Moorish lawn. Rules of care and operation

March 11. Plot. Views 3232. Comments To record Mauritan lawn. Rules of care and operation No

Lawn in the usual understanding seems to us a plot with a homogeneous carpet of green grass. Those who saw a meadow when young juicy herb had already made his way, and between it is the islands of bright colors, explain what Mauritan lawn is not necessary. You can say: this is the same, but not in the meadow, and you have near the house or at the cottage. After once, you will observe every spring to observe His rebirth: Here is the first greens, and here are the earliest flowers, and there those who bloom later, but the butterflies and bees are peeling into each flower. And this fresh, unique smell! Nice picture? Tell me hard and troublesome? And here is not. In this article, we consider how to create a piece of personal paradise for yourself and their own people, what rules to stick in the process of its operation and how to care for it.

Moorish lawn in all diversity

Gardening of the cottage In general, the process is creative, and all that is associated with flowers is fascinating doubly. After drawing into this process, you will feel like a real artist, only instead of paints use living material. Mauritan lawn, draw up:

  • in one color, that is, when the flowers of one tone are planted, for example: from gently pink to dark burgundy;
  • in all colors of rainbow.

It may consist of:

  • completely from cereals;
  • out of flowers;
  • from that and the other.

It can grow:

  • as seams;
  • so the perennials.

Why is the Moorish lawn?

  • The lawn of this type is never the same: one flower will blow the silt, the other blooms. Here only he was gentle pink, when the graceful and elegant sowing was bloomed, but already all over the whole color of poppies;
  • unlike the usual green lawn, which all summer needs to be cut, this develops himself. It takes it only to be deep in autumn;
  • if you suddenly appear empty places, they are filled with seedy annual colors and it becomes more beautiful.

Curious: Do you know where such a name come from? It turns out in Europe, he passed through moorish nomads: they sled on herbs and flowers.

Some disadvantages of the Moorish lawn

It is impossible to say that the lawn of this type is so perfect that is suitable for everyone. He has such features because of which he may not get involved:

  • If you need a lawn so that children constantly run and played, then this type of type, like Mauritanian, for this it does not fit because the flowers do not grow where they are pulled out, well, not without something - you can take a walk on it sometimes but not every day;
  • when the seeds and rhizomes of perennials take what they fell, among them there may be not adapted to your natural conditions and winter will be freezed. Another option: Seeds will not sprout and have to sow all.

Moorish lawn Photo you see, consists of a variety of crocuses and hardly someone dares to run on it and trample this beauty. Green Lawn Covered In Crocus Flowers

Choose seeds

We are first determined which herbs and flowers we want to see on the lawn: whether annual, or perennial. Made clear that we need, we go to the store or market, to buy for the Moorish lawn seeds. Maybe not all sellers are aware of such a savage challenge, but in specialized points of sale of seeds can find ready sets for its bookmarks easily. You can go the other way: pick up the seeds yourself. It is much more interesting, and grow exactly what meets your taste instead of trusting a stranger.

Regarding the choice of plants

When you choose to be guided by the following considerations:

  • tall plants on the lawn is not a place;
  • flowers and cereals you are going to sow, should be zoned in the terrain where you live;
  • plant varieties can be selected from 30 to 40;
  • pick up flowers and cereals that do not require special care;
  • consider that the lawn will be beautiful if the bloom continues all summer, so pick up the varieties that replace each other;
  • annuals must have the ability to reproduce the self-sowing;
  • can grow on the lawn and flowers of one grade, provided that they bloom all summer;
  • so that the seeds snatched more or less evenly, mix them with sand in the proportion of 1/3.


Most Popular Plants for Mauritan Lawn

The most beautiful lawn is the one, the contemplation of which brings you the joy and satisfaction with the results of your work. And you can plant it:

  1. Bully perennials, for example: snowdrops, crocuses, or hyacinths and then as soon as snow leaves, and around a naked land, your lawn will look like a real oasis - festive and elegant;
  2. For replacing perennials, there will be self-playing annuals, such as:
  • tender, exquisite Eshcholce - white, pink, yellow with beautiful leaves. Unpretentious, very colorful, blooming to the most frosts. Just consider the fact that she loves the sun. As soon as the sun's rays cease to fall on the site, flower closes;
  • the calendula of the terroval or the most common also blooms for a very long time, and in addition, it makes a strong aroma, and also therapeutic;
  • facelium - beautiful medical lilac flower. When she blooms, on a sunny day, this lawn, like no other, attract a huge number of bees, so that children are better not allowed there;


  • nigella or Chernushka - a spectacular flower, perfectly feeling at the Moorish lawn. One is not very good: there will be a bloom of about a month all, but instead of flowers, fruits appear, which differ in decorativeness;


  • iberis bushes decorate the lawn to frosts. Flowers - pink, purple, white with a group landing are very beautiful;
  • poppies annuals placed by large groups will decorate the lawn well, but not very long;


  • In addition to these, found on Mauritan lawn are appropriate Tagtessa (velvettsy), Mattiola, Nemesis, Dimorfothek, Lena, Gypsophila, Visigariya (Small) and other no less beautiful flowers.


From the herbs that are best decorated with lawn, buy seeds:

  • fescue. This amazing herb grows well on poor soils, as long as the place was sunny, but does not want to grow on nutrient soil - that he was so moody;

Fescue Elijah Blue

  • pictorial grass surfaces creates perennial grass ryegrass. Find a place for him.


Making lawn

Well, with plants settled, it is time to translate the dream into reality.

Preparation of the site for the Moorish lawn

Getting Started:

  • remove debris;
  • digs selected for lawn portion;
  • select the roots of weeds and make clear;
  • laying fertilizer, it is better if it is organic, but do not overdo it with the amount of, or can not grow anything. When the soil is too dense, will require the addition of sand and peat;
  • good to have in the farm garden roller, is then passed them on to dig up the site and fertilizers;
  • the next step - pouring, and plentiful.


  • a little loose coming lawn rakes;
  • scatter mixture of cereal seeds and flowers;
  • again are passed over the site rake the seeds are in the ground, otherwise the birds their sklyuyut.

experts advise

  1. For inoculating 75 square meters using 1 kg of seed;
  2. The best time for the establishment of a lawn - fall, but if all will land in the spring, the result will be in two weeks.

Caring for your lawn

We can not say that lawn care is very distracting you from the main cases in the country, but still something will have to do:

  • until the rise all planted, watering is needed, ie, the land should be kept slightly moist;
  • in the dry summer watering, at least occasionally, and requires a flourishing lawn;
  • weeds, especially perennial, such as nettle, wormwood, motherwort, remove as soon as there are, in fact, they tend to grow very quickly and can clog the crop plants;
  • in the fall, when all your artificially created meadow, bud, and the seeds fall to the ground, it's time to mow;
  • after mowing must remain stubble not higher than 10 cm;
  • stems with chamfered portion endure, but it is possible to leave spring. In winter, they will be protected from freezing rhizome perennials and spring will remove.

That's all you have to do. The main thing - do everything with love and nature will thank.


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