Petunia: landing, care, cultivation conditions

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Sometimes the desire to grow in itself the petunia appears spontaneously. Next, the neighbors begin to tell that she is capricious, and doubts appear. Yes, the plant loves often to "feed", her appetite is good, also needs frequent watering. However, all these concerns are forgotten when it begins to grow and blossom. It remains to find out how to plant it correctly and grow than now and do.

Basic Rules for Petunia

The plant is thermal lodge, so it is most often planted in open areas. Very nice petunia looks in vases in balconies. At first, it can slowly grow, but do not think that there is your wine here. So, we will not run in advance, we will better consider the following landing methods - from seeds and from seedlings.

Landing from seeds - how when and where

In the store you may pate, asking what seeds you want. A beginner flower descend is unlikely to find what to answer. They can be in granules and ordinary. First option Consider in detail: these are the same seeds, but the size is more due to the neutral shell, in the form of small balls. They are more convenient to plant them separately, then the problem of removing unnecessary shoots disappears. Some are soaked, but this is not necessarily. After 5-7 days, the flower will make himself felt. Ordinary seeds fall into the soil with handfuls, as a rule. As soon as sprouts begin to break into the sun, it becomes clear who is superfluous.

When to grow in the cultivation of petunia seeds - the next important question. These are mainly done from the beginning of January and until the end of March. It all depends on the heat and light that you are willing to provide the plant. If the windowsill is on the sunny side, do not be afraid to play landing in January, otherwise wait for spring.

Knowing flower shifts and landing site. For some, this is not a problem at all - the usual box is suitable or box. Other scrupulously choose the "houses" for flowers. Many prefer peat pills.


Indeed, a good alternative to the usual soil, besides rich in minerals and useful substances. One tablet is a dwelling for one seed. However, with such a check, it is necessary to mess around a lot, because it is necessary to ensure heat, humidity and a sufficient amount of light. But the carrots with this way less, and petunia in pills look somehow more careful. The option is generally innovative, especially for those who are used to doing everything in the old manner. Nevertheless, sometimes it is useful to experiment.

Next method - Petunia from seedlings

Simply do not look for the way. Consider the following simple algorithm:

  • the young plant should be conveyed home;
  • next - to transplant to the vase or open soil;
  • hiding, and abundantly.

Then it remains to wait for a fusion blossom. Oh yeah, one moment - do not forget about the appetite of the plant. Some flower flowers, in the photo Petunia look like a real bright cloud. It is impossible to grow such a magnificent plant without regular feeding. So go to the store and buy everything you need. But do not hurry with the procedure itself. It is necessary to feed the petunia in 2 weeks after the transplant.

Pricing or not to dive?

The novice gardener does not say this term. However, this procedure is simply necessary. Or, maybe you know how to grow petunia from seeds without diving? To begin with, consider the process itself in stages.

1. As soon as the recently injured petunia seeds began to differ in active growth, it's time to think about picking. So, we will prepare disposable cups.

2. Instead, you can use other containers, but this option is the most suitable. Further we fall asleep in them the soil, slightly tamper and sprinkle with water slightly.

3. In the middle we make a deepening with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm, where we put the sprouting of petunia. Just write, yes not easy to do. Perhaps this is the most time consuming stage. Some use and tweezers, and Chinese sticks, and toothpicks.


Choose the most convenient way for you, just proceed carefully, remember is a whole jewelry job. After changing anything somewhere, a weak plants, you will do the destruction of the whole flower.

Immediately calculate the number of cups. If necessary, you can land into one small container several germs, but then there will be another petunia picking procedure.


About Petunia: Note Beginning Flower

In different sources you can see contradictory information: some write that this is an annual plant, others prove the opposite. However, we live in the modern world and we understand that in the encyclopedias they write one, and in fact we get another. As a rule, blooming petunitions only enough for a year.

If the place on the site allows you to try to grow a real blooming carpet that will be near the gazebo or in the reservoir. Here you will use cascading petunias. They are so smart grow up, which is just like to look. And the resourceful hosts come up with where it is better to place them - on the veranda in the suspended vases or in the courtyard near the swing.

A big appetite and a whole list of requirements is all about Petunia. Nevertheless, the plant is ready to adapt both to the northern regions and to the tropics. The difference will be only noticeable in the flowering period. Probably, they ourselves noticed how the petunias are reacting on the weather whims.

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