Infrared film warm floor: species, dignity, utility scope. Installation of infrared warm floor with your own hands

May 25. Repair and construction work Views 667. Comments To the entry infrared film warm floor: types, dignity, the sphere of use. Installation of infrared warm floor with your own hands No

Given all the advantages of using warm floors, many household owners and apartments give their preference to these heating systems. With the growing popularity of these floor coverings, manufacturers try to invent all new and new types of warm floors every year. Some of the newest in this area are film infrared floors. Read more about the characteristics of these heating systems, as well as on the method of their installation, we will describe later in the article.

Types and principle of infrared

The following types of infrared warm floor are available:

  • Carbonous. The main heating element in this system is represented by graphite-silver rods from silver.
  • Rod. In such a system, heating elements are flexible rods interconnected by cables.
  • Film Pretty thin infrared film has a very complex structure. The basic in this system is the heating element represented by a hexagonal nanorette based on carbon. The heating element gives heat as infrared radiation. On both sides, it is closed by a polymer coating, pollinized silver layer. The width of protective reservoirs reaches 14-16 cm. Protective layers protect the heating element from moisture penetration into the system, mechanical damage, deformations. Additional protection and strength provides a layer of pollination of silver.

The average parameters of the film warm floor:

  • Width - up to 100 cm.
  • Length - 50 m.
  • Thickness - up to 0.5 mm.
  • Power - 30-80 W / h.
  • Heating nanoresome temperature - up to 45-50 degrees.

The following companies are among the best manufacturers of film warm flooring systems:

  • Heatplus (Korea) - "Budget" coating option. Such films can be installed not only in the rooms, but also on the balconies.
  • Caleo Gold (Korea) - these products have a fairly high cost and good quality. The warranty service life of such a coating can reach 15 years.
  • Rexva (Korea). In such coatings there is an additional layer of anti-slip grid, which increases the safety of the use of products.
  • Okondol (Korea).
  • Powerfilm.
  • Skysun.

Advantages and disadvantages of film infrared sex

Opinions about the use of coatings of this type were divided. The benefits of the warm sex of infrared type can be attributed to the following:

  • Easy installation. Since the construction of a concrete screed is not required to arrange this type of floor, its installation is performed in a short time and does not require much forces.
  • Such a type of warm floor can be mounted for a large amount of flooring, for example, it is perfect for ceramic tiles, carpet, laminate, etc.
  • Film floor can be mounted indoors with a small ceiling. So, the film has a small thickness, due to which the dimensions of the room do not change when installing such sex.
  • The sphere of use of infrared sex is quite extensive, it can be installed in apartments, private country cottages, in offices and in other premises.
  • The heating element heats up very quickly, so that in a very short time a cozy microclimate is created in the house.
  • Due to the presence of a protective layer, treated with silver, such a coating can be installed in rooms with a large crossway, for example, in sports complexes or other public buildings.
  • The room in which the warm floor is installed, is heated evenly throughout the area.
  • The price of installing such a coating is relatively low.

  • Installation of infrared floor in a private house allows to reduce electricity costs, as a result, you can save on payment of utilities.
  • Film Warm floor with ease can be connected to the Smart Home system and get centralized access to the coating temperature control.
  • Infrared warm floor does not harm the health of residents living in the room.
  • Thanks to the universal air supply, any unpleasant smell is removed from the room.
  • In the room there is air with an optimal level of humidity, not "overpowering", as it happens in those houses where heaters are installed.
  • The film can be laid not only on the floor, but also on the walls, as well as on the ceiling.

Film deficiencies:

  • When installing this floor covering, it is important to strictly adhere to the installed technology. You should connect all the existing contacts, otherwise the system will work with failures.
  • During the installation, it is important to hardly process all the clamps, since due to the weak connection it will be necessary to change the available contacts.
  • Since the thickness of such an outdoor coating is very small (from 0.2 mm to 0.5 mm), it should be laid on a perfectly smooth surface, otherwise all the differences will be visible.
  • In addition to the acquisition of a warm floor system, you should buy another laying "Pie" (a layer of soft material), and these are additional costs.
  • Film warm floor will not be able to warm up a large room in the regions with a cold climate type. Here such an outdoor coating can only act as an additional heating source.

