Heating at home by the heat of land. Geothermal Heating of Country House

June 4. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 3851 Comments To record heating house with heat of land. Geothermal Heating of Country House No

A few years ago, the use of natural energy as the main source for the stable operation of engineering systems was considered unthinkable, expensive and in principle, impossible within the framework of private construction. Therefore, when building your own house, preference was preferably predominantly more familiar options for artificial origin.


Today, given the speed of technical progress and a significant expansion of the construction of an individual nature, such systems, the uninterrupted work of which provides natural energy, are becoming increasingly popular. In particular, the geothermal principle of the house heating is fairly in demand, in which the main source of power supply system is land.

What are the advantages of using thermal soil energy?


To find out how rational is the decision to issue heating with heat of the Earth, we give several undeniable advantages of this method:

  1. This source is inexhaustible.
  2. There is no risk of fire or other emergency situations.
  3. Significant time savings caused by the lack of concern for regular purchases of fuel and its storage.
  4. The ecological purity of the process of obtaining the energy of the heat of the Earth, in which no harmful waste of production is formed.
  5. Safety Systems.
  6. Minimum service costs.
  7. High performance coefficient.
  8. The autonomy of functioning that does not require constant self-adjustment. slide1.

Important! It is most profitable to apply heat for the house from the Earth in the formation of the heating system in private houses, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed 200 m2. In this case, despite the high cost of the necessary concomitant equipment for the full functioning of the system with high performance, all expenses pay off after 2-3 years, even with constant use of the device. tN2B.

Principle of operation of the geothermal system


Features of the principle of operation of such a heating system, in general, similar to the conditions for the functioning of such household appliances as a refrigerator or air conditioning:

  1. The main element of the heat heating device is a heat pump that connects to two circuits. It is worth noting that heat generation with such a device is 4-5 times higher than the amount of electricity consumed, that is, 4-5 kW of heat produced to 1 used kW electricity. geotermalij-Teplovoi-Nasos-Princip-Raboty
  2. The outer contour is responsible directly for heat generation. It uses a large heat exchanger installed in the thickness of the Earth. Its inside is filled with water or antifreeze. From the external contour through the heat pump is pumped with a heated energy of the substance in the internal circuit.
  3. Inner circuit is a standard heating installation of radiators and pipelines. teplo222.

    Important! Pay attention to the fact that the qualitative parts for the installation of the heating device, the much higher it will be its power, and accordingly the convenience of operation.


Review the video in which the example of the functioning of the heating system of the house is clearly shown using the Earth's energy and the installation of its main elements.

What equipment to prepare for registration of the heating system with the heat of the Earth?


For the construction of a heating system using the heat of the Earth, prepare materials and equipment, focusing on the following list:

  • ground collector;
  • circulation pump;
  • heat pump;
  • copper and polyethylene pipes;
  • radiators;
  • sloping and adjusting reinforcement for connecting individual system elements. 7191

    Important! In addition to the main parts of the configuration, depending on the selected method of forming an underground device for the energy of the heat of the Earth, consider the use of the necessary powerful equipment in advance to perform earthmoving work:

    • drilling rig;

    • excavator or any other appropriate type technique.

    Given the need for one-time use of such machines, the rational decision will be the rental of equipment in the process of the construction of the entire building. This approach will allow not only high quality and quickly form the heating system, but also significantly speed up other building processes. 1363284376_Teplovoy-Nasos-Poluchayuschiy-Teplo-Iz-Glubiny-Zemli

What technology to give preference?

Given the continuous development of technology and the search for new practical solutions to reduce the process of heating a private house, today have developed 3 main geothermal technologies:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical;
  • water treatment. ground_loops.

    Important! What exactly to give preference to determine, based on the mandatory requirements for each method listed below. In this case, the criteria of choice will be the following factors:

    • sizes of the site;
    • landscape features;
    • the degree of landscaping and types of plants used for this purpose;
    • financial opportunities;
    • professional skills to perform construction work. gruntoviy_teplovoy_nasos.

