Septic for home do it yourself

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All owners of private houses with amenities on the street is the same problem - how to ensure safe and timely pumping septica. To make it possible, you need to build a high-quality septic tank for the house. The finished products in most cases are quite expensive, so more and more owners prefer to deal with the construction of themselves. Make such a system is easy if you adhere to technology and make the right calculations. In this article you will learn everything to install the septica under the house.

What is septica

To properly build a septicch for a private house, it is necessary to understand the principle of its work and features of operation. Previously, the septic was called special containers in which wastewater was accumulated and stored, after which they were pumped out the assessing agents. Today, such systems are also relevant, but others appeared - septic tanks for home without pumping. They free the owners from having to call the assenizatorskaya machine as filtered wastewater, rendering them harmless and passed to the soil.

For the manufacture of septic tank for the house with his own hands all you need to calculate and select the right mounting location, taking into account the special requirements dictated by the construction and sanitary norms.


Location Requirements Septica:

  1. Any septicch must be found from the residential building (in 5 m) or economic buildings (at least 1 m). The optimal distance of the septicity from the house is 5-15 m, since it is simply inappropriate to build it too far. In this case, you will have to lay a long pipeline, which will increase the cost of construction and complicate the system maintenance in the future.
  2. Also, septicch should not be located nearby from water sources: wells, wells, lakes, etc. Between these two points should be at least 20 m, otherwise there is a serious risk of infection and damage to drinking water by wastewater. A permissible distance is determined by the physicochemical characteristics of the soil on the site.
  3. Septic must be located above the source of drinking water on the site (well, well).
  4. In no case can not be septic near the carriageway or near the neighbor's fence.
  5. Septic must be located so that an arbitrary car can drive up at any time of the year.

More information on this topic can be found in the article " Requirements and standards for placing a cesspool».

Types of septicov

The principle of operation of any septicism for a private house is quite simple. The system consists of several cameras in which wastewater accumulates and defend. They enter the chambers on tap pipes from the house. In the process of settling in wastewater, natural processes of decomposition of organic substances occur, as a result of which solid fractions settled to the bottom. Construction rules say that domestic septic tanks must be supplemented with filtering arteries, gravel or sandy filters or other water purifiers.


Anyone who plans to install the septica in the house, gets up to choosing a system option:

  1. Finished industrial model - Today you can buy or order any model of septicism designed for all sorts of maintenance of 1-2 people to dozens of residents. The latter are relevant for the construction of hostels or mini-restaurants. Installation of finished septes is carried out very quickly, and the maintenance does not cause problems. Western countries are particularly popular with autonomous septic groups for home, which are minimizing minimizing. The only reason for which this option is not very popular is the high cost of factory systems.
  2. Monolithic septic - is considered one of the most reliable and time-tested options. Cameras for accumulation of water are made of concrete. Such monolithic structures are characterized by high tightness and long service life. Unfortunately, this option has its drawback - work takes out a lot of time and strength, and also requires the skills of contemplation of concrete.
  3. Septic from concrete rings - perhaps the most common type of systems, relevant several decades in a row. With the help of concrete rings you can quickly build cameras, but their waterproofing should be paid special attention.
  4. Septic from Eurocubov - a modern solution of a long time. Using large plastic containers and pipes, you can quickly make a high-quality septic. Such a system will be a hermetically convenient to service, and even less strength and time will go to work than the option with concrete rings.

Calculation of septic

So, when you have decided on the main building material, it's time to make a settlement for the house. This is a mandatory stage of work that should not be neglected. From how correctly you will determine the required volume of seduction cameras, the convenience of using the system in the future will depend.


To determine the volume of the chambers, you should repel from two factors: the number of people living in the house, and the number of sanitary devices (washing machine, dishwashers, etc.). Obviously, if a family of four lives in the house, and the kitchen has a dishwasher and washing machine, they will need a septic tank greater than for a house with two tenants, in which only washbasin and toilet.

Just do not immediately be afraid and think that you need to calculate how much water is spending every vest, especially since it is unrealistic. To calculate the volume of the septicity for the house, it suffices to make it a bit of approximate daily water consumption by one person - 200 liters. Even if you spend water very economically, push out from the set value. Maybe you will come to a friend or several relatives to you, then there is no time extra cubic meters very useful.

The volume of the septicine chamber should exceed the total value of the water consumed per family 3 times. For example, a family of 3 people live in the house. If everyone spends 200 liters, then 600 liters are obtained in total. We multiply this value by 3 and we get 1800 liters. For funny confidence, it is better to round the result in the most side - you will need a 2 cube camera.

Septic of concrete rings

In this chapter, we will look at how to make a septic tank in a private house, using ordinary concrete rings for this. But first of all, let us touch the principle of operation of such a system. It consists of 3 wells. When the wastewater on the water supply in the first well is subject to primary processing, and then follow in - in the second well. There they pass the second phase of filtration, and from the third well, quite clean and harmlessly go to the ground. Thus, we see that the services of the assessing agents are not needed for this system, so there is a chance to save on service. Supporters of the economical consumption of funds we offer to get acquainted with the article " Cleaning septicity with your own hands».


