How to lay a laminate on the wall with your own hands

October 19. Interior decoration Views 2783. Comments to record how to put a laminate on the wall with your own hands No

The technique of wall decoration laminate along with traditional ways of facing surfaces is becoming increasingly relevant. Such a designer novelty is in demand for both decorating residential and office premises. In this article we will tell you how to properly decorate the laminate room.

Features of the use of laminate

The panels of this material have two types of connectors: "castle" type and more advanced - "cliking" with latches. Regardless of this, the scope of laminate can be the most diverse and depend on the taste preferences of the homeowner:

  • in the living room using this material, you can make a panel for the placement of the TV;
  • decoration laminate will give the aesthetics of the hallway;
  • in the recreation area, you can visually highlight the wall fragment above the bed, etc.

However, there are also places in which it is not recommended to lay the laminate on the wall. These include kitchen, bathroom, balcony, and basements and chulans. The reason for this is as follows: the raw material for laminate passes very primitive treatment, so with constant temperature differences, as well as in excessive humidity conditions, the material will be deformed and breed.

According to its external data and technical specifications, this type of coating resembles ceramic tiles. Wall decoration with laminate will help hide the existing defective surface changes. And for this you do not have to use film and plastering technologies.


Benefits of material

The growth trend of the popularity of laminate for wall cladding is explained by the fact that this finishing material has a number of advantages:

  1. Such a coating is distinguished by strength and resistance to various mechanical damage.
  2. Laminate has good aesthetic characteristics. The surface of the walls with such a finish has an attractive appearance.
  3. An important role is assigned a low cost of coating. According to price indicators, laminate is inferior to some other finishing materials, but at the same time its quality remains at a fairly high level.
  4. The installation of laminate is simple and will not cause difficulties even at a novice master. You can perform this job independently without resorting to the services of specialists.
  5. It is also quite simple to care for the surface of such a coating.

Laminate on the wall photo:


Criteria selection coating

Laying the laminate on the wall will give the homeowner to avoid unnecessary financial costs. The price of this material varies depending on its stability stability. Given the fact that when placing a coating on the wall, any loads are actually lacking, the practical need to acquire expensive material completely disappears. It will be enough to stop the choice on the most budget class 21, which is intended for use in a small-scale room.

To date, manufacturers offer a wide variety of colors, drawings and laminate textures. The following rules will help not be confused with such a variety:

  1. First of all, when choosing a coating should be focused on the features of the interior, and already take into account personal preferences. Otherwise, the design of the room will be scattered and ungually. The most profitable design variations are shown below:
  • if the interior is decorated in the style of conservative classics, you should give preference to the coating with an imitation of oak, mahogany or beech. This will contribute to the formation of a solid and expensive appearance of a house or apartment. At the same time, the price of materials will remain acceptable;
  • the ethnic interior, as well as the style of country and retro assume the presence of finishing, imitating exotic wood species;
  • the elevated coating will suit the Provence style, and the laminate with the effect of scuff will become a good addition to the country interior;
  • high-tech, urban and futuristic styles suggest the use of metallic color finishing.
  1. In addition to the stylistic direction, the characteristics of the room should be taken into account when choosing a material. If the room has low lighting and low ceilings, it is better to make a choice in favor of light tones. It may be the color of the bleached oak, wenge-creamon, white lured pine, maple.
  2. For the bright room, the design is suitable in dark colors. But it is not necessary to apply this rule for premises having a small metra. Dark color visually reduce the space and dimensions of the room.
  3. For the design of walls in narrow rooms, which, in addition, have high ceilings, it is recommended to apply laminate with a longitudinal pattern.

Recommendations for work

Laying the laminate on the wall requires special care and the scrupulousness of the preparatory work. To do this, such features of the process should be taken into account:

  1. For two days before the start of work, the laminate is recommended to free from the packaging and leave in the room. This is necessary so that the material adapts to the humidity and room temperature.
  2. The wall surface must be previously cleansed from pollution and carefully align. If a concrete screed has been performed, it is necessary to control the wall to be flawlessly smooth. The horizontal surface should be checked using a construction level.
  3. It is also necessary to make measurements and carefully calculate the consumption of material. For the convenience of performing the work, it is recommended to apply the benchmark on the wall by the usual stationery pencil.
  4. If there are doors and windows on the wall, you should remove the platbands before fixing the laminate on the wall. You can only install them in the end of the work.
  5. After laying the finishing material on the wall surface, it is not recommended to hang heavy hangers, cabinets and shelves.


For work, in addition to the laminate itself, materials and tools will be required:

  • "liquid Nails";
  • barbing bar;
  • silicone;
  • glue;
  • electrolovik;
  • screwdriver and self-tapping screws;
  • ruler and pencil;
  • molding and thresholds;
  • hammer;
  • wooden hacksaw.


Laminate fixation technique with glue

  1. The surface that needs to be decorated with laminate should be initially aligned with plasterboard or plaster composition.
  2. When the glue laying method, the laminate must be mounted using a special glue.
  3. Then from the panels of the material should be shaped shields. For this, the side ends of the laminate need to be smeared with glue and glue them to each other.
  4. The shields assembled in this way are attached to a vertical surface previously treated with glue.


Castle laying laminate

This method involves fastening the material to the crate. Fixing panels by means of "liquid nails" is almost identical to the procedure for laying laminate for glue. However, in this case, the assembly of the shields must be carried out with a lock clutch, which is located around the perimeter of the panels. After that, you should walk the sealant.
This method of laying the finishing material involves fixing the panel by means of a certain fastener:

  1. Initially, the vertical surface must be labeled.
  2. Then mount the crate of wooden plates or bars.
  3. Next, proceed to laying the laminate itself. Works start from the bottom of the wall, moving towards a clockwise direction from the left corner to the center.
  4. With the help of a hacksaw or electric jigsaw in the corners of the room, cut the desired details.
  5. The material planks should be placed in a checker order. And the locations of the joints must be treated with silicone.
  6. With the help of an aluminum profile, we complete the fixation in the corners. Both internal and external angles also fill silicone.
  7. The joints can be closed using a decorative plank, which is used when mounting the MDF panels. Such a plank is attached to liquid nails.
  8. The gaps between the wall and the ceiling are disguised with the help of ceiling plinths, and the joints of the wall with floor - floor plinths.


The laminate installation feature is to achieve the most dense docking panels. The duration of the material is depends on this. The laminate itself is a sufficiently solid finish. But the lock or place of the docking is made, as a rule, from sawdust or cardboard. Therefore, this area is vulnerable moisture or pollution. In this case, it is not sufficiently dense docking will lead to the swolver of the panels of the finishing material.

Another point to pay attention to is the smooth work surface. If this condition does not follow, the panels will occur, which will negatively affect the quality of the finish.

Despite the seeming nonstandarity of the walls of the walls with the help of laminate, this technique turned out to be quite simple and low-cost. The popularity of such designer idea provided a stylish appearance of the coating, strength, ease of care and ease of installation.


How to fix the laminate on the wall on the video can be seen below:

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