How to make a mixture with your own hands?

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The current direction of the green zone design is so developed that it provides an incredible number of unique projects. The design of various flower beds and lungs, gardens and parks are very enforced due to the variety of plant species. Their combination sometimes brings so unexpected, but at the same time an insanely beautiful result that you want to enjoy the scenery created continuously. And every moment all new nuances will be manifested, making the picture of nature very dynamic. One of the most popular directions of the landscaping process of the landscape is to design a mixboarder.

What is the feature of the mixboarder style

In essence, the mixture is bright flowerbed, decorated along the edge of the track. This direction in the formation of the landscape came to us from England, where this method has long been used for the design of the garden-park zone.


European household plots are also widely equipped with such flower beds. It is performed mainly from perennial plants for one season. The whole process of planting a mixboarder although extremely fascinating, but obliges to withstand some subtleties of this style.


Mixboro varieties

Initially, to properly pick up the shape of a blooming border, decide on the type of plants. Most popular options:


Another way to classify mixtorers is a seasonality that is distinguished by respectively:

  • spring 12MAI06-_VORNA_780
  • summer 1322707740_Floksy
  • autumn 5237305
  • winter evergreen_MixBorders_05_2012
  • continuous flowering. Flowering flowering

In addition to type of plants, mixboraders differ in color schemes:

  • monochrome monohromnyy-Cvetnik-Rozovyy-1_0
  • contrast. 1337433727_Staryyy-Oskol

    Important! In order to correctly choose a flower bed tonality under the entire project of the architecture of the building and design of the adjacent territory, pay attention to the finished landing schemes of mixtures and recommendations regarding their style combination with the type of buildings.


Do not hurry with the choice, make it thinking about, relying on your artistic taste. But even if you wish, do all the work on your own, do not ignore the recommendations of professional florists.


Important! For example, it is especially interesting, albeit more complex in design, continuous flowering mixtures, the schemes of which are particularly in demand today. Below is one of the options for such a flower garden.


How to arrange a mixture yourself?

The entire process of arrangement of mixborads from perennials is quite painstaking and take a long time. But when complying with all the rules of registration, the result will certainly delight with its saturation and brightness of correctly selected living paints.


Sequential processes looks like this:

  1. Design.
  2. Choosing a place.
  3. Soil preparation.
  4. Planting.


Where to start planning?

This stage of work is most important for the future attractiveness of the flower beds. Therefore, we reaches him with all attentiveness. Considering the huge number of plant species, so as not to get stuck in the search for suitable for a very long time, do not get lost and not get confused, carefully consider ready-made mixtures in directories or live, if there is such an opportunity.


Important! Such an approach will help narrow the range of plants likers, see their natural attractiveness, as well as the size and possibilities of combining with different types of ready-made projects. Considering all of the above, the selection process will be much easier and faster.

Outcoming flower garden

Basic principles of plant selection

List all the possible rules for the combination of plants when boarding mixtures from shrubs or colors is impossible. But there are some general recommendations that will certainly help choose the right breed and combine them.


Familiarize yourself with them in the list below before entering the independent selection:

  1. Plant dimensions. In this regard, consider parameters such as the height and composition of growth. Long species place in distant rows. Putting off at the foot of the flower beds and inside, issuing a kind of frame. The magnificity of flowering and growing will help properly adjust the required area for the normal development of the plant. 101743940_Large_2MixBorder18001
  2. Flowering period. This criterion is especially important when making a continuous flowering mixboarder. With the right choice in accordance with the flowering period, such a flowerba will constantly please the glance and emphasize the attractiveness of the entire design of the Garden-Park area near the house. The main requirement is the timely change of one colors by others, and the shade of the newcomers should not be dissected with the tonality of the previous and the following. b_1680.
  3. Location. Be sure to take into account the peculiarities of each selected type in terms of thermal liftingness and the required amount of moisture. It is inappropriate to have plants on the sun itself, which requires more water and shadows - they will quickly burn out and sneezing, and thermal-loving species, with a lack of light and the sun, will incorrectly develop and will soon die. bY-FOUR-SEASONS-GARDEN
  4. Ease of care. Delicate plants not only do not increase the attractiveness of the flower beds (the flower bed is directly dependent on how comfortable plants), but also significantly complicate care for it. Do not strive to accommodate a large number of different species on a small block of land. It will only emphasize the tasteless style of the finished flower garden and make it difficult. Split roots planted in bulk plants will be a barrier to normal regulation of moisture and oxygen, which in turn will not affect their general development. oformlenie-Klumb-Svoimi-Rukami-21
  5. Lack of aggressive species. Be sure to avoid planting creeping and aggressive types of plants on any of the tiers. Neglecting this advice will negate all efforts to arrange a mixboarder. mB1
  6. Decoration. When choosing, determine the initially plants that will become a focus of flower beds, its main part, and those deciduous species that will become an additional decoration to emphasize the beauty of the main colors. 971_Big
  7. Protection against pests. Given the peculiarity of the mixboard in combination of several plant species on one small area, take care of natural pest insect protection. An excellent option will be the landing of the Pijmas, wormwoods, nastures, cilantro, peppermint mint, decorative onions, or vowers, which their aroma scare all beetles, spoiling plants. Untitled-3704.
  8. Color spectrum. In this regard, focus solely on personal preferences, but note that the effect of adolescence from a combination of too much contrasting colors will not add the attractiveness of the green zone. It is more interesting in this regard properly organized monochrome flower beds with smooth transitions of several shades of 2-3 main colors. 103013078_LARGE_154746043_E86AF5BFB4_B.

