Painting wooden fence with your own hands

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A wooden fence requires special care and protection, since the natural material from which it is manufactured is strongly affected by the action of adverse environments. Extend the service life and give the hedges a beautiful view will help properly chosen paintwork. In this article we will talk about painting a wooden fence with your own hands.

Types of paints for wood

The coating for the wooden fence should be high quality and durable, create reliable protection of material from moisture, frost, precipitation and sunlight. Among other things, the paint must prevent breeding in the wood of fungi, mold and bacteria. It is not bad in the same way that the finish retained an attractive appearance and did not fade for a long period. We will deal with more details with which paint can be used for wooden hedges.

Alkyd enamel

Inexpensive views of wood coating can be considered alkyd enamels. These are multicomponent substances that include acids, polyhydric alcohols, as well as fillers in the form of olifes, resins or any oils.

Despite the low price, many specialists do not recommend using enamel for wood processing. First, such compositions poorly transfer sunlight and temperature fluctuations, literally per year enamel on the fence can go cracks. In such cracks, water will fall, leading to the spider boards. Secondly, the enamels themselves do not produce better on the structure of the tree. Update the enamel layer on the hedge will have to be almost annually, so the low value of the material should not be taken into account.


Acrylic paints

Another option is suitable for painting a wooden fence, acrylic paints are considered. You can buy them for a fully acceptable price, and good high-quality coverage will serve you for many years.

The pros of such colors can be attributed to the fact that they perfectly carry the adverse effects of surrounding factors: precipitation, fog, high humidity, frost, temperature drops, heat and sunlight. The paint will be more durable, if it is impregnated with the primer to the same manufacturer before using it. It should be noted that such materials will continue their shade for a long time and do not fade in ultraviolet rays.

For painting a wooden fence, you can use the facade acrylic paint, but it is important to remember one subtlety: the composition of the composition will not burn out in the sun if the pigment was added by the manufacturer. If you decide to give paint the desired shade, it may be less durable.


Oil compositions

Oil paints for wood processing are used for many decades. They have their advantages and disadvantages. The pluses include their low cost, as well as the ability to create a durable waterproof layer on the surface. Oil paint reliably protects the tree from moisture, negative effects of temperatures. It is also a good antiseptic, in the hedges treated with such a composition, the fungi, mold and bacteria will not settle.

The disadvantages of the material include its unpleasant odor, long drying time, as well as color instability. After time, the coating burns into the sun, becoming pale and unattractive. Deciding to remove the old layer of oil paint from the fence, you will also have to try, because it is not so easy.


Antiseptic solutions

Some prefer to use a special antiseptic instead of paint. Such means are two species:

  • purpose - have an opaque structure;
  • lesserving - differ transparency.

The main purpose of the antiseptic is to protect wood from pest insects, mold, bacteria and fungi. The type of antiseptics is chosen depending on the desired end result. The lesing compositions will help preserve the natural beauty of the boards, giving them only a small shade. Employed substances, like paint, completely change the color of the tree.

It should be noted that antiseptics are toxic. In the case of a fence, which is usually located in an open-air, this property is not categorically, although when working with such substances, it is still recommended to comply with the safety requirements.


Overview of popular manufacturers

To date, the Russian market represents several popular options for paints to finish wooden fences:

  1. Belinka Toplasur is distinguished by a dense, contains in its composition filters protecting material from ultraviolet rays. After drying, it forms a beautiful glossy coating on the surface. Painting consumption is 1 l by 8-10 m² of area.
  2. Holzlasur Gel is a translucent solution capable of protecting wood from negative external factors for a long time. The service life of such a material is approximately 7 years. As well as the paint described above, this solution contains ultraviolet filters. Depending on the type of boards, the consumption of material is 1 l by 6-11 m².
  3. Pinotex Ultra is distinguished by deep penetration into the structure of the tree, protects it well from molding and rotting. It is especially impressive on planed boards, creating a smooth coating with glossy glitter. Such paint can be processed only by pests and microorganisms of wood.
  4. Tikkurila Valti Color - Finnish production paint, perfectly impresses the boards and after drying it creates a solid smooth film on the surface. This paint is easy to work well protects the tree from infection with fungi, bacteria and mold. Its consumption for sawn boards is 1 l at 5-8 m², for planed boards - 1 l by 8-12 m².
  5. Omizron Maximum - Lesserving Antiseptic, which is at least 5 years. The composition contains components for biological and ultraviolet protection. It has enough economical flow rate. 1 l paints are enough for processing 5-8 m² sawn and 10-14 m² of planed wood.


