How to make smoking with your own hands

June 4. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 14005. Comments to record how to make smoking with your own hands No

Products of their own preparation are always delicious to those on the shelves of shops. This statement largely applies to smoked meters: Today manufacturers use chemicals by replacing them a natural process.


Fix the situation will help a personal smokehouse, with their own hands it can be made from various materials. Your attention is the drawings of smokers for clarity (in different design).


You need to choose the most appropriate way from those offered in this article, a little worn, and delicious fish or meat will be on the table.


How is the smokehouse made of stainless steel

Homemade smoking can be assembled from a pan, buckets or a tank made of stainless steel. For this you need:


  1. Stainless wire with a diameter of 2 - 3 mm need to weave the grille for styling products.
  2. The grid is required to fasten at the level of the height of the tank above: for this, limiters are attached from the inside of plates, corners or hooks.
  3. From the galvanized steel sheet, you need to make the pallet for fat. It will be easier to implement if you first make a pattern of cardboard or tight paper. The pallet will be installed on the bottom of the smoke container.
  4. If the cover of the factory manufacture, suitable for the capacitance, it should also be made of galvanized steel sheet.


Smokehouse from the old barrel

How to make smoking, if at your disposal is the old barrel? The sequence of actions is the following.


  1. If the barrel is metallic - to clean it from spots of oil and paint, you need to hold it in the fire for an hour. Wooden barrel - to thoroughly wash and dried in the sun.
  2. Products will be suspended, for their mounting you need to drill a few holes.
  3. The "glass" is made of a metal pipe with a length of 400-500 mm, a diameter of 50-60 mm, which is brewed one end. Wall thickness - up to 3 mm. For this, old Cardan is suitable. The "glass" will be inserted through the bottom of the barrel into the hole.
  4. Barrel is placed at a height, convenient to install a glass. If you use a wooden barrel, the "glass" should be protected from a high temperature asbestos tissue.
  5. A sheet of plywood is used as a cover. So that she covered her skin tightly, the load is put on top.
  6. With the help of a soldering lamp or gas burner "Glass" warms up within an hour (sawdust during this time burned). The formation of abundant smoke does not need to be allowed to reduce the fire in a timely manner.
  7. The products from the smokehouse get after its cooling and allow to ventilate in the air. Not burnt sawdust removed.
  8. In sawdust it is recommended to add some sugar to go thick smoke. It does not need to lay the sawdust.




Rice. 2 Metal Barrel Smoke

1 - side with holes for rods; 2 - a glass with chip; 3 - soldering lamp


Skolna from the refrigerator

Smokehouse at home can be created from the one-chamber of Soviet-made alocaming refrigerator. How to make a conceived?

  1. Initially, all plastic parts and an aluminum freezer should be dismantled. It remains only the steel case and the shelves in the form of a lattice.
  2. If there are cracks in the case, they must be sealed with wipe sheets cut from sheet metal.
  3. On the bottom of the refrigerator housing you need to put the electric stove and include it in the network. After three minutes it must be turned off. Sawdles pour over the spiral layer about 3 cm. Smoking fish occurs when the door is closed for six hours, meat - longer.
  4. Products that will slip, lay out on the grid. If necessary, they can be suspended on hooks for the lattice bar.


Skolna from bricks

The principle of operation of such a smoke is no different from any other. Instead of the lid, it is often equipped with a wooden door and in this case resembles a conventional Russian oven. The doors should be protected by a layer of clay, and so that it does not appear, you need to close the clay with sheet gland. All other works are performed according to the following scheme.


  1. A strong monolithic foundation is constructed.
  2. From ceramic brick, we make the laying of the smoke cabinet according to the planned sizes in advance. The volume of the smoke chamber depends on which product is supposed to be prepared, but in any case, it is 1.5-2 times more furnace.
  3. At the ¼ height of the smoke, we arrange the air duct and protect the place of its attachment to the collar. Over its entrance, we arrange drainage of the same design as for the furnace, but you can use the rods of smaller diameter.
  4. Around the design requires compact soil.


Another execution of a brick smokehouse involves the use instead of the door cover in the upper part of the usual iron sheet or from the boards. Walls are erected from bricks. The cover is removed to access products and grille. To achieve tightness, it is recommended to lay a burlap under the cover.

The smoked process is happening:

  • the cover is removed and the fire is raised after laying;
  • the cover is placed in place, but there is a small gap to provide air intake;
  • smoke enters the smoke cabinet through the air duct;
  • after the formation of a sufficient amount of coal, add chipping of fruit trees;
  • cover tightly closed;
  • inside the cabinet place the product;
  • after filling the cabinet smoke, we close the lid;
  • after the expiration of the last time, the product will be ready.


How to build smaller smoke

In the country, most often enough small smokers, where you can prepare a small amount of fish. This building is faster and cheaper than a large, but the sequence of work is largely similar.


  1. For chimney, it is necessary to use the features of the relief (the firebox should be lower than the smokehouse). Canal for chimney can be paved in the ground. Its length is selected in the range of 2-3 m at a cross section 350 (width) × 250 (height) mm. The channel is built from a ceramic red brick.
  2. For channel should prepare a trench size 350 × 550 mm and its bottom ram.
  3. Brick is located along the length and connected end to end by means of a clay solution.
  4. Before the construction of walls from the same red brick is based on the basis. If the smoke barrel, the foundation is not needed. The maximum height of the smoke is 1.5 m. It can be laid in a quarter of a brick (on the edge). Pulling of seams in width should be the same. It is desirable that the height of the walls is no higher than 250 mm.
  5. The top of the channel is also overlapped with bricks, which is laid by the "house". You can use flat slate for this. All gaps should be smeared by the clay solution.
  6. After the solution is completely driving, the channel should be filled with a layer of soil with a height of about 150 mm.


In addition to the above rules, the following nuances should be taken into account:


  • in the absence of clay, it can be replaced by a conventional chernozem, but it is impossible to use cement;
  • to place products it is necessary to install metal bars: in a small smokehouse there are enough 8 pcs. (at an altitude of 0.7 m 4 rods for hot smoked and 4 more - on a quarter meter below the top edge for cold smoking);
  • the filter device uses burlap, stretched on a wire frame;
  • the filter is installed below the first rod and periodically wetted with water;
  • the shock lid is made of metal.


About cold and hot smoked

Cold smoking with its own hands with two cameras: one generates smoke, and a smoking product is placed in another. In order for the smoke to enter the smokehouse cooled, the smoke length should be at least 10 m. You can speed up this process using fans. In essence, this is a smokehouse, the design of which is described above, the size of which depends on which product will be prepared.
Hot smokehouse with your own hands can be made of an ordinary iron bucket with a lid. This is the easiest smokehouse (see the photo below), at the bottom of which the grille is located, and in the upper part - the holes for the rods, on which the products are hooked. Under the grill on the bottom laid chips and put a bucket on a weak fire. As a result, the chip starts to smooth, after which the products can be laid. After half an hour, everything will be ready.

To get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow smoking is made, check out the video.

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