Making the slit floor do it yourself. Slot floor construction technology

March 6. Repair and construction work Views 675. Comments To record, make a sliding floor with your own hands. Slot floor construction technology No

Modern technologies and inventions designed to facilitate human life are used everywhere, including in the field of agriculture. One of these useful inventions is a slotted floor - a two-level coating that allows you to easily remove animals and maintain cleanliness in pigsties. How to make a sliding floor with your own hands, we will tell in this article.

Advantages of slotted floor

  1. By installing a similar design in a pigsty, you can drastically reduce the risks of the incidence of animals. Observations showed that colds, and intestinal diseases happen less often and pass faster.
  2. The presence of a slot floor in the pigbird helps to increase the bridge. On a day for animals on fattening, this figure is 80 g, and for the livestock on the cream - 50 g.
  3. The device of such a floor also makes it possible to save on electricity, reducing its consumption almost twice.
  4. The floor is convenient and so that you have to spend much less water for cleaning the manure. Water consumption decreases by about 5 times.
  5. Some slotted floors can be made personally.

Slital floor must comply with certain requirements:

  1. Be made of durable and wear-resistant materials, have a reliable and durable design.
  2. It must be convenient to use.
  3. Such a floor should be completely safe for animals. The width of the gaps in it should not exceed 2 cm, into wider piglets may fall on legs and get injuries.
  4. Skial sizes also have their own standards. For example, the length of the sections should be within 15 cm. The second tier is preferably located at a depth of about 65 cm. The slit gender is also better to arrange under a slight slope, so that animal waste for the most part merged themselves.

Slitual types

Classify slotted floors by manufacturing material. Among the most popular today, concrete, cast-iron and plastic structures are distinguished, more obsolete and rarely used today is a wooden slot floor. About each of the species we will talk in detail.

Concrete slut floor

Concrete structures are often used where there are a lot of pigstock pigs. Such Paul has the following positive qualities:

  • it is durable and can withstand a significant weight of livestock - up to 600 kg per 1 m²;
  • does not absorb smells;
  • sufficient enough and can be operated about 15 years.

Of the minuses it is worth highlighting the following:

  • concrete floor Cold, small piglets will feel uncomfortable, so it is necessary to equip the heating system;
  • make a concrete floor with your own hands is difficult, so it is better to just buy ready-made concrete sections and install them in the pigsty.

Plastic slotted floor

Plastic floors are even more popular than concrete, and the reason for their positive properties:

  • they have low weight and easily installed;
  • can be supplied in any configuration;
  • you can choose various options, companies for the production of such floors today there are many;
  • plastic refers to materials with affordable cost, therefore the floors from it will cost cheaper concrete or cast iron;
  • since the floors weigh a bit, they are easy to transport even without attracting special transport;
  • plastic floors are not so cold, do not cause discomfort animals, do not slide and are quite stable.

The minus them is that they cannot withstand the same weight as concrete floors. Therefore, they are often equipped for piglets on cream or in small pigsties. Manufacturing and installation of plastic slotted gender is carried out personally, it is unlikely to be able to create and install the coating form and special equipment.

Metal slit floor

The metal slot floor is not so popular as concrete or plastic, but it is exactly that the coating can be made personally. As a material, as a rule, cast iron or galvanized iron is used.

The cast iron floor is rather cold, and in the pigsty will have to equip the heating system. But for sows during the feeding period of the offspring, the cold coating will even be the best option, because at such time they are very restless, and the cool floor can calm them a little.

If the pigstock is contained in the pigsty, then the heating system must be done. It can be electrical or water. By the way, often the types of slit floors are combined with each other, for example, combine concrete and metal structures.

Wooden slut floor

Wooden slotted floors today are used extremely rarely, the reason is in the short-life and impracticity of the material. Wood very quickly absorbs moisture and unpleasant odors, decomposes, spars. It is very difficult to remove such sex. Its pluses can be attributed, except for low cost and ease of installation. Collect it with your own hands is quite simple

Slital floor, photo:

Arrangement of slotted sex with their own hands

Sliding Tools

With their own hands in the pigsty, it makes sense to make a metal slot floor option, such tools will be needed for it:

  • the base of metal - sleepers, galvanized sheets or something like that;
  • protective mask, gloves, overalls;
  • welding machine;
  • roulette;
  • electrical scissors for cutting material - they successfully replace more dangerous in the use of the grinder.

Drawing of the slot floor can be seen below:

Stages of creation of a slot floor

  1. The entire system of the slot floor device must be thought out at the stage of construction of the pigsty, because the trench will be digging for laying PVC pipes during the foundation laying. Drops such a trench, they put highways and connect them. The diameter of pipes should be 25-30 cm, and it is necessary to put them under a slight slope - 5 mm per 1 m pipe. Blind make in the direction of the navigation.
  2. To merge waste it was easier, in the highest part of the pipes, that is, in the opposite side of the null-hander, the air valve makes.
  3. Having rubbed the PVC highway, drastic necks are fixed. It is important to locate the neck in the right place, otherwise there may be difficulties in the construction of the baths. The neck is attached in this way: a hole is made in the pipe using a jigsaw, the neck is exhibited by level and glued to the hole with silicone sealant or PVC glue, preventing all contacting surfaces. Then, so that the neck was still stronger, it is additionally fixed with screws.
  4. The next step is the thermal insulation of alloy pipes for the slot floor. For this purpose, slag or any other comfortable material is used. It is necessary to heat insulating the highways in mandatory, otherwise the contents will freeze the contents in them and break through the system.
  5. When the pipes are laid and insulated, you can be taken for the construction of navigation baths. They can be bought or do it yourself, which will be cheaper. For the construction of numerals, concrete and fittings are needed, in form such tanks must resemble an inverted pyramid, the vertex of which will be connected to the drain neck. This form will allow manure to merge on their own and completely when opening the plug. You can make a bath and other shape, then it will be more roomy, but less comfortable.
  6. The next stage is the construction of the poverty itself. The floor is poured into it with concrete, after which metal grilles are mounted over the numerals. Like drain baths, they can be bought or welded. To make lattices, it is necessary to stock up with a grinder or electrical scissors for metal, a welding machine, directly material for structures.
  7. Sweeping and installing the lattice floor level, you need to determine the place where the manure from drain baths will be drained. In large pigsties on farms, ponds are used for this purpose, specially digs up for manure. From the inside of their wall and the bottom lay out with plates. Now instead of plates also often use a special package that will not give the manure to leak into the soil. For a small pigfish, dig such a pond is not necessarily. Instead, you can make a well with a concreted bottom and walls made of concrete rings put on the end. The well of this type will be quite compatible. You can also buy a large metal container. Whatever you prefer to make a tank, try, still, pump off and export waste as soon as possible. If the manure is in the reservoir too long, its solid fractions will fall on the bottom where it will be very difficult to get it.

Slit floor. Video

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