Bridge at the Ducitor: Manufacturing Instructions

May 21. Plot. 1878 views Comments To record bridge at the cottage: Manufacturing instructions No

If you need an original decoration solution for a reservoir on the household plot, consider the version of the decorative bridge. He will be able to successfully fit into the landscape design of almost any style. In addition, the wooden bridge will be beneficial from an economic point of view. It can be used not only on the reservoir, but also on brown vegetation in the garden or on the lawn.

Basic moments


Especially for the bridge in the country, you can make a dry handle from pebbles and small rubble. Which once again proves that for such a decorative detail of the country's interior, it is not necessary to have an artificial reservoir on the site. Although, you can do even without a dry stream. To date, such solutions are very popular among all kinds of design elements. But they have one essential drawback - a fairly high cost. Therefore, many begin to look for more economical options. One of them is the manufacture of bridges for giving with their own hands.

To begin with, consider the basic requirements that are presented to similar decorative elements:

  1. First of all, the design should be durable, stable and reliable. In order for the bridge to serve for a long time, it is impossible to neglect the processing of parts with special compositions. In addition, it will be necessary to constantly care.
  2. In addition, the design of the garden bridge should be safe. From this, first of all, the preservation of human health, which will decide to go through it. In order for it to be reliable enough, its foundation must be installed on a soil or foundation.
  3. The frame must be completed so that several people can pass on it. Security also depends on the timely bridge care. This will avoid the appearance of a malfunction and fragility of the structure.
  4. Bridge for the garden should still correspond to aesthetic and decorative characteristics. Whatever reservoir is installed in the country, it is usually possible to easily get around. Therefore, we can conclude that the bridge is placed in order to arrange the necessary decorative accents. By the way, according to Feng Shui rules, he is a certain mediator between human soul and space. Therefore, it is believed that all important problems are best thinking about, standing on the bridge.

Examples and photos of bridges in the country can be seen below.




Where to put a wooden garden bridge


If the bridge is needed only in practical considerations, then it is best to arrange it on the reservoir. If it is installed only for decorating the site, it is allowed to be placed even in unusual places. For example, in the backyard.

If you want to decorate your site with a dry stream along with a garden of stones and install a wooden garden bridge through the water, it is desirable to post it in the foreground of the household territory. It is often installed next to the recreation area. For, for example, after another walk, it was possible to relax in a gazebo standing nearby.

Such a decorative element, like a garden bridge, is best used to connect narrow ponds. Round form reservoirs to connect in this way it is not recommended. It will look ridiculous. In addition, such a decorative design will make the overall composition of the garden worse. Nearmonic will look at a big bridge, placed under the small tree. The same applies to the inverse situation.

In general, the functional garden bridge must be installed in a place where it will be most needed. The decorative function is less important. If you make an artificial reservoir, then create a small island in the middle of the pond. Then with the help of the bridge you can make a crossing from the shore on this piece of sushi.

It will be good to look at the bridge slightly curved shape, next to which various decorative shrubs are planted and lower perennial plants.

Garden bridge material


It is best to use wood to use the garden bridge. This material is aesthetically attractive and also not expensive. In addition, this it has other advantages:

  1. So, he can serve a relatively long time. Only for this it must be treated with special protective antiseptics.
  2. This is an environmentally friendly material.
  3. The small weight of the finished design, which is very important for the decorative bridge in the country.
  4. The bridge from the tree is easily installed and cleaned.
  5. The garden bridge made of wood can fit in almost any embodiment of the country area. Especially good, it looks in the country style.

The garden bridge is also made of metal. This material has only one advantage over wood, namely, a longer service life.

The garden bridge made of metal, made with the help of curly forging, it will be nice to look at your home-made plot made in the modern style. At the same time, the design itself will look quite luxurious.

Concrete and natural stone can be used for making design. These materials are more durable than wood, but at the same time quite expensive. In addition, they themselves are very heavy, so the garden bridge will have a lot of weight. This will require additional costs to strengthen the soil portions to which it relies. Otherwise, the design may simply fail. It is worth saying that without the help of specialists from stone and concrete to make a truly beautiful bridge, decorating your site, will be quite difficult. Made by the same structures such structures usually have an old and rich view, which is excellent for a garden decorated in ancient style.

The masters are usually recommended in the manufacture of garden bridge not limited to some one material, but to combine several options and styles. For example, to ensure stability and reliability, the base of the design can be made from reinforced concrete. The railings are also recommended made of wood. You can still combine metal and wood.

How to make a bridge in the country


With independent creation of a garden bridge, first of all, you need to take care of safety. For this, be sure to pride the railing, the height of which should be such that they are convenient for a person of medium height. At the same time secure them securely.

Before starting the construction of a garden bridge, you need to know which it will be long. To do this, you need to measure the distance through which it is planned to transfer. To the size obtained as a result of measurements, you need to add an allowance of 0.6 m on each side.

To make a wooden bridge as a base can be used pine. This wood is considered the easiest in processing. Although, the choice of wood for the design, of course, depends on the host itself. Not everyone can afford to purchase expensive materials.

Consider a typical design of garden bridge. The basis, of course, is a frame. For its manufacture, you need a pair of glued bar with a height of at least 35 mm and a width of about 25 mm. The length of the board must comply with the previously made measurements. In the design of the bridge there is a flooring, which can be made of cropped bars, a width of 110 mm and a thickness of 25 mm. Dimensions of boards do not have to be the same along the entire length. Therefore, you can use both narrower and wider planks.


The curvature of the future frame is made with the help of the stakes driven into the land, between which the double bars are inserted, compressed with the help of clamps. In addition, the connection site must be soaked with carpentry and combine with the help of screws. So that the bars were more flexible, they are recommended to soak them before work.

When the desired curvature of the frame is reached, it should be left for at least one day in order for the bending to be fixed. After that, the design must be examined. If chipsets are revealed, potholes, cracks, they must be sharpened. Other defects should also close up.

After that, you can proceed to cutting boards for transverse elements of the frame and laying the bridge. The ends and edges of the material should be trimmed at an angle of 45 degrees. It remains to connect the transverse elements of the frame with longitudinal bars. To install a garden bridge on the harvested place, you should make holes in transverse structures. Through them, metal rods are made, at least 510 mm long. The bridge is mounted on the side of the reservoir.

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