How to water the lawn? Lawn irrigation with their own hands

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It is not enough just to make a green zone near the house, having seized her grass or setting up flower beds. In any case, it is necessary to comply with the rules for the care of lawn. One of the main conditions is the timely correct watering. How to properly organize the process so that the lawn near the house pleased the glance of bright green grass?

What device to use for watering the lawn?

Not long ago, irrigation was carried out entirely by hand. Today, a lot more opportunities. Choose one of the most convenient way to you, given the characteristics of the territory:

  1. Hand watering. Note that this method is the most labor-intensive and requires physical effort and time. A good option for watering the lawn or flowerbeds with their own hands the small size. poliv3
  2. Watering from the hose. The whole process occurs in semi-automatic mode. The hose is in one end to attach to the water supply, on the other wearing a special nozzle for feeding the jet of the desired size. The pressure is manually adjustable and sent directly directly during operation. The lightweight option of watering, which also requires a certain spending time, especially if necessary, moisturize a large area. It is not always possible to perform irrigating lawn evenly, which is a significant disadvantage. gARDENA-WASSERMENGENZAHLER-67D2BB4F
  3. Special irrigation equipment. The current systems of automatic irrigation of lawns are so diverse that it is not difficult to make a choice. Engineers of various companies are developing systems and for professional use, and for household amateur. In this case, such equipment has a number of advantages, including the uniformity of watering, ease of use and a fairly acceptable cost of quality models. Therefore, it is impossible not to note that the automatic irrigation systems installed for one season are the most practical and advantageous solution. POLIV-Gazona.

    Important! Review the video in which the process of watering is clearly shown using one of the automatic system models. 

How often do you need to water the lawn?

An unambiguous answer to this question is enough problematic. Regular irrigation depends on several criteria:

  1. Soil quality. The composition of the soil directly affects the frequency of irrigation, as some types of soil hold the moisture longer period. A vivid example in this regard is clay earth covers, irrigate which is enough with warm weather only 1 time per week. Sand soils give moisture much faster, so rationally carry out watering lawn twice a week. pOLIV1.
  2. The length of the roots. This indicator is often forgotten to take into account when determining the regularity of irrigation. Nevertheless, the longer the roots, the less frequent care of plants. The upper dry layer of the soil in this case is not an indicator to urgent irrigation. On the contrary, the dried surface with proper watering ensures oxygen saturation, and the rhizomes are growing stronger and large due to a sufficient amount of water absorbed from the deep layers. The result - the plants are stronger. 83014317_8_1000x700_avtopoliv-aktsiya-55-Landshaftnoe-proektirovanie-_rev013
  3. The location of the lawn. The intensity of direct sunlight hit also determines the regularity of irrigation. The lawn or floweruba, located in the shade, you need to water much less often than the open space. At the expense of irrigation of the green zone with planted trees, recommendations are unequivocal - need more intense moisturizing, despite the lawn shaders. Most of the water absorbed the roots of trees, grass and flowers remain only a small part. Therefore, only with a more frequent watering, it will be possible to save the brightness of the color of herbal cover, excluding its wilt. pravilnii-Poliv-Gazona
  4. Natural precipitation. Naturally, the more often it is raining than they are more intense, the less often an artificial irrigation is required. But if the precipitation is not abundant and is worth the sultry heat at which evaporation occurs in a few minutes, be sure to be additional moisturizing. 121212
  5. Temperature. The amount of irrigation is regulated by the temperature regime. The higher the indicators, the more often the moisturizing is required. In the hot and dry norm of irrigation of the lawn - every day. But, be sure to consider the appropriate time of irrigation to avoid rapid evaporation and do not create an independent condition for premature wilting, burnout and drying plants. In the cold time, at temperatures below 10c, it is better not to carry out artificial moisture. gazon (22)

How to properly determine the need for watering?

Despite the rather clear requirements for watering, to finally make sure that the chosen irrigation frequency is correct. Spend simple testing:

  • Consider closer herbal cover. If the plants have been introduced, began to turn yellow or lost their elasticity and elasticity - it's time to fill the nutrient medium with water.
  • Drop a few pits in a depth of 10-15 cm. If the dry is dry - it's time to water. 9

What time of day to water the grass?

It is very important not only to correctly determine the frequency, but also time of day. All recommendations in this respect are unambiguous:

  • early morning until the rays of the rising sun do not scorch
  • evening, after sunset.

    Important! Be sure to follow these requirements in order to exclude the burnout of the upper part of the plant and the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil immediately after watering.


How to correctly determine the rate of water consumption?

Determine the amount of water for watering is very simple. Standard norm, regardless of the system of irrigation of the lawn - 10-20 liters per 1m2. The defining factor in this regard is the quality of soil and surface relief. When using a manual watering can diminish the desired amount does not constitute problems, it is usually listed on it.


How to accurately measure the desired amount of water with automatic irrigation of the lawn?

To determine the amount of water poured on the lawn, do the following:

  1. Arrange the banks, with a capacity of 0.5 liters in places of irrigation.
  2. Turn on the political system.
  3. Lock the inclusion time.
  4. Watch the reservation of cans.
  5. 1.2-1.3 cm - equivalent to 10l / m2, 2.5 cm - 20l.
  6. As you fill, be sure to follow the puddles not formed.
  7. Turn off the equipment.
  8. Secure time.
  9. Determine the difference in the next time you can focus on watering, and not on the reservation of cans.

    Important! In this case, in this case the intensity of the pressure and the quality of the jet if these parameters are adjusted manually.


What are the consequences with the wrong watering of grass?

Such a diverse list of rules for the irrigation of the lawn was not accidentally formed. In case of deviations in one direction or another, the result will be sufficiently ugly consequences, which will be reduced by all the works to reflect the landscape near the house.


Insufficient irrigation

Forgetfulness or incorrectly organized process will cause:

  • withering
  • drying
  • burnout
  • yellowing
  • the final death of plants.

Olympus Digital Camera.

Excessive polis

Too zealous pouring lawn will also not contribute to her attractive mind:

  • rotation of plants
  • ring soil
  • the appearance of moss and fungi
  • the growing of weeds
  • shallow root development, which affects the appearance and the growth of grass.



When making your own lawn sure to read in advance with all the rules of care. All criteria, albeit up a fairly long list, does not require excessive physical and monetary costs, but only care. Determine initially the most appropriate way, the regularity and intensity and then just follow them, occasionally making an amendment to the weather conditions.

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