    Important! Think over the attachment of one or two-year-old plants to get an attractive flower lamp in the near future, without waiting for a sufficiently long period until the perennials grow to the desired size.


    If you doubt your capabilities of the correct artistic combination of plants, we initially place a trial option from the quick-growing annual species. Thus, you can visually see your shortcomings and flaws live and take into account them in the formation of the main mixlener.


Design Examples

Consider carefully the diagrams of the mixtures of finished projects of different types.


Use one of the proposed plans or take into account the basic principles of their formation in order to reduce the risk of incorrect selection of plants or landing them:

  • Mixed Unname-6822
  • Continuous blossom 1287931299_MIX_01
  • Sustainic schema.schema2.
  • Coniferous mOS2_BIG11
  • Annual plants cvetnik3.
  • Floral. 400422575Unname-6802mixboro 2 scheme


Browse the video in which several more interesting design ideas are set out.

How to choose a place for a mixboarder?

Despite the direct appointment, which is indicated in the title, is the decoration of park tracks for a beautiful and clear distinction of the territory, such a style of flower beds is used in various designs of the green zone design.


These are alive fences, and adjacent to the walls of flower beds, and alpine slides, and all sorts of waterfalls, and artificial lakes, and separately standing flower beds or a mix of shrubs.


Specific recommendations are impossible to give, given the variety of forms. But note the main selection criteria that cannot be taken into account:

  1. The quality of the soil. Some plants are not particularly important composition of the soil, while others will not grow in an unsuitable environment. In addition, the available level of humidity depends on the Earth.

    Important! It is desirable that one type of soil is preferable for all selected plants. cV-MIKS10.

  2. Surface relief. Consider this factor in order to avoid the excess costs of forces and time to adjust the surface in the selected place. For example, an uneven plot or a natural hill is more suitable for arranging the alpine slide, and for a vegetable mixboarder - a flat surface with a nutritional soil. Miksborder1.
  3. Access light, degree of shaders. Any plants require sufficient amounts of sunlight for growth and development. At the same time, some stall tolerate straight rays even in the heat, for example, some meadow herbs and flowers used for the Alpine slides. Another certainly requires a permanent shadow and good humidity, as, for example, for a coniferous shrub mixboarder. 0_75139_4cab8900_xxl

How to prepare the territory?

Soil preparation is one of the most painstaking and time-consuming stages in the entire process of designing a mixboarder, regardless of the type of selected type. But it is precisely how much the useful layer of soil will be formed, the observing of plants at the initial stage of germination and their development depends.


Important! Start work only in the right season:

  • in April after warming
  • in early September, after flowering, so that the plants would take care of frosts.



  1. Pre-mark the contour of the mixboarder. kAK-RAZBIT-KLUMBU
  2. Remove weeds.
  3. Remove the upper part of the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm.
  4. Mix with peat and sand in equal parts.

    Important! For planting rocky plants, gravel and dolomite flour are added.

  5. Add fertilizers of a suitable type.
  6. Redoze the entire territory to the depth of the estimated length of the roots plus an additional 10 cm for their development. klumba04.
  7. Pull the prepared top layer of the soil.
  9. Pour carefully.
  10. District on the contour of the future flower beds linear border to prevent the growth of weeds displaced from the neighboring territory. how-to make-flowerb92
  11. Wait for weeds from the remaining grains and root particles.
  12. Treat the entire area with a special tool.
  13. Once again, it's good to moisten the soil.
  14. Wait for shrinkage.

    Important! Do not strive to fulfill all work as quickly as possible. On average, the patronage of the soil of the medium-sized flower is a month. If they still decided to speed up the process, do it at the expense of the pace of the territory of the territory, and not other steps.


Plant landing

The final process of decorating the site. Check out some recommendations for plant planning:

  1. Place the prepared soil according to the project scheme.
  2. Calculate the desired number of seedlings for each fragment of the mixboarder, given their size, the required area for adult plants and mandatory intervals.
  3. Prepare seedlings by cutting up the upper outdoor part of repeated perennials from other places.
  4. Site all plants consistently according to the scheme. klumba11
  5. Pour flowerbed.


The process of designing a mixboarder is completed, but in the future regular work on the care of it will be required. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules of the departure corresponding to the chosen type of mixboarder and clearly follow them. Only in this case the result will correspond to expectations, and the prepared mixture will delight you with its attractiveness over several years.

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