Gypsum or cement plaster - what is better?

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Finishing various surfaces with plaster - one of the most responsible stages. From how correctly the composition of the solution will be chosen, and how qualitatively its application is made, the subsequent durability and attractiveness of the decorative coating depends. Therefore, both processes take care carefully, carefully observing all the rules as the selection and installation. About how to choose a solution and which one is better, you will learn in this article.

What is the plaster?

Depending on the purpose of the application of the solution, 2 main groups are distinguished:

Important! Among the areas of application of plaster of different types, there are several of the most popular solutions:

  • alignment surfaces;
  • sealing of horizontal and vertical joints using a piece of building material;
  • improving heat and sound insulation characteristics of the structure;
  • creation of an effective fire protection. sUHIE-SMESI-KVIK-MIKS

Popular species of plaster

In the modern market there is quite a lot of varieties for the plastering of walls and ceilings. Olympus Digital Camera.

One of the main principles of classification is the type of main substance that can serve:

  • gypsum;
  • clay;
  • lime;
  • cement. 00061389
    Important! In addition to 4 major types of solution, there are many more modifications that are formed when combining the above components and all sorts of additives. Despite such a variety, cement plaster and gypsum, features of the composition, advantages and disadvantages are set forth below. 00061390

Features of gypsum plaster

The initial mass of plaster plaster is a powdered dry mixture, which includes:

  • directly plaster of small fractions;
  • modified plasticizers. 745
    Important! In the process of preparation, the gypsum plaster is diluted in the desired proportion to water, after which it is brought to the pasta-like consistency. The application procedure occurs on the choice of the owner of the room - manual or machine method, mainly in 1 layer. 1287160221

Gypsum Plaster Applications

Most often, plastering walls of plaster plaster and ceilings are performed in the following cases:

  • constructions are formed from bricks or concrete;
  • interior decoration of premises;
  • processing dry premises;
  • preparation of walls under painting or blending wallpaper. 16948
    Important! In all cases, the use of gypsum plaster can reduce costs due to the absence of the need to perform putty. After the correct surface coating solution fully prepared for further decorative finish.

Advantages and disadvantages of plaster

To understand why the application is gypsum plaster for finishing various surfaces many times better than the use of other compounds, present several significant advantages of this type of material:

  1. Environmental cleanliness. All figures for this parameter data exceed the mortars. In addition, the plaster, the price of which, though slightly higher, not aggressive.
  2. Shrinkage excluded. This characteristic is quite useful, as it directly affects the possibility of obtaining the ideal evenness of the walls, without cracking in the process of solving the solution. In addition, it does not require the finish finish when forming the coating. 09781161
  3. Minor weight. This feature affects not only the preservation of the integrity of the main structure and reducing the load on the bearing walls, but also makes it possible to save during the mixture consumption.
  4. Plastic. The excellent viscosity of plaster based compounds allows you to create thicker coating layers of plastering if necessary, and, even in this case, deformation is excluded, detachment or a solution flow. Such an indispensable consumable material when applying cement-sand plaster, as a reinforcing mesh, is not required when mounting plaster plaster. gips.
  5. Parry permeability. The porous structure of the finished coating of plaster provides good circulation of humidity and vapor permeability. Thanks to this, even with increasing moisture, the walls remain dry, and the mold is not multiplied.
  6. High rates of heat and noise insulation. The low thermal conductivity of the material itself - gypsum contributes to the fact that the walls constantly remain warm to the touch. In this case, the coating perfectly prevents noise penetration into the room and cold. Shtukaturka Otkosov.
  7. Finishing rate. When using plaster plaster, all finishing works are completed very quickly, as it is required on average 2-3 days, occasionally, occasionally, when laying a thick layer, week. Olympus Digital Camera.
    Important! As a lady, it is worth noting that such compositions are categorically not suitable for use in rooms with consistently high humidity. The higher price of gypsum plaster, the difference of which, for example, when compared with cement-limestone plaster or sandy is 1.5-2 times, it is not such a significant drawback. Since the speed of execution of work, the perfect flatness of the surface in combination with lower proportions of the flow rate of all materials pays for this difference. shtukaturka2.


