Features of heating with liquefied gas

June 19. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 3126. Comments To record the features of heating with liquefied gas No

Today, the heating with liquefied gas of summer houses becomes especially relevant, since sometimes there is no central gas supply in a certain locality or reduced natural gas pressure is formed.


The advantages of this type of heating:

  • convenient to operate;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • quick installation;
  • virtually every boiler operating on natural gas can be specially reduced to liquefied;
  • economical;
  • reliable;
  • has high efficiency;
  • it does not completely depend on emerging problems in common power systems;
  • with the proper installation, such an autonomous heating system can correctly serve up to 30 years.

Features of heating with liquefied gas

In the modern situation, methane was almost compared at its cost with synthetic gases. At the same time, if you add to the expenditures the amount that is paid for central heating and hot water, the price of liquefied gas for heating at home will be much lower.

In addition, the system of heating the premises on liquefied gas is distinguished by autonomy. Of course, it implies certain investments in the installation, but such costs are quite quickly paying off - no longer need to worry about the limits, pressure and sharp rates of tariffs.

Design of heating systems in this type of gas


Heating with liquefied gas initially requires additional equipment with a gasgolder house, which is a special reservoir of 5 to 50 m2 for storing fuel. Liquefied gas from it enters the boiler room along a separately located pipeline, and a boiler applies to heat water. This repository is filled with a liquefied mixture of synthetic gases about 1-4 times a year.

As for the gas station to refuel, it should be created by experienced masters who have permission to carry out the inspection of the gas pipeline and the reservoir.

Otherwise, such gas autonomous heating is practically no different from any other water heating system and includes:

  • special boiler equipment management system;
  • radiators;
  • shut-off valves;
  • valves;
  • heat supply pipeline, etc.

Features of the location of Gazgolder


Today there are several options for mounting such a gas tank:

1. Ground.
2. Underground.

In this case, each type of installation is selected taking into account all the requirements for the placement of relatively different objects. So, for example, with the second embodiment, the allowable distance to residential complexes, LEP, etc. Much less than at the first one, however, there are certain restrictions on the depth depth. In addition, there should be free access to the locking valves, placing it above the surface.

In the event that the heating boiler on the liquefied gas is designed with the installation of the Gazgolder on the surface, then it is necessarily fencing from 1.6 m height. In this case, the design of the latter should be at a distance of at least 1 m from the tank and create a free circulation of air.

Rules for placing tanks of 5 cubic meters


The ground tank must be located as follows:

  • 10 m from roads;
  • 5 m from various land facilities and communications;
  • at least 20 meters from residential buildings and other buildings.

As for the underground Gazgolder, which has the same volume, it is allowed to reduce the distance to heating and roads by 2 times.

Nuances of heating rooms on liquefied gas


Since this type of gas is sold at all gas gas stations, it seems quite convenient option. However, sometimes it happens that only you come home with a filled cylinder, like idyll ends. It turns out that the boiler that runs on LPG, can "not like your fuel."

There are such cases in view of the poor quality of the gas, as many tankers simply steal it, and then dilute before needed.

Another disadvantage of heating rooms on cylinders - regular control of the level of fuel. So, on average, for hot water supply and home heating, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich has 100-200 m2, 2-3 cylinders are required to 50 liters per week. Such a gas consumption is essential, so it will be necessary to go to the gas station at least 1 time in 7 days.

Selection of boiler for heating at home on liquefied gas


In propagano-butanes can function outdoor and wall-mounted devices.

Buying to the house, the first type of unit can be chosen by both inflatable and atmospheric burner. The latter - quieter in work, much cheaper, but have a fairly low efficiency. Equipment with upper burners have much more opportunities, but they are more expensive.

The wall boiler is indispensable for small-sized private houses, since its capacity is limited to 30-60 kW, while the floor is measured with dozens of MW. Also in the wall variant, you can find heat supplies that have a closed and open combustion chamber.

Both first, and the second type of boilers can be two- and single-mounted. The latter are used solely for heating, and the first are capable of providing hot water.

Thus, it does not matter which boiler you have chosen to heat your home, the main thing is to trust it with the installation of qualified specialists.

Features of heating with liquefied gas video:

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