Cleaning septicity with your own hands

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Comfortable stay in the country house is impossible without an effective sewer system. One of its main elements is septic. It is intended to collect all household waste coming from home. Like any construction, septicch must be subjected to periodic cleaning. On the peculiarities of the implementation of this procedure and will be discussed in our article.


What to clean septic

The normal performance of cesspool is achieved due to its timely cleaning. But you can and extend the operational period. To do this, take advantage of special means for cleaning the septic.


There are two main types of funds:

  • chemical;
  • biological.

The principle of operation of chemicals is as follows. Due to the presence of coagulant, small particles become large flakes. As a result of the increase in mass, such particles settle on the bottom.

Biological means are stuffed with strains of various bacteria. If you get into the sewage treatment, they are engaged in the decomposition of organic substances.


Preparations for cleaning septica (ammonium compounds, formaldehyde, nitrate oxidants) were popular a few years ago. They are characterized by:

  • absolute resistance to temperature differences;
  • excellent acceleration of the wastewater decomposition process;
  • one hundred percent elimination of unpleasant odor;
  • the ability to solve solid waste of human livelihoods.

But chemicals have a significant drawback - high toxicity, which destructively affects the environment. Yes, if there is a metal element in the sewer system, they are destroyed.

Biological means

Of the population of the population cause biological preparations for cleaning cesspool. This is not surprising because they have such advantages:

  • absolute security for humans and natural environment;
  • help reduce the volume of sewage drain;
  • do not destroy the body of the sewage facilities;
  • completely disinfected and dilute waste waste;
  • do not allow the development of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • prevent the appearance of harmful gases and evaporation.

Features of using biological products

The main criterion when choosing a biological agent for cleaning a cesspool is to comply with the conditions for normal reproduction of bacteria. The most important requirement for cleaning the septicity by bacteria is the presence of a liquid medium.


If a liquid will be in a small amount in the sewage treatment, the bacteria will simply die. For this reason, it makes sense for this reason to fill out a new septic. If there is a need for this, 5-6 buckets of water are additionally poured into the sewage treatment plant.

When cleaning wastewater in septic with bacteria, sewer should be used regularly. Without household organic waste, bacteria will live only 1-2 weeks. In the case when a country house serves as a place of residence only in the summer, then a special preparation is bought, restoring the normal development of bacteria.

For effective septic cleaning, product manufacturers recommendations are required. If the instruction says that the drug should be mixed with water, then it must be done by it. Do not hope for its dissolution in sewage.

Particular attention should be paid to the filters that are used to clean drinking water. They may contain substances that have an adverse effect on bacteria. In this regard, it is not recommended to drain the contents of the filter into sewage pipes when cleaning it.

This also applies to medical drugs that have antibacterial properties. They will destroy live bacteria. Disposal of such drugs is carried out in a different way.

Household chemicals

Negative influence on the vital activity of bacteria is provided by some means for washing dishes and washing powders. It is forbidden to use household chemicals, which contains:

  • chlorine;
  • phenol;
  • alkaline components;
  • acids;
  • aldehydes;
  • antibacterial additives.

Before purchasing powder or detergent, you should carefully examine the packaging of the goods. It is necessarily a mark about the possibility of working bacteria in an aggressive environment.


The most suitable environmental means are:

  • tool for washing dishes SPÜL-S;
  • all-Clean Universal Preparation;
  • sAN-PLUS® Fresh detergent.

SPÜL-S perfectly removes fat from any surface, without leaving divorces. It is absolutely safe for the environment. And the presence in the preparation of a huge amount of active substances makes the use of SPÜL-S economical.

With the help of All-Clean, cleanliness is maintained throughout the country house. Having a soft formula, this universal preparation does not cause an allergic reaction. All-Clean cleans any contamination. Used for washing plastic coatings, stone, wood, glass or ceramics.

SAN-PLUS® Fresh:

  • removes the dirt exhibiting on the sink, toilet, bath, tile;
  • gives the shine plumbing.

Varieties of biological preparations for cleaning the structure

Among the biological agents used to clean septic, the drug "Dr. Robik" is in great demand, which is represented by such a model near:

  • Dr 37;
  • Other 47;
  • DR 57;
  • Dr 87;
  • Dr 106.

DR 37 uses in septhes where an anaerobic process is carried out. A drug:

  • accelerates waste decomposition;
  • reduces the likelihood of the appearance of blockages;
  • increases the operating period of the structure.

OR 47 is used in cesspools and facilities in which air is served. The equipment includes aerobic bacteria, which quickly and without sharp smell produce decomposition of organic substances.

DR 57 refers to the repair formulations. Its use is advisable:

  • with the appearance of failures in the work of the cleaning structure;
  • if the poor functioning of the sewer system is associated with the appearance of significant contaminants.

Dr 87 has special components, thanks to which the instant recycling of soap effluents occurs. The main purpose of DR 87 is to reduce the negative impact of household chemicals, which falls into the sewer system after:

  • washing dishes;
  • washing things;
  • cleaning plumbing equipment.


Dr 106 is a universal septical cleaning agent. It combines all the advantages of the above preparations.

There are some more popular biological agents, thanks to which you can clean the septic tank. These include:

  • Septicsol;
  • Bioforce Septic Comfort;
  • Timir.

Septicsol is produced in the form of granules. The consumption of the drug is 1 pack for 2 thousand liters. Constructions. To clean the septic, the package is poured into the toilet and is washed off with water 3-4 times. For two months, Septicsol is used with an interval of 2 weeks. After that cleaning septicism takes place 1 time per month.

For a standard sewage treatment plant, Bioforce Septic Comfort is best. The cleaning agent is made in the form of packets that quickly dissolve in sewage water. They are also descended into the sewer system.

Bioforce Septic Comfort has an increased sensitivity to the acid and alkaline medium. The main advantage of the drug is the ability of bacteria to go into sleep mode at a negative temperature.

The Russian Preparation for cleaning Septica "Tamir" is a liquid. It is poured into the sewer tube when a sharp smell appears. Fluid consumption is 350 ml / 2000 liters of septic.

Features of mechanical cleaning septic

In the process of operation, the sewage treatment plant occurs. Therefore, along with the use of bacteria, it is necessary to periodically clean the septicity from the sludge. Mechanical pumping can be done using:

  • machine-assessionator;
  • pump;
  • sewer pipes.

The first option provides for the use of a special cargo car. Work on the pumping of deposits of il from the septic is carried out quickly. Fading fluid leaves the rustic area limits.


To use the machine-assessionator, it is necessary to comply with two conditions:

  • availability of free access to the construction;
  • the maximum depth of the septic should be 3 m.

When using the pump, the dumped liquid with the il accumulates in special tanks. For pumping fecal deposits, centrifugal and vibration pumps are suitable. They are equipped with large holes through which the il pumping occurs.

The principle of functioning of sewage pipes is based on the action of hydrostatic pressure, thanks to which Il Self comes out through pipes. This type of mechanical pumping is used extremely rarely.

Regardless of the method of mechanical cleaning, in the septic, it is necessary to leave about 15-20% il. This will ensure the most rapid fermentation of new stocks.

In addition to pumping excess flats, they are held:

  • filter cleaning, which catches large waste fractions;
  • removal of garbage that is not recycled by bacteria.

Pumping of the sludge and solid fractions from the septica is carried out 1 time per year. Timely work will save from the hassle associated with clogging and breakdown of equipment.

Video cleaning septica:

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