installation, the following types of thermal curtains distinguish:

  1. Horizontal. Essently popular due to the practicality of the use of the device. Most of the developments in creating new models are carried out in this direction. The installation of such aggregates is performed directly above the door or window opening. heat-curtain3
  2. Vertical. Such models were designed initially to solve complex tasks. In most cases, vertical thermal curtains are installed in the case when it is impossible to install the usual horizontal fixtures. Installation is performed on the side of the openings. Main indicators for mounting vertical devices:
    • the presence of stretch ceilings;
    • a small gap between the ceiling and the upper linen of the opening. vertikalnye-Teplovye-Zavesh

    Important! For full protection when choosing a vertical heat curtain, it is thoroughly precipitate the parameters of the opening - the length of the equipment must be at least 3/4 from the height of the opening. silver-Juwent.

Varieties Curtain by type of heating element

Modern manufacturers supply heat curtains to the market with the following types of heating elements:

  1. Spiral. The design consists of a metal wire of a certain section, which was given the form of a helix. Until recently, such a detail was used everywhere for equipping all sorts of heating units. With the advent of more modern and high-tech developments, this option has significantly lost in popularity. teplovaya-Zavesa-Vodyanaya-Vertikalnaya
    Important! As the advantage of thermal curtains with a spiral, we highlight their lower cost. But at the same time, the level of security leaves much to be desired, since there is a risk of fire due to the openness of the spiral, and the period of exploitation is much less, which undoubtedly relates to significant disadvantages. DSC_0044.
  2. Ten. Such a design is a closed tube with quartz sand spiral. Due to such features, the level of safety and the duration of operation of the heat curtain is significantly increased. Most often, such equipment has several levels of protection, which also contributes to high rates of reliability and harmlessness. 6C37C837BFCD99E0185080E627139018.
    Important! Further, as the indisputable advantages of the possiblity of increasing the heating area. A disadvantage is the reduction of the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe ventilation duct to the air outlet. zavesa_vozduha1
  3. Stitch elements. This latest development is equipped with most recent developments curtains. Design features make it possible to instantly warm up and feed air to the opening. Olefini-gen
    Important! The high efficiency of the equipment affects the value of the unit - it is much higher than the two previous options. At this level of fire safety is lower than when using a heating element, a heating rate affects the appearance of unpleasant odors at the instantaneous combustion of fine dirt and dust that get inside the structure. 050220131370[1]

Additional criteria differences

Apart from the basic principles differences identified above, such equipment has several modifications, classification is carried out on additional criteria. Basically, they are an indication of the breadth of opportunities the air curtain and the convenience of operation of the equipment. Therefore, and also become the choice of appropriate equipment exact criteria for determining the preliminary goal. teploz2

Among such characteristics are the following:

  1. mode of operation. In this category is determined by:
    • continuous curtains;
    • equipment alternating action.
  2. Position and intake air supply temperature. According to this principle, there are following models of air curtains:
    • device with an inner wall and the presence of air before being heated and without it;
    • fit with the outer wall with heating and without heating before the air is fed to the right direction. teplovaja_zavesa_vertikalnaja
  3. The flow direction. Depending on the capabilities of the air curtain, define these types:
    • vertical feed from bottom to top;
    • vertical flow from top to bottom;
    • horizontal feeding a unilateral direction;
    • bilaterally horizontal feed direction.
  4. The length of the air curtain. This ratio varies in the range from 600 to 2000 mm. The optimal embodiment for indoor use with standard requirements - 800-1000 mm.
    Important! Properly selected thermal curtain length corresponds to the width of the opening or a little exceeds it. If there is an opening of a width of more than 2 meters, the installation of several units is needed close to each other. kombo.
  5. Power. This indicator directly affects the capabilities of the thermal curtain and the effectiveness of its work. Greater power allows not only high quality air, entering outside the room, but also to warm the one that is inside it.
    Important! The standard calculation of the required power is carried out taking into account the following proportions: 1kb of power by 10 m2 with a ceiling height of 2.8-3 meters in the absence of heating. It is more accurate to understand which power level will be sufficient for your premises, only a competent specialist will help - a representative of the company in which you gathered to purchase equipment. pRODOTTI-38246-REL0CB81279-6D88-419C-A831-F1AFD82A512E
  6. Type of inkjet protection. Distinguish heat curtains with 2 types of air flow protection:
    • sewberizing, in which, a complete repulsion occurs outside the outside by the tilt of the jet. This option makes it possible to achieve a good result in terms of cost savings on stationary heating by radiators;
    • the mixing in the process of functioning contributes to mixing the air and gradually warm it up to a predetermined temperature.
  7. System management method. Standard equipment of thermal curtain has two switches - for the fan and for the heating element. In addition, depending on the model, the equipment is equipped:
    • multistage power regulators and heating rate;
    • the consoles of the built-in type - for small units and remote for multiple overall systems. kak_vybrat_infrakrasnyy_obogrevatel_otng42k70nliohhmpq2w.

    Important! Separately, we note the possibility of installing the thermostat, which automatically mode makes the equipment on and off when the premises is reached in the premises. Check out an interesting video review of thermal curtains to clearly assimilate all the important points of choice and install this equipment.


The solution to install the thermal veil is really true. Evaluate all the advantages of your choice, you can literally immediately after all installation work. The main condition for this is a competent approach when buying equipment with miscalculation of all nuances, attentiveness when consulting with specialists and the commissioning of the heat curtain by qualified profile specialists.

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