Impregnation for wooden fence with their own hands

You can make the appropriate composition yourself, which will make it possible not only to save money, but also will allow you to be confident as the coating. Consider several ways to create impregnation for the fence with your own hands.

For the first recipe you will need:

  • flour - 750 g;
  • salt - 350 g;
  • iron vitrios - 1.5 kg;
  • lime pigment - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 9 liters.

The manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Water is poured into a large container and put on fire. Flying flour, and then stirring, cooking is prepared.
  2. Then the salt is added and its dissolution is waited.
  3. The next stage in the Cleaster add iron vigorous and lime pigment.
  4. This impregnation is applied to wood hot. Processed by such a composition, the fence will be protected from moisture and temperature differences for 10-15 years.

The second impregnation recipe provides for the use of such components:

  • flour - 1,16 kg;
  • salt - 520 g;
  • iron Court - 520 g;
  • lime pigment;
  • olife - 500 g;
  • water - 9 liters.

The cooking process is similar to the above:

  1. From the water and flour is preparing a plumbing.
  2. It soluble salt, iron vigor and dry lime pigment.
  3. Then the Olife is poured into the hub.
  4. Everything is thoroughly mixed and hot enough for wood.


Painting Tools

The main tools that are used in the collection of fence are:

  1. Brush is the simplest and most popular device. Brushes come in different sizes and shapes. While the process of staining with a brush is quite simple, it requires considerable costs of strength and time. Among other things, the brush often leaves the finished surface of the ugly stripes from smears. The brush for painting the fence is better to choose expensive and high-quality, with genuine bristles, so the risk of hairs falling will be minimal.
  2. Roller is a tool that will allow you to perform work faster and better. The surface is painted with roller more evenly than a tassel, and its texture is more beautiful and homogeneous. Minus Valik is that they can not work in hard-to-reach places, for corners and small parts still have to use a brush.
  3. Painting of a wooden fence can be carried out with the help of a paint. It requires certain skills of work, as well as the presence of a compressor, but painting the cascopult is carried out as quickly as possible. The paint supplied from the sprayer is sprayed to the fence of a beautiful uniform layer.

In addition to these main tools, additional devices may be needed for work on the collection:

  • sandpaper;
  • spatulas;
  • brush with metal bristles;
  • brush with soft bristles for cleaning dust and web;
  • wood putty;
  • overalls, gloves, headdress;
  • when working with the paintopult, necessarily need a respirator and safety glasses.


Painting the fence from the tree do it yourself

Preparatory stage

The final result of the work is directly dependent on the preparation of the working surface. So that the paint lay down exactly, and the fence came out beautiful and smooth, the wood must be cleaned, align, close the cracks and gaps.

The first thing from the reason it is necessary to consider dirt, dust, moss and web, as well as the remains of the previous coating, if it was. Then the boards are desirable to align, removing from them discovering the knots, droplets of frozen resin, jar and other unattractive parts. It is easiest to consider them easier than sandpaper, the resin can be cut off with a spatula.

Boards can also have large cracks and recesses. If you do not strive to preserve their natural slightly rude look, make such shortcomings with a special putty on the tree. Let her dry, and then set the shallow sandpaper.

If the fence was previously painted, the process of its preparation will be more time-consuming and long. Old coating must be completely removed. This is done with a tight brush with metal bristles. All that can be removed with a brush is removed, after which the surface is treated with a grinding machine.

The preparatory stage also includes the processing of the primer boards. What can handle a wooden fence before painting? For this purpose, special primer in wood, which will improve adhesion and will allow paint to hold out longer. Before staining, it is also desirable to impregnate with antiseptic wood.


