Glowing stones in the country area do it yourself: installation tips

March 28. Useful advice, Plot. Views 677. Comments To records glowing stones in the country area do it yourself: installation tips No

People who consider themselves gardeners by calling are always concerned about the design of their plot. And a traditional question for each of them: how to combine originality with functionality? One of the most urgent tasks remains the coverage of the local area. Thanks to the efforts of modern technologists, classic lanterns and primitive lamps risk becoming turning into the remnants of the past, since innovative fixture appeared to decorate landscape design - glowing stones. What it is and is it possible to make glowing stones with your own hands, read further.

Principle of action of luminous stones

Glowing stones - how is it possible? Everything is extremely simple: those stones that can reflect light are shining. Consider two types of stones possessing such a property.

Polymer glowing stones

The basis for creating the first type of stones is a special polymer plastic, which collects and stores particles of light obtained from natural luminaries and light bulbs. To enhance the plastic effect, mixed with a catalyst. Such light sources work long: shine exactly so much time as the source is in the light. So, if the sun charged the stone during the day, in the evening and at night he will give light for 10 hours.

The indisputable advantage of glowing stones for the garden is that their life is unlimited. In addition, they almost do not differ from the natural stones, but it is much easier than natural works of nature. It is very simple to care for polymer light sources: as soon as they contaminate, just wash them with water with the addition of a household cleaner.

Purchase a novelty to improve the landscape design of your site can be any sizes. Someone will be interested in bulk cobblestones, someone souls squeeze small pebbles resembling a small crushed stone. Most often, the radiating light polymers are unfolding along the garden paths and tracks. You can also see such glowing decorative stones in the pool, fountain or pond - they are not afraid of water and bizarrely highlight any water object in the garden. Polymer light sources are environmentally safe and not distinguished into the environment harmful substances for humans.

Glowing stones during the day ...

... and at night

LED glowing stones

These decorative elements allow the LEDs embedded in the dark in the dark. If in the question of the lighting of the site you are inclined precisely to this option, do not forget that the power supply source within reach will surely need for the operation of LED stones. When it is dark, click "click" toggle and your site will fill soft muffled light.

Unlike polymer products, stones, equipped with LEDs, do not look very natural. In the afternoon, they represent transparent containers, which can be taken for the original elements of High-tech decor.

Manufacturers of LED stones can boast the impressive service life of their creation - in conditions of daily decadatholic use, they will work for about 30 years. An important feature: the listing LED is not replaced due to the absolute tightness of the product. We note and an important positive feature of the luminous artificial stones on the LEDs - they can easily withstand heavy loads.

Types and forms of LED gamps are distinguished by a large variety. To make your garden plot unlike the neighbor, you can stop the choice on large stones, rounded pebbles or stone crumb. You can also use a combination of different LED products, and then your garden in the dark will turn into a sparkling corner of the fabulous forest. And although LED stones - the pleasure is not cheap, they are fully justified by effectiveness, durability and originality.

Installation of luminous stones on the plot

Artificial glowing stones are not so heavy as real, and therefore completely unstable. Reliable fixation is the main condition for their installation. If it is good not to fix such a stone, sooner or later you will have to search for the product in the neighboring sites, where it will be born.

In particular, large-sized stones need in a solid montage. When installing bulk boulders, they are first slightly pressed into the ground, and then the lower part is slightly pouted. Installation of luminous stone crumb (about 0.5 cm) and river pebbles (1 - 2 cm) does not require special effort. Products are simply scattered along the garden tracks, or in the lumeges between the tiles. The combination of glowing stones (blue, pink and green products) is collected in patterned paths, slightly pressing to the surface of the earth.

Very popular in modern landscape design vertical laying of glowing stones, when pebbles are fixed to the facades of houses, decorate its walls of the well, stands of arbors and swings, pour into small containers.

Luminous stones for landscape design: section design options

The highlighted elements of the garden decor and architecture are pleasant to the eye, if you look around the entire area, inspect every corner near or admire the general view of the garden from the height of the second floor. How to enter stones glowing in the dark in the dark in the natural picture of the native area?

The contour way to design a section with luminous stones

This decoring option is used to transform garden tracks, small water bodies and flower beds. With the help of a continuous display of glowing stones, the contour of the selected object shining the soft light. This is an excellent choice for those who prefer calm smooth lines with clear geometric pieces.

Dotting method of decoration with glowing stones

In this case, the stones are postponing not completely, but at some distance from each other. You can also alternate stones with lighting different color. Today is the most popular type of plot design. It will take quite a few stones to transform the garden. For example, an intermittent flickering line along the path looks concisely and at the same time very effectively.