Installation of such a septica guarantees wastewater treatment due to organic fermentation. To start this process, you need to overlap air access to the first well. In the second well there must be oxygen so that the bacteria can decompose organic matter into smaller fractions falling into the sediment. The last well takes a purified liquid and allows it to leak into the soil.

How to make home septic from rings:

  1. First you need to buy the concrete rings themselves in the amount of 9 pcs. Also for maintaining the system will require 3 hatches.
  2. In the established location selected according to the requirements of SNiP, haul into one row 3 wells 3 m in the depth and 2.8 m in diameter.
  3. The bottom of the first two holes pour cement-sandy solution by making concrete pillows.
  4. To lower the concrete rings in the pits, you will need lifting equipment. This, by the way, another minus of this method - you need to spend money for renting a crane and the work of the craneist. Lower to each hole 3 rings by setting them on each other.
  5. The joints between the rings thoroughly fill in liquid glass. We have already written that when arranged septicity from concrete rings it is extremely important to take care of the tightness of the tanks, so pay special attention to this. Some particularly scrupulous owners prefer to cover concrete rings from the inside with bitumen mastic for additional waterproofing.
  6. Between the external walls of the rings and the edges of the kittle, the distance will remain - pour it off the lock.
  7. If the purified liquid from the third drainage well is planned to be used in the pond, the chlorine-cartridge should be put on its bottom.
  8. Now you can proceed to installing the water supply. Today, polyvinyl chloride sewer pipes are used. Move the pipe to the first well at a slight angle.
  9. The pipe that will connect the first well with the second must be 20 cm below the first one.
  10. The pipe between 2 and 3 the well should be below the second to 20 cm.

Here are the basic principles of the septica of the concrete rings. It is only possible to add that its construction requires a significant area, therefore this option is not suitable for owners of small sites. Also during the laying of pipes to the septic, try to avoid a large number of curves and turns - these are potential locations of the blocks.

Septic from Eurocubov

Make a septicity from Eurocubes is much simpler and faster than from concrete rings. The cost of consumables is higher, but you will not need to hire a lifting crane and spend the means for waterproofing. Thus, the cost of work is practically equalized.

In the image below you can see one of the septica schemes in a private house built from Eurocubes:

9Shem-Septica-from eurocubs

For the construction of septicities from cubes, first of all, it is required to prepare pitchers, as well as to pull the trench, coming from the house with a bias towards the septica. The size of the pits for containers to determine is not difficult: the pitual should be more tank per 15 cm on each side. Its depth must take into account the height of the Eurocuba and to accommodate the sewering highway laid under a slope of at least 2 cm / m. The bottom of the holes, as in the case of concrete rings, it is necessary to cover the concrete pillow so that Cubes do not go into the ground. For this, they also make "anchor" hinges, holding the containers during the soil beating in the spring.

The main stages of construction septica:

  1. Prepare containers, sewing a drain hole at the bottom. In Eurocubes, make entrance and outlet holes for mounting ventilation and pipes.
  2. For septula from 2-cubes, it will take 4 tee and pipe with a diameter of 10-15 cm. To insert a pipe into a tee, make a p-shaped incision around the neck and remove the edge.
  3. In the first Cuba, make a hole for the pipe that comes from home. To do this, cut a piece of pipe of the desired length, enter into the hole in the container and connect with the tee.
  4. In accordance with the size of the pipe 110 mm, cut the hole in the container at the point where you plan to enter a pipe running from home.
  5. Over a tee Make a hole with a diameter of 50 mm to put the ventilation and clean pipe there. Insert a short sewer pipe there.
  6. Cut the hole in the tank through which it will connect with the second eurocubule. In this case, the connecting tube, according to the installation technology, should be placed 20 cm below the intake.
  7. Based on this, one second cube must be supplied below the first 20 cm to use its volume to the maximum.
  8. Attach tees with ventilation releases to the top pipes so that they can be cleaned if necessary, thereby preventing the appearance of the crust.
  9. All joints of pipes fill in sealant.
  10. Weld the frame from steel corners and strengthen its reinforcement.
  11. Fasten the septic walls with rivets in the fields of technological seams.
  12. All seams pour silicone and glove the waterproofing material on top.
  13. Now you can lower the septic tank in the pit, after which it is immediately filled with water so that it is not crushed under the severity of the soil. If your site is on the grunted soil, sider septic on all sides by a straightener or pour the gaps between the walls of the tanks and the boilers concrete. In the latter case, the European-daisy framework will simultaneously serve as a qualitative reinforcement of concrete. This is the most reliable option that prevents the pushing of tanks during the soil in spring.
  14. Heat septic tank with foam or polystyrene foam, paving layers from all sides.
  15. Top to put wooden boards, put a professional flooring or pour the concrete tie.

In this video, septic tank in a private house is shown in all details:

Septic for home: photo






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