Coloring wooden fence

For painting, hedge you will need: the selected paintwork, roller or a wide brush, a small brush for hard-to-reach places, rags, broom, rubber and cotton gloves, warm water, paint container.

If you paint a completely new fence, do it before installing it. Do not forget to process not only all the boards, but also pillars and runs. The ends of the boards should also be covered with paint. During the work, move from top to bottom.

So that the brushes or roller do not get about the ground, put a wooden bar under the board. Time for painting also choose with your own comfort. Under the rain or scorching sun, such a process will give you little pleasure, but in dry and not very hot day will work easier.

Wooden fence is preferably painted in 2 layers. First, it will be more beautiful, secondly, the paint will laugh longer.


Covering lacquer

Some prefer to preserve the natural type of wood, not hiding it under the layer of paint. But it is still necessary to protect the fence from moisture, fungi and pests. For this purpose, you can use varnish.

There are several types of varnishes suitable for working with wood:

  • alkyd;
  • polyurethane;
  • nitrocellulosic;
  • dispersion;
  • acrylic.

Most often, alkyd compositions are used to cover the milking hedges, which are considered the most durable. An more environmentally friendly option is acrylic varnishes made on a water basis. They almost do not smell and completely non-toxic, which is why most often used for internal works.

For boardy fences, nitrocellulose varnishes are suitable, which are distinguished by good operational properties, but are toxic. For the finishing of the fence, located under the open-air, it is possible to use such compositions, but it is necessary to work with them in the respirator.

Polyurethane varnishes are highly strength, they are used in various spheres, are sometimes used to open musical instruments.

As in the case of paint, it is desirable to work with varnish in warm and dry weather. The coating is applied to the fence with a soft brush from a natural hair, making a thin uniform layer. Then the hedge is treated again, but be sure to wait until the first layer of varnish is dry. Dry varnishes in different ways, on average it goes about a day.


Painting of an old wooden fence

If you have a strong enough, but old and repeatedly painted fence, it can be updated with a new paint layer. Preparation of such a hedge will take considerable time, because the former paint needs to be carefully considered a tough brush, and then polish the wood with a grinding machine. Sometimes it is too difficult to remove the paint with a brush using a brush, then a special gel softener can be tried as auxiliary.

Together with the old coating from the boards, garbage and dirt, moss and web, droplets of resin are considered. Cracks and depressions are smeared with a putty on a tree. The fence also need to be checked for the presence of insects-tree. If in some boards you noticed the traces of their presence, such items are better dismantled and replaced with new ones.

Then the wood can be soaked in bioprotective compositions to exclude or minimize the risk of mold, fungi, rot and all the same bugs. When drying the boards, they are covered with primer and dried again, and after embarking on staining.


Wooden fence painting ideas

Color wooden fence can paint one color. It will look loacious and carefully, but boring. If you want to somehow allocate your fence or just want to apply your artistic talents in practice, show fantasy and depict something interesting on the fence. By the way, children can be attracted to such work. This exciting process will probably like it, because many children love to draw, besides, the baby will later be able to be proud of the results of his labor. Children also have an extraordinary fantasy and will be able to prompt adult ideas.

Draw on a deaf fence is the easiest way, because it is a solid smooth surface. First, apply any shade as a background, let it dry, and then proceed to the mural. Here your imagination itself will tell you what to portray on the fence. It can be flowers, birds, butterflies, cartoons, abstractions, etc. Figure is desirable to think over in advance and draw an approximate sketch with a pencil or marker.

Painting wooden fence-stakenik can become an exciting occupation for the whole family. Color separate rails in different colors or paint them through one into contrasting shades, and here is an unusual fence ready. If any paint is completely small, decorate this tint only the upper parts of the boards, and the rest of the space separate the main color. Options for painting wooden fence from the stakenant there is a lot. It is very funny and unusual, for example, a stakenik seems to be decorated in the form of pencils.

For painting of the fence, some use the contact pattern technique. First, the flowers or some kind of figures are depicted on the hedges, and then they dreamed them with a contrasting, most often darker contour. The vegetable motives on the hedge look very attractive, especially if you do not have the opportunity to plant real curly plants near the fence.

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