Browse the video in which the example of the walls of the walls of the plaster plaster is clearly shown to understand how easy the technology is, and what is the result of the work.

Characteristics of cement solutions

Cement plaster is mainly used in the case when it is required to create the most durable and durable coating. 91481453

One of the most popular options is the composition of cement plastering from the following components:

The second option of frequently used plaster has the following components:

  • cement - 4 parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • water - to obtain the desired consistency of the solution. 1
    Important! Both variants do not cause difficulties in the manufacture of a solution, and the materials needed for cooking will always be at hand during construction. shtukaturka_cementnaya_cena_foto_800.

Areas of use of cement solutions

Permanent popularity with such solutions provides latitudes of applications in the practical absence of restrictions. 0

An excellent choice will be cement plaster when carrying out such works:

  • decoration of outdoor walls;
  • processing of premises with high humidity - bathroom, kitchen, pool, basement;
  • preparation of surfaces requiring increased frost resistance, such as base. madala.Preview
    Important! Such plaster is perfectly combined with any type of base - brick, stone, all kinds of modifications of block material. The main condition is the exact compliance with all the rules of technology. maxResDefault.

Advantages and disadvantages of cement plaster

We note some indisputable advantages of cement plaster, which often lead to the fact that preference is given to exactly this type of solution:

  1. Strength. In this regard, all other variants of mixtures are largely inferior to cement formulations. This leads in turn to improving the reliability of the coating and the wall itself or the ceiling. As a result, the need for repair work occurs much less frequently. shtukaturka-S-ISPOLZOVANIEM-CEMENTNOGO-RASTVORA
  2. High adhesion. Even when applied to a monolithic base from concrete, in principle, no additional use of additives or primer is required. The features of the component composition of cement plaster provide good grip of the solution with the surface. Accordingly, the duration of preserving the integrity of the coating of plaster is much longer. v-Vannoj-Gipsovaya-Shtukaturka
  3. Moisture resistance. This indicator is sufficiently significant for making many rooms. The dense structure of the finished coating eliminates the absorption of moisture and, accordingly, better protects the base of the structure from destruction.
  4. Price. It is impossible not to note the cheaper and availability of all components that make it possible to conduct finishing work at any convenient time. 41656615

Among the disadvantages, lay out such factors:

  • no possibility to apply cement formulations for finishing painted, wooden or plastic bases;
  • the need for accurate calculation of the load on the wall and layer thickness, since cement plaster is characterized by a large specific weight;
  • the complexity of the application process, which includes 3 mandatory steps - spray, alignment, grout;
  • durable rejection period - up to 3-4 weeks. DSC07265.
    Important! Separately, we note that reduce the term of frozen, and also get a more flat surface with less effort today is much easier than a few years ago. Modern manufacturers of building materials are developing many special plasticizers-supplements of artificial origin, which contribute to the increase in the plasticity of cement solutions and significantly reduce the pour period, up to 3-7 days. 84690149_3_644x461_dekorativnaya-venetsianskaya-shtukaturka-slepnye-izdeliya-Otdelka-Remont


Review the video instructions for the use of cement plaster to properly organize your workflow, in the case of using such a solution.


Given all the above, the conclusion from the above features of cement and plaster plaster can be made the following:

  • gypsum plaster will become the perfect option in the absence of professional skills, in case of decoration of residential rooms, in which the walls of the walls are planned or putting paper wallpaper or in a situation where it is required to repair the most quickly;
  • cement plaster is perfectly suitable in almost any case if the quality of the surface is not included in the category of restrictions, but it will be necessary to help professionals when applied if your own skills are not enough to fulfill this work.

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