How to put the ceiling under painting

August 22. Repair and construction work Views 1605. Comments to records how to put the ceiling ceiling No

Make repair with your own hands is not so simple, because the process is long and requires a lot of effort and knowledge. It is important to consider the design of walls, gender and ceiling, while the last item plays a not the last role in obtaining a general result.

There is a sufficient number of techniques for changing the ceiling beyond recognition, but in any case a smooth surface will be required. Then the master is faced with a difficult, but completely feasible task - putting the ceiling under painting.

The importance of holding


The process of preparing the ceiling under painting must be carried out in two cases:

  • when creating a solid surface;
  • when designing a suspended structure.

In the first version, defects arising with time on the surface are removed. These may be cracks, chips or irregularities. But the putty is carried out not only in old houses, but also new buildings. The fact is that the builders leave an plastered surface that is characterized by a grainy texture. Therefore, before painting it is worth using building mixes with smaller particles, which is distinguished by putty.

In the second case, much less effort is required, because a flat surface is obtained from plasterboard. But the present joints between the elements must be treated before the finish finish layer. When erecting complex forms, they need to be smoothing, for which high-rise mixtures are ideal.

Selection of material


All construction mixtures for shtclothesia may differ in composition, depending on the components entered inherent individual characteristics. Each putty is designed for use under certain conditions.

For example, if using polymers based on polymers in the bathroom, the applied layer will swell over time, and the upper finish cracks or fall off. Therefore, in wet and cold conditions, it is necessary to use moisture-resistant putty on the basis of cement, which withstands freezing and dampness.

In ordinary rooms with normal conditions, compositions based on plaster and polymers are used. The first species is characterized by unique properties, thanks to the natural origin of the material, a microclimate in the room is supported. And the polymer components give the properties of the mixture for convenient operation.

The working process


In the network there are many videos, including the process of preparing the ceiling under painting, to start it can be viewed.

All work consists of the following steps:

  • cleaning;
  • padding;
  • putty.

To fulfill the first point you need a rag and a spatula. Without a difference, what an old coating was - everything needs to be cleaned to the base. Ploiling from the ceiling is much easier to remove - it is enough to moisten the surface and after a while it is easily removed by the spatula. Small residues are already removed by working with a cloth.

Thus, the plaster layer is removed, it is well behind the influence of water. It's more difficult to remove the paint, for this you have to bypass the entire surface with a spatula, sometimes a small hatch is used. However, special washes appeared on the market, which are applied to a brush or roller on the paint layer. Subsequently, the coating is simply removed after 30 minutes.

It is important to remove all the layers of the old finish for careful treatment with anti-grapple compositions and good adhesion with superimposed materials. In order to know how to properly prepare the ceiling to paint necessarily view the video of all work.

Always before putty stuffing the surface. This is done to fill the pores of concrete with polymers, which contribute to strengthening bonds between particles at the base and improve adhesion with a spacion mixture. Thanks to the presence of anti-grapple components, the risk of mold appearance on the finished surface is reduced. Often the ceiling is so ground twice for careful surface treatment, using a wide brush. The suspended ceiling of the drywall does not require purification, after its construction, the surface is ground.

Putty ceiling under painting involves the use of two types of composition - starting and finishing. The first type is designed to correct large slots and depression, and the second is to create a perfectly smooth surface.

To work, you will need the following tool:

  • two spatulas;
  • construction mixer;
  • capacity for kneading.

Work starting


The high-quality sealing of cracks on concrete or junctions is made up with a mounting ribbon, which is a label with small cells. The putty of the ceiling under painting begins with the sealing of defects and processing angles, for this, the finished mixture is thrown onto the surface. It is convenient to work the middle size spatula, it is important to fill all empties well. Then a wide spatula is applied with a small layer of putty across the ceiling surface.

The mixture must be evenly distributed with a thin layer, its thickness should not exceed 1 cm. Otherwise, the entire finish can simply fall off. When applying the solution, all excess is removed, then a smooth surface is obtained. After registration of the entire ceiling, the putty should dry, enough 24 hours. Then passes the irregularities of sandpaper with large grains.

Finish alignment


After drying the starting putty and grout, start working with the finish solution. Prepare a mixture according to the manufacturer's instructions and are applied to the ceiling with a wide spatula, thin use for hard-to-reach places. It is worth considering that the superimposed layer must be 1-2 mm - this is enough to smooth the porous surface. Experts are recommended for quick and neat applying a spatula hold at an angle of 80̊. The smooth surface is achieved if there are two layers of finishing putty. Such a finish dries a little faster, after 8-10 hours you can continue to work.


Even experienced masters do not cost without grouting the surface, and after work of professionals, small flaws may remain. Therefore, in the process you will need a grinding machine or fine-grained sandpaper, the first option allows you to quickly cope with the task. But this work is dusty, so you need to not forget about the means of individual protection - a mask or glasses, a marlevary bandage.

In a darkened room, all the shortcomings of the work done are clearly visible, you need to send a ray of light at an angle to the ceiling. For these purposes, a flashlight or a cartridge with a lamp fixed on a rail is used. So you can see flares, which are eliminated by grinding. Remove dust from the ceiling by a conventional vacuum cleaner.

Completes the process of preparing the ceiling priming selected composition. For work only roller with a small pile, in hard-to-reach places - brush. It is important to apply each subsequent layer only after drying the previous one and always remove excess from the surface being processed. The primer reduces the consumption of the material when staining the ceiling and improves the properties of the applied putty.

The price of putty under painting depends on the selected materials, but, as a rule, experts recommend using the resources of one manufacturer. That is, if the master buys a putty one company, then the primer is to consider from the same series. This will maximize the work of the materials among themselves and get a successful result.

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