Warm floor under the tile. Installation instructions

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Today, warm floors are not "luxury", but a very important "necessity", providing full-fledged room heating. We'll tell you further about the varieties and intricacies of the installation of such coatings below.

Water warm floors


Water floors

Water serves a person in many areas. One of them is heating. After all, water has long been considered the cheapest energy resource. And therefore, she found its use as the main "ingredient" of water warm floors, which is quite good in demand. Unfortunately, they can be installed not in any housing. The fact is that for such sex you need the appropriate heating system to which it will connect. If it is mounted in a private house, there are no problems with its connection, which you will not say about urban apartments, where heating depends on the city's high heat supply system. In such cases, installing water floors is prohibited. The fact is that they increase citywide water heating costs and require more power from pumps. If you put water floors without issuing an appropriate permission, it will have to be dismantled, as well as pay superimposed fines.

There is another reason not to lay water floors in an urban apartment - it increases the load on the slab overlap, which can cause their collapse. This is especially critical with random flooding. And not only for you, but also for your neighbors below.

Also, the cause of the water floor in the apartment is the fact that after its installation, the ceiling height decreases at least 100 millimeters. From this, a small apartment will be even closer.

As for private houses, for them warm water floors, perhaps, are the most economical. Just before this you need to purchase a boiler of high power and prepare for complex installation. In buildings where gas heating is installed, the system will pay off as soon as soon. It will take several years.

Installation of water floor


This is one of the most popular height systems under the tile. It is called water because water is used as a coolant.

The process of its installation is as follows:

  1. First you need to prepare the surface. It must be carefully aligned with special mixtures. After that, waterproofing is placed, and a damper tape is located on the room.
  2. Then the thermal insulation is stacked. For this, for example, you can use mineral wool and expanded polystyrene.
  3. In the room where the warm floor is installed, it is necessary to place a cabinet for collectors equipped with two pipelines. Under it will be hot water.
  4. After installing the closet, you need to attach pipelines to the collector with overlapping valves.
  5. Pipes can be laid as a spiral and snake. It is only a step that should be from 100 to 300 millimeters.
  6. After laying the pipeline, it is necessary to pour the mixture of sand and cement.

Electric floor

announced 3.

Electric floor characteristics

Electric warm floors can be made in several ways:

  1. Using electrical flooring (warm floor in the form of heating mats).
  2. With wires (cable warm floor).

The easiest of them is the first way.


  1. Such a floor is good because it is capable of working throughout the year.
  2. It can be installed in urban apartments.
  3. It does not depend on central heating. Therefore, you can warm your dwelling at any time of the year.
  4. The temperature of heating is possible to adjust by setting the mode for a particular season.

Cable warm floor electric under the tile, as a rule, is not installed. This is due to several reasons:

  1. For installation, it is necessary to pour a concrete screed with a thickness of about 40 millimeters. Given the height of the cable system, the floor as a result rises by 60-80 millimeters.
  2. From the screed there is a load on the base, and this is undesirable, especially in urban apartments. This option is most profitable to install in private houses, as well as in new buildings without finishing. In this case, when creating draft floors, it will still need to fill the screed for aligning the base into which the cable system can be mounted. From above, such a floor can be trimmed with tiles only when the concrete screed and tile glue dried.

Warm floor in the form of heating mats


This is one of the most efficient and energy-saving methods of heating. The operation of heating mats is based on the use of thin cables that are stuck in the reinforced grid. In this case, the thickness of one roll is not more than 3 millimeters. Thus, the floors in the form of heating mats almost do not reduce the height of the room. They are most suitable for homes and apartments where there is already a concrete basis. In this case, the installation sequence is as follows:

  1. Mats are locked in concrete.
  2. Closed with tiled glue.
  3. Top fixed tiles.

The disadvantages include what this option will cost about a third more expensive than cable. But many can cope with its installation on their own - it is only necessary to decompose the rugs and bring the end of cables into the opposite.

The floor laid out with tiles, of course, is a good option, but it is not suitable for every room. First of all, it creates discomfort when walking on it without shoes. These shortcomings are deprived of a warm floor. It is he who is stacked in large apartments and houses. In general, the best warm floor under the tile everyone chooses for itself.

Installation of heating mats

These heating elements are used in their design two-housing cables coated with shielding shell. They are stacked by a snake on a special self-adhesive grid. The power of heating mats depends on their length. It is important to make a layout of mats before the start of work, because Cutting the heating cable can not. All thermal elements have a half-meter width, while the heat transfer to one square meter is from 90 watts.

To mount a warm floor under the tile, the following will also be needed:

  1. Tile. It is allowed to use both tile and porcelain.
  2. Tile glue. It is selected depending on the type of tile selected and its operating conditions.
  3. Multimeter. The thermal cable resistance is measured by this tool.
  4. Thermostat. This type of regulating reinforcement is selected depending on the type and mode of the use of the room. For example, in the bathroom there will be an actual thermostat with manual control.
  5. Drill with crown for drilling holes for thermostat.
  6. Bulgarian and a circle for cutting concrete.
  7. Construction tool.