Infrared floor installation with your own hands

Unlike other heating systems, especially those who use liquids as a coolant, the installation of infrared sex is not too complicated and with the necessary skills and knowledge is quite perfect for its own.

The device of infrared film floor is pretty simple. It consists of:

  • Heating mats.
  • Thermostators.
  • Temperature sensors.

Order order:

  • One of the most important steps in the process of installing infrared is the preparation of the foundation. Using a thin film as a heating element requires its perfect state. Otherwise, the life cycle of infrared sex will be short. Floor base should be durable, smooth and clean. It should not be picking, cracks, cement dust.
  • If necessary, it is better to pour a new screed, as well as a polymer coating to eliminate the decay of the top layer of the screed. Such a floor will serve quite a long time. To equalize the floors, you can use Paneur or OSB plates. However, in this case, the issue should be resolved with reliable waterproofing, since they are rapidly destroyed from moisture.

  • The waterproofing layer is mandatory if the infrared heating system is installed in a private house or on the first floor. The coating under infrared floors should not have fat spots and dust particles. Stains need to be removed using a solvent, and dust - remove the vacuum cleaner.
  • After preparation of the surface, it is necessary to install the thermostat. This device is designed to maintain the temperature in the room not as comfortable as possible, including or turning off the heating elements. The absence of the thermostat will lead to their constant overheating and failure. The installation of the thermostat is carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer.
  • Next, the installation of the heat insulating layer is made. It is necessary to ensure that the heat from the heating elements go up, and the space under the floor. The choice of material for thermal insulation depends on how the finish coating will be. So, under the laminate or linoleum, the most optimal solution will be the fastener or foamerma. For ceramic tiles - technical cork.

  • The thickness of the heat-insulating layer depends on the magnitude of the thermal resistance of the material. In the substrate, it should be much higher than that of the top coat. Otherwise, all the heat will go down. When installing the insulation all joints are closed with tape. Can be put under the insulation layer foil thereby making the infrared screen.
  • The next step is carried out in the installation of the infrared film. It is assembled so that the copper heating elements from the wrong side (bottom). A film is cut into special stripes in which there are no heating elements. Not allowed to lay a film of the brass. There should be no less than 1 cm between her slushes. The gap more than 2 cm is also not worth doing, as this can lead to the appearance of cold bridges.
  • Infrared floors are very rarely laid under the tile, but if such a decision was made, they must be protected from the adhesive solution. And when installing under the laminate, the substrate is stacked.

Connecting infrared warm floor to the network

Connecting thermal elements into a single system is the most responsible moment, since at this time the largest number of errors affecting the work of the entire infrared floor are performed. The infrared floor mounting circuit for each coating is the same, but the connection of the sensors may differ depending on the manufacturer.

Connection order:

  1. After laying the segments of the film on the floor, it is necessary to exhibit those terminals to which the connection will not be connected. This is done using bitumen isolation, which is simply pasted on them. She must go complete with a film.
  2. From the other side where the film will connect to the thermostator, special clamps are installed. When carrying out work, it is important not to damage the film. Otherwise, it will very quickly fail. The clamp is attached to the copper tire and clamps with the help of pliers. Since their number included is limited, it is important to put it from the first time, the second opportunity after that will not be, because it is disposable.
  3. In the clamping hole, the end of the stripped wire is entered, after which it is pressed. The wires are connected in parallel and on the joints between the sections of the film are kept to the thermostat. So that they do not break through the operation, they are fixed with the help of tape.
  4. Next, the temperature sensors are connected. As a rule, for such a system, they are installed 2. One on the second mate, for which the corresponding groove is cut into the floor. The second is 150 mm from the floor.
  5. Connecting sensors, the contour of the heating elements and power wiring is carried out strictly in accordance with the scheme that is attached to the instructions for it. Only so you can guarantee its long working capacity.

Installation of infrared warm floor: video

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