By deciding to make the heating of the house with the warmth of the Earth, tune in advance to the fact that the upcoming work differ sufficient complexity and require not only financial investments at the initial stage, but also time, attentiveness and accuracy, mandatory compliance with the rules when installing. Only with this approach will be able to achieve the desired result, and the formed heating system with a natural energy source will be really beneficial and will not allow not worrying about the replacement of the device over the years. 362B2D7B8D419F9EF01D565A16C5CCB8.


Browse the video in which the entire process of mounting the heating system is clearly shown when using the heat pump.

Features of the arrangement of horizontal geothermal heating

Dimplex IMG.

The design of such a system is similar to a warm floor device. Carefully consider the construction scheme of the horizontal method of laying the heating line to more clearly imagine the principle of formation.


Check out the recommendations for laying the elements of the heating chain in this way:

  1. Determine the plot for laying pipes, the size of which is 2.5-3 times higher than the territory occupied by the house itself.
  2. All work performed until the territory is refined.
  3. Trench depth. Subscribe 1.5-1.8 meters or lower than the level of soil freezing on a particular area if it exceeds this indicator.
  4. Pipes on the surface of the trenched trench are bend.
  5. When laying a pipeline, take into account the subsequent forms of landscaping.
  6. Place them in such a way that the indentation of trees is 1.5 meters.
  7. To perform this work, apply products from the PND. 1331027064_Teplo_goriz_big

    Important! Given these features of the design of the heating system of their own house with a horizontal way, its use is not always advantageous, since it requires an impressive free space, and significant costs for the acquisition of materials.

Advantages of the vertical system


The arrangement of such a system will also require large financial costs, but at the same time the entire installation will take much less area. To install a vertical heat exchanger, follow the following conditions:

  1. Prepare drill equipment in advance.

    Important! The rational solution will be the use of small-sized portable equipment, the capacity of which will be enough to fulfill the entire volume of private work.

  2. Determine the most favorable places of formation of wells. image006
  3. For the heating of the house, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich does not exceed 200 m2, drill well as follows:
    • 1 pit to a depth of 150-200 meters;
    • 3-4 wells in 60 meters high. geotermalnoe-Otoplenie-Zagorodnogo-Doma-Svoimi-Rukami-Pincip-Raboty-Cena-Stoimost-Otzyvy

      Important! Relate the depth needed for drilling, based on the ratio of energy generation and pump performance. The general principle of calculation is reduced to the following proportion: 1 meter of the collector accounts for 40-50 W.

  4. To form an external contour, apply polyethylene pipes.

Important! Among the advantages of using the vertical system of heating at home, we note the following important points:

  • application of trenchless technology;
  • preservation of the attractiveness of the landscape;
  • no need to take into account the complex layout of the line when designing the landscape;
  • the possibility of using compact drill equipment, the price of which is quite acceptable;
  • the service life of such a heat exchanger can last up to 100 years. geoterm-Teplovoi-Nasos

To more clearly imagine a vertical system device, carefully consider the proposed schema option. Shema-Ustanovki-GeotermicHeckogo-Nasosa


View the video, which shows the process of drilling the well and installation of the heat pump to pre-assess the entire amount of necessary work.

What is the benefit of registration of energy flow through the reservoir?


This option is most convenient if there is a natural reservoir house near the house. The only nuance is the need for a state permit. The conditions for its location and laying of parts of the heating circuit of the heat of the Earth are presented in the following requirements:

  1. The distance to the reservoir does not exceed 100 meters.
  2. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is at least 200 m2.
  3. Outdoor contour In this case, lay the spiral on the bottom of the reservoir.

    Important! Recommended depth to perform this work - 2.5-3 meters. 1111


Despite the fact that the construction of geothermal heating is really characterized by complexity, the profitability of such a solution with the proper fulfillment of all works is obvious. Therefore, if you chose this option to an artificial source, we assign carefully to the design of the system wiring and the connection of all its elements. To eliminate the manifestation of inaccuracies or various defects during operation, enlist the support of professionals when creating a scheme. In this case, the result obtained will certainly affect the high quality of functionality and performance.

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