Street furniture for giving with their own hands

June 8. Useful advice Views 1157. Comments To record Street Furniture for giving with your own hands No

One of the main elements of the design of the garden plot, no doubt, is garden furniture. Products from rattan, wood or metal with the right selection can make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer bright and unique. And vice versa, the presumptive nefple is a large number of furniture can spoil the entire appearance of the site.

Buy garden furniture in our time will not be a lot of work. There are hundreds of various models and a wide range of materials available for sale: from cheap plastic furniture to expensive models with artwork elements. However, in most cases, garden furniture is manufactured independently. There are several reasons for this. First, many prefer not to spend money on garden furniture, not counting it primary, and secondly, make the necessary items are quite simple, having an elementary set of tools and small skills in working with wood or metal. How to make simple street furniture with your own hands without much costs - more.

Street furniture for giving with their own hands from pallets


Wooden pallets are used everywhere as a container. They store various materials for the convenience of moving them with loaders and special trolleys. The convenience of using wooden pallets is that they have a standard size, which allows you to collect them like a designer.

Such material has a relatively low price, and you can buy them in any store or in stock. The used pallets are sometimes sold at a price of firewood, so the furniture from them will not cost expensive.

On the pallets of different manufacturers of the board are located differently. European containers containers prefer to lay boards with a minimal gap, at the same time as domestic pallets have a surface with large gaps between the boards. This must be considered when planning the design of the future furniture subject.

Regardless of the use of pallets, they must be processed. To reduce the price of this consumable material, manufacturers do not often conduct the necessary wood processing, and considering the conditions of operation of garden furniture, this process is mandatory.

First of all, it is necessary to clean the surface of the boards and bars from dust and dirt. Then, with the help of grinding, pollute the surface. After machining, the pallets must be protected from environmental impact. For this, the tree is impregnated with an antiseptic, oil and opened with several layers of paint or varnish.

In order to make a small garden table, it is enough to connect a pair of pallets (one to another) with the help of conventional nails. Interesting painting will give this subject an interesting appearance. If the gaps between the boards are too big, then a sheet of fiberboard or plywood can be used as a countertop, after overcoming them with an antiseptic.

If you need to make a full-fledged dining table, it can be done using the pallets supplied by the end as legs. With a lack of height, you can put another row of pallets from below.

Also from the pallets you can make benches and even a chaise longue. For this, two pallets put one on the other, and the third is nailed at an angle to make a back. On such a chaise lounge, it will be quite nice to relax after a rich work week.

Street furniture for cottages from logs and hemp

In the process of construction or garden work, the trunks of old trees may remain. They can also be used in the manufacture of garden furniture. The simplest solution when using segments - just put the log on which soft pillows are stacked. However, if there is a desire, you can make very interesting things.

For the production of outdoor furniture made of wood, it is necessary to have a chain saw: electrical or with a gasoline drive.

A simple shop for a household site can be done without spending a lot of time. It is necessary to take a log, with the help of a chain saw to dissolve into two halves. Then, with the planer, the log surface is aligned for convenience.

After that, on the reverse side of the log, two notches are made to install the legs. As the latter, you can use two pieces of logs that are installed horizontally. So that the bench stood steadily, they are trimmed, making straight angles. Then, in terms of the level laid the "legs" and install the upper part on them.

From the stumps and small segments of the logs, you can make interesting chairs. To do this, with the help of a chain saw, a part of the log is sliced \u200b\u200bto make a back. After that, the log is polished and covered with oil.

In the manufacture of garden furniture from logs, it should be borne in mind that the coniferous woods are isolated by resins that can fall out of the human clothing that will use it. That this does not happen, it is necessary to treat the surface of the tree with a special composition.

It is descended by a hive with a 25% solution of acetone in water or a mixture of acetone and caustic soda at the rate of 5: 1. After that, the tree is given to dry and process the antiseptic.

Making a wooden shop with their own hands


The most popular and most frequently manufactured object of garden design. Usually shops make from ordinary boards. This process does not take much time and does not require the use of expensive materials.

For the manufacture of a simple shopkeeper, you need only 2 six-meter boards with a thickness of 40 mm and 6 m long. Standard dimensions for a garden bench are as follows:

  • Height - up to 500 mm.
  • Backrest height - up to 500 mm.
  • Seat depth - up to 550 mm.
  • Bench length - up to 1500 mm.

The bench of this size will be quite comfortable for a man of medium height.

The first thing the boards are treated with the plane, to remove burstles and irregularities.

Then there is sawing boards on the details provided by the drawing. First, the front and rear legs are manufactured. At the same time, the latter will be longer than the installation of the bench's back. In order for the back to be located at an angle, the rear leg is collected by the painter. When all the details are ready, the bench is assembled with stainless steel screws, and treated with an antiseptic, oil. Then operate with varnish or multiple paint layers.

The product made on a simple project, and the manufacture of which will not require great effort and time, can serve for quite a long time with proper operation. For the winter, a wooden bench, like all the garden furniture is better to put in a garage or a barn to protect against frost and snow. So the tree will last much longer. If there is no such possibility, you can hide them with polyethylene.

Garden table do it yourself


The manufacture of the table from the boards should not be a problem for the one who has been dealing with a tree at least once. Simple design garden design:

  1. The legs of the table are three "x" - shaped supports that are made from the board. Between the boards are connected "in the groove" and fasten with self-draws.
  2. From above and from below, the support boards are connected using BRUSEV.
  3. When the supports are ready, they are connected to the bottom with one long board, and the boards of the countertops are stacked. After that, the tree is treated and painted.

Along with furniture from pallets, such table designs are very simple and often used for the manufacture of garden furniture with their own hands.

Wicker garden furniture


Wicker garden furniture looks amazing. Made from natural materials, she very exactly fits into the garden design. Basically, the material for the manufacture of such objects is considered to be Rattan, but this is not so. Spectrum of materials from which they make a "braid" quite wide.

  1. Banana leaves. Semi-finished furniture for the manufacture of furniture is called Abacu. The length of the material is up to 3.5 m, to determine from it not only furniture, but also durable ropes. Light weight and excellent strength make this material one of the most popular for the manufacture of garden furniture, especially in equatorial countries, where this culture is grown on an industrial scale.
  2. Bamboo. Not too common as material for the manufacture of furniture. Wine in this is the rigidity of the bamboo. Usually from this plant use chips, which is excellent for decorating furniture and other interior items.
  3. Hyacinth. Water flower is often used in weaving furniture. However, a large amount of time is treated for the preparation of material. For drying, pressing and twist in the rolles of hyacinth can leave more than six months. However, in contrast to other materials, such furniture is not afraid of moisture and does not fade in direct solar rays.
  4. Seaweed. For the manufacture of wicker furniture, ocean algae dried and cut on ribbons. Such furniture, although it does not have high strength, as made from rattan, but it looks amazing.
  5. Willow. In comparison with the rattan, this material is not so durable and very hard. That is why the processing of the pruhns willow is more complicated, besides, it is predisposed to cracking.
  6. Rattan. The most popular material for the manufacture of furniture with your own hands. It is distinguished by strength, resistance to moisture and excellent appearance.

Wicker furniture has a large number of advantages:

  • The small weight of the furniture allows it to move without much effort.
  • Excellent appearance will decorate any household plot.
  • Proper woven furniture can serve for many years without much care.

From the disadvantages you can select the fear of excessive moisture and drying into hot weather, so it is better to store it in the shade and protected from the rain.

Woven furniture with your own hands, due to the complexity of the processing of materials, is quite rare.

Street furniture do it yourself: photo

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