Accent Waying Luminous Stones

A real decoration for not a very large garden plot will be a composition with one large luminous boulder. This is a simple and very stylish way of highlighting a decorative shrub, a small tree or alpine slide. Voon will emit soft scattered light, completely unlike the lighting, which gives the usual backlight. The stones of large sizes are made exclusively from the polymer material, embedding the light element there.

Luminous stones patterns

This original and very beautiful way of registration is one of the most popular. Flexible patterns and paintings are obtained from stones equipped with LEDs. Using high-strength glowing stones in the shape of a tile and blocks easily fold the garden track and walk along it. The combination of paving mosaic tiles and glowing stones give the evening garden special charm and mystery. Unusually beautiful patterns are obtained from combinations of glowing multicolored cobblestones of different sizes and varying degrees of glow. Especially nice to admire such a picture from a height. And for water bodies there are special glowing stones from which the tracks can be spread on the day.

Advantages of glowing stones for garden decoration

  1. Glowing stones - a way out for those who are concerned about the issue of electricity saving. Decorative products emit a pleasant soft light, so the need for electrical lighting and lanterns disappears.
  2. Glowing stones calmly carry the temperature drops, blows, severe heat and cold.
  3. The luminous stones will drastically transform even the most ridicular plot and bring there a mysterious and romantic atmosphere.
  4. Thanks to all sorts of dimensions, colors, forms and varying degrees of glow, you can create any complexity composition - experimenting with such light sources is very interesting!
  5. Glowing stones will be appreciated primarily by people creative, as well as those who feel fatigue from the city bustle. Artificial stones will envelop the garden with a pleasant scattered light, fill your site with a diplocity, and the soul is calm. What is not relaxing therapy?
  6. Make glowing stones will be able to each. Especially since this occupation does not take you a lot of money and time. The main thing is your fantasy and desire to decorate the plot of something unusual and interesting.

Glowing babe on the road during the day ...

... and at night

How to make glowing stones do it yourself

In order not to spend money on factory light sources, make glowing stones themselves. Be prepared for the fact that the home products will differ dramatically from the functionality purchased in terms of functionality: they will not be able to illuminate the territory well, so they will carry mainly decorative load.

To begin with, we will pick up suitable stones. The optimal option is a sea pebble or crushed stone. These types of stones have a good form and they look good as an element of any landscape composition. Smispy of small stones draw up the edges of the garden path or track, flower beds, or individual plants on the plot.

We will also need special paint with the tatt33 mark. This note means that the product contains a luminescent pigment with light-bundle properties. For luminophore, go to any store building materials.

How to choose a suitable paint: types of luminous paints for stones

Luminous paint is a comprehensive mixture based on aluminum and lanthanide oxide, which are catalyst. Note that any attitude to phosphoric substances does not have a phosphoric substance, because there are no radioactive processes in its structural connections. There are several kinds of paints capable of accumulating and reflecting the light:

  1. Luminescent (light-absorbing) paint - the coloring agent that accumulates the energy of light, and at night gives it to 8 - 11 hours. The darkness of the paint provides a phosphor (luminescent pigment). Any paint capable of self-luminaries is the result of a combination of transparent varnish and phosphor.
  2. Reflective enamel - reflects the light when the ray of light falls on it. This type of paint is often used when marking roads, designations of the boundaries of the territory and in the production of reflective road signs.
  3. Pearl (rainbow, pearl) paint - striking eyes with all the shades of the rainbow spectrum when sun rays fall on it. This decorative paint is used for drawing on various surfaces. Images made by rainbow paint can be bribed with amazing overflows of colors when the angle is changed.

To create glowing stones, we have already understood, it will take fluorescent paint - certainly the highest quality. The quality and duration of the glow of stones depends on the thermal resistance and moisture resistance of the substance.

Next steps in the manufacture of glowing stone are as follows:

  • wash and carefully clean all the cracks and grooves on the stones - the quality of painting depends solely on the purity of the working surface. Before you take a brush, the stones are completely dry;

  • take a brush and with its help cover the paint surface of the stone, paying special attention to the cracks. To cope with the painting faster and at the same time not to spend too many phosphors, paint only the outer side of the stones, the inner part will still be pressed against the ground;

  • luminescent stones covered with luminescent stones on a clean and dry surface for drying;

  • when the stones are completely dried, cover them with colorless varnish for external work in one layer. After the lacquer dries, the glowing stones are ready for transportation to the garden.

How to make a glowing stone at home, we found out. Now it remains to enlist a good mood and decorate the native territory with original pebbles at its discretion. And in the evening, the magic atmosphere of the fabulous garden awaits you.

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