Pesters for smokers do it yourself

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If you contain chickens, then in favorable conditions, then they will be healthy, and regularly take out fresh eggs for their owners. The vital activity of the Chicken Kingdom plays not the last role. How to build it correct will be reviewed in this article.

Pressure options. Advantages and disadvantages

The pesters for Curia are built in the form:

  • Prandie at one wall at different levels. Immediately make a reservation, that this decision is not very successful, because each bird will try to climb higher, as a result of the christk, will conflict. Upstairs will be the strongest. In addition, sitting above, blur in the litter located at the lower levels. This option is used in the extreme cases themselves - if the chicken coop is very close and there is simply no other idea to implement.


  • Several bars fixed along the walls around the perimeter of the chicken coop at one or different levels. With this placement of chickens more choice. They will differ and sneak at their request, there will be no pack of each other.


  • Tables with bars above it. This is a variant of the portable petrose, it is also called hygienic.


  • BRUSEV, stuffed with vertical columns or strips. A good option. Something on the semblance of the previous one.
  • Box It suits when the chickens are small. It is good because it can be put in any place.

Consider how to implement some decisions.

Construct with your own hands

Do it yourself with your own hands - the task is not difficult. You just need to know some rules.

Required material and tools

In order to build a chickens:

  • bar wooden;
  • nails;
  • hammer;
  • plane;
  • sandpaper.

What options to navigate

In the manufacture of petrolers for chickens, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • accommodation over the floor;
  • brawn thickness. This size is especially important: bird paw should cover it to preserve equilibrium;
  • distance from the wall to the crossbar;
  • placing a crossbar in relation to each other;
  • size of individual space for one bird;
  • the presence of the window opposite the volatile;
  • ease of cleaning litter from under this
  • lack of drafts.

After examining the table, placed below, you will learn the values \u200b\u200bof all parameters for birds of different breeds and ages:



Council from experts: The width bar must be equal to 1/2 the length of the chicken paw in the opened state. The length is measured from the end of the finger to the beginning of the average.  

Production of simple varnish from bars


By choosing a warm angle, away from the door and opposite the window, we build a disorder, based on the number of chickens available on the compound and sizes:

  • we calculate the size of the variance, focusing on the number of birds, their age and existing norms. For example: you have 10 chickens. To accommodate them, a ram is required with a length of approximately 2.4 m, for the following considerations: 18 cm for each egg breed chicken and retreating 30 cm from each wall. We will make 2 rows of 1.2 m;
  • install the bars on the sides of 0.6 m long on the floor height of 0.9 m;
  • A timing segment of 40x60 mm is well processed so that there are no burrs, chips, otherwise the chickens are embraced paws. First, we remove sharp edges on the plane, and then gluham with the help of sandpaper;
  • retreat from the wall of 30 cm and nail a horizontal bar to the supporting plars;
  • from the first bar, retreat another 30 cm and nail the next bar;
  • measuring 0.4 m from the floor of Bruks;
  • krepim to the brucks of the board, for which we will install the pallet;
  • at the resulting flooring, we install the pallet, manufactured by a thin sheet metal or plastic, bought in the store. You can simply put a removable wooden shield;
  • finally, from the bargains we make the ladder and put it to the petition. It will be raised for the night of the bird.

Keep in mind: 1. It is easier to serve a nasal, which can be disassembled for cleaning. 2. If on the shield under the draft pouring dry sand, sawdust or sunflower husk, it will facilitate your task with litter cleaning.

On the chicken piping, the photos of which are located below, you see that some chickens are sitting far from each other, and others are more tight, although there is enough space. It all depends on the temperature: in summer it is hot, and when it's cold outside, they sit down closer - so they are warmer. Therefore, we were added to the length of the varnish 30 cm on each side.


How to make a broken in the form of a box

If chickens are not enough, then this option is suitable as a nasal in the form of a box.


So, consider how to make a natural:

  • we make a rectangle from 4-plates with a thickness of 2.0 and a width of 15 cm;


  • on the bottom, the rectangle is plywood. It can be replaced by another suitable material;
  • inside the perimeter, you feed the boards that will keep the grid - quite strong, able to withstand the weight of chicken;


  • to the resulting design, fake racks with grooves at the top;
  • in the grooves insert the bar-beam well, to full smoothness, processed;
  • in the tray, smear sawdust dry.

If there is a place, you can install a number of 2-3 bars. Capacity under the grid should be regularly removed without allowing it to be completely filled. Waste can be placed in a compost bunch or a barrel specifically dedicated to this - it turns out an excellent fertilizer for the garden.

Hygienic vat.

This type of portable petition is also called hygienic. The basis is the table, it is the pallet for litter. It is convenient because:

  • it can be transferred to any place;
  • easy to wash and disinfect.


Everything is done very simple:

  • we take 4 columns, boards and make a table;
  • on the sides you feed two strips with grooves;
  • in the grooves insert the bars processed over all rules.


Some of the inventive hosts are arranged from the grille:

  • rama from the boards is knocked down;
  • loops are attached to it;
  • the lattice is fixed on the frame;
  • construction one end is attached to the wall, and the other lies on some kind of support. For example: on goats.

In the afternoon, the lattice is raised and she, being at the wall does not interfere with anyone, and in the evening it is harvested horizontally.

Nature for non-suckers

The design of the sewage for non-drying is no particular, unless some sizes:

  • height from the floor - 0.9 m;
  • the bar on which they are sitting, has a cross section of 40x60 mm;
  • the space required for 1 nursing chickens is 250-300 mm.

And without which it is not to do nonsense, so it is without a nest. Take it in this way:

  • in the chicken coop of the chicken coal, the ordinary wooden rectangular box is 0.2x0.3 m, 0.3 m height;
  • in the front wall of the drawer, the entrance with the threshold is not higher than 50 mm;
  • the bottom is lined with sawdust and straw.

The nests can be put under the scene below the shield.

Healthy: one socket is calculated maximum on 6 chickens, so their number should be a multiple.


How to make a nesting for eggs, you can look at this video:

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