Warm floor mounting technology under the tile consists of the following priority of actions:

  1. First you need to choose a place under the installation of the thermostat. This should take into account the possible need to connect the gender sensor and wires with power supply.
  2. When the place is chosen, the holes are drilled with a drill and a crown on concrete.
  3. Next, it is necessary in the wall and at the base of the floor to make a stroke under the wires. Recommended width and depth of the groove - at least 20 millimeters.
  4. Then the prepared subfloor. This process includes works such as the embedding of potholes and cracks, cleaning debris, dust, and, if necessary, performing roughing screed.
  5. After that, for better grip the floor should be primed with a concrete screed on the entire surface. Apply the mixture was easier with a roller. The primer should be given some time to dry completely.
  6. Then you need to make a black floor markup. At the same time, it is necessary to outline the installation sites of heavy furniture, household appliances and heating devices, in one word, surfaces on which such insulation systems cannot be mounted. The laying of a warm floor under the tile is usually started from a long corner relative to the thermostat.
  7. Consider, the heat mats can be cut, but it is impossible to touch the feed cable. It is also forbidden to lay the flooring in several layers. Slices of mats are located consistently after each other, performing a loop from the cable.
  8. It is important to withstand the right distance between adjacent mats and loops. The permissible interval is at least 50 millimeters. In addition, the walls, furniture and other heating elements should be a distance of at least 100 millimeters.
  9. When the mats are laid, it follows in a pre-prepared groove to place the feed wire, removing it into the hole for the thermostat.
  10. The resistance of the installed cable must be within acceptable values, which is usually indicated in the passport.
  11. Now you need to put the temperature sensor. It is recommended to place it at an equal distance from the adjacent loops of the thermal mat cable.
  12. Next, it is placed in a corrugated tube and stacked in a pre-prepared groove.
  13. Wires from the temperature sensor are displayed directly to the thermostat. It is important that the pipe radius at the site of the plinth is at least 50 millimeters.
  14. When the sensor is placed, the location of its installation should be shuffled with tile glue and give dry.
  15. The rotors of the sensor wires are irradiated according to the scheme specified in the passport are soldered to the thermostat.
  16. The terminals of the thermostat are connected by the ends of the heating cable and the power supply wires.
  17. Now you can apply power to the controller and the settles of the average temperature. After heating turns on.
  18. After that, you need to check the heating of the cable at all sites.
  19. Then, according to the instructions, tile glue dissolves and applied to mats.
  20. The solution is smoothed with a toothed spatula.
  21. Now you can proceed to laying tiles. These works should be started from the far wall. The material is pressed and checked by level.

Infrared warm floor

Characteristics of infrared warm floor


Such a floor consists of flat plates, which are searched in polyethylene. Depending on the heating material used, the carbon and bimetallic film warm floor under the tile differ. Infrared floors are quite popular thanks to the practicality and ease of installation.

Under the tile is allowed only to lay a carbon warm floor. It has the following advantages:

  1. Not subject to corrosion.
  2. In case of damage to the floor, only a deformed area is turned off.
  3. Minor heat loss.
  4. Silent work.

The system of this type of floor is powered by the power grid and is controlled using the thermostat. Its installation has some features:

  1. When installing, it is necessary to use the substrate with the heat transfer effect.
  2. Before laying the tile on the warm floor, the mounting fiberglass mesh with a cell size of not more than 30 millimeters is sure to be laid.

Installation of infrared floor


Laying the heating film under the tile and under the laminate has certain differences. It should be known that there are difficulties of adhesion tile glue with the surface of a film heating element. But there are some recommendations by performing that you can solve this problem.

First of all, you need to decide on the need for a screed device. It is usually required when conducting overhaul and in the construction of new premises. It is also needed in cosmetic repair when the new tile will be laid on the old basis. In each case, it is recommended to observe simple, but, nevertheless, important rules for laying.

To install a ceramic film on infrared warm floor, it is recommended to use one of two ways.

  1. The first of them implies the use of glass edgeless or gypsumless sheet. In this case, the installation of a polyethylene film and a drying (or glass edge) sheet with a thickness of 6-8 millimeters to a heating element is carried out. It is important that in the process of attaching a gypsumless (glass adhesive) sheet to the primary screed, damage to graphite strips and copper tires of thermal blinds were not allowed. These materials are considered a good base for laying ceramic tiles. When the installation will be performed, you should leave the gap between the wall and tiles. It is also recommended to apply a mixture "Conconokontact" on the sheet of selected material.
  2. The second method implies the use of heat transfer material that has a small shrinkage.

Installation sequence:

  1. The substrate is cut into the strip, the width of which should be the same as the dimensions of the thermal film. In order for the primary screed to have a solid grip with the secondary, when installing the substrate, it is recommended to put it at a distance of 150-200 millimeters from the wall. In addition, to improve the fastening with the primary tie between the strips, you need to leave a distance of 10-20 millimeters.
  2. As reinforcement, the screed is best to use a painting mesh with a cell size of 5 or 10 millimeters. It should be attached to the thermal film with a dowel.
  3. In order to provide high-quality communication with the primary screed, when laying the material on a large area, it is best to use a perforated heating film.
  4. When the installation of the film and the heat transfer material is completed, then in order to fill the technological holes, it is recommended to apply a mixture of "concrete contact" and a thin screed. Then the tile is laid with glue and stacked on the surface.

Warm floor under the tile: video

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