How to choose a garden swing

March 3. Useful advice, Plot. Views 7866 1 comment to write How to choose a garden swing

Today the garden swing - is not a luxury but a necessary purchase, which allows you to enjoy the natural surroundings and talk with friends over a cup of tea in their area. They take up very little space, suitable for different climates, can withstand temperature extremes, in this case, you can arrange them in any zakutochke garden or on the outdoor terrace.


Today we look at how to choose a garden swing, focusing on the latest technology and taking into account all the requirements of the consumer.

Types of swings for the garden


Most often, suburban swing made of metal and wood, can be suspended and portable. Therefore, implementing the choice, you should consider not only their basic parameters, but also your individual preferences.

Types of garden swings and their characteristics:

  • have a weight of 21-70 kg;
  • load capacity ranges from 120-300 kg;
  • depending on the model, standard features: armrests, pillows, coasters, waterproof awning frame;
  • a material used for a seat - reinforced welded or woven mesh;
  • frame - painted steel or wood frame;
  • upholstery material depends on the manufacturer and model - cotton, acrylic, etc .;
  • may have two rest positions or be adjustable;
  • can not fold and folding;
  • they may be single, double, triple, etc.




Garden wooden swing


As you know, patio furniture made of wood, always looks very stylish and fits perfectly into any interior. In this case, wooden swing may be the most unusual form:

  • it is made from logs;
  • have the form of hammock-swing;
  • it is surrounded by carved gazebo, etc.

If the product does not have a roof or canopy, it can be put inside the pergola. This unique ensemble will look great, look holistically and very aesthetically pleasing.

Garden teeter


Children's cottages Swing - a great purchase for those who care not only about the improvement of the garden area, but also the children's activities.

Swings for kids may have the most diverse design and be made of plastic, metal and wood. The most popular are the universal floor swings, which are carried into the house if necessary. However, when choosing the product must pay attention to the presence of special protection against accidental folding strength and structure stability.

Swing Garden Metal


If you have the opportunity, buy or make to order metal forged swing that looks insanely rich. Usually they are decorated with unique openwork forged, making them very beautiful. Design, shape and pattern can be selected independently, and only experts will realize your idea into reality. In addition, these products are aesthetically combined in an ensemble with other wrought iron objects - benches, tables, chairs, and various sculptures, etc.



This type of garden swing is fairly compact and convenient, they occupy very little space and is easy to fold. Swing-couches will look great not only on the porch, but also on the terrace, in the garden. Products have the ability to transform into a double bed and offer households an extra bed.

How to choose a swing for the garden


Today one can find the typical swing to give enough of a democratic value and luxury, which are a work of art. But above all, this design should please only your eye with its special shape and color, be durable and comfortable.

What design prefer?


Plastic swing short-lived and is the cheapest option. Their frame is made of metal pipe, and back and seat made of plastic. Such swings are fairly simple to operate, easy to disassemble and carry, but the material is considered to be unstable and may crack easily upon impact.

Luxury and expensive products are made from wood. They look very impressive and are environmentally friendly.

Considered optimal embodiment of the metal swing. Their frame is made of steel tubes, which are coated with paint that prevents the formation of corrosion. Seat in them are made of galvanized mesh, which makes the products durable and strong. Colored soft mattresses offer the best service and awning protects against the sun and weather.

What you should pay attention to?

Criterias of choice:

1. Practicality

When selecting the swing to give is important to consider the water-repellent qualities of the upholstery, the presence of armrests and cupholders. Also pay attention to the parameters of permissible load and the weight of the structure itself. Best of all, if thin metal model no elements that are easy to bend and break.

As for the mattress, they should be filled with foam, and their covers must be removed.

2. Comfort and maximum safety


By purchasing a garden swing, the price of which is not small, it is necessary to check them for strength and protection against overturning. Even with the large amplitude swing, the product must not be moved or come off the ground. Pay special attention to the thickness and shape of the frame support.

You should also inquire about the availability of optional equipment: mosquito nets, pillows, soft capes, plaids gift, connectivity, portable lighting, etc.

3. Determine the correct size


Since the garden swing can withstand a load of 120-400 kg and have a two- or triple pre-think over their destiny.

4. Tilt back


Today, there are swings, have the backrest adjuster, which can be tailored to each family member. They cost a bit more expensive, but are more functional.

5. Price and manufacturer

Choosing the swing, it is advised to view the reviews of the producers, but
They considered the highest quality swing, made in Italy and Germany.

Where is the garden swing


Installation rules:

  • do not place the swing on the sites where you can easily damage the lawn;
  • do not put them next to the fountains;
  • do not install where people walk, for example, on the tracks;
  • swing need to be located on a flat site and in an open place.

Features of care



  • avoid a large amplitude of swinging, which can fail some mechanisms;
  • do not split the seat to the sides;
  • should not jump on them;
  • uniformly distribute weight on the surface of the seat;
  • do not exceed the maximum permissible load;
  • specify from the seller, what means can be cleaned;
  • during rain, it is recommended to remove them under a canopy;
  • at the end of the summer season, the swing should be washed, dry and remove into a dry room.

How to choose garden swings video:

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One answer to how to choose garden swings

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