Moisture-resistant plasterboard: features and characteristics of the material

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For the rapid construction of carrier and decorative designs indoors, drywall is used, it allows you to get various forms in the repair process. But GLC sheets have one drawback - they do not stand high humidity rates, in such cases builders are used by GCCV.

Development and production of moisture-resistant drywall helped to make a significant improvement in finishing works. So it became possible to perform high-quality repair in the bathroom, kitchen or on the balcony for limited time.

Composition of material

Gypsum plasterboard - a sheet material consisting of a gypsum core and laminated paperboard. The first component was prepared by milling a natural mineral, followed by heat treatment, so it is harmless to humans and the environment. To ensure sufficient strength in the core glass is added, and antifungal substances make it possible to use the material in adverse conditions. Cardboard in turn is impregnated with antibacterial compounds which interfere with getting wet surface and further deformation of the sheet. Besides the main components are introduced into the material starch, stabilizers and pigments. Quantitative and qualitative composition of chemical additives may vary depending on the manufacturer and the destination of the material.


Gypsum plasterboard release technique involves four steps:

  • training components;
  • forming a continuous strip;
  • receiving sheets;
  • processing.

On the conveyor molded flat strip of necessary parameters zavaltsovyvaya side edges paperboard edges. Further give grips gypsum component then only a continuous web are cut into individual sheets. Subsequently, they are dried and prepared for sale - labeled and packed.

Characteristics moisture resistant plasterboard


Gypsum plasterboard sheet having a width of 1.2 m, and the thickness and length of the product may vary. Standard dimensions moisture resistant plasterboard considered 2500h1200 mm in shops selling articles of varying thickness, depending on the purpose of the material:

  • 7.5 mm - a restorative view;
  • 9.5 mm - ceiling;
  • 12.5 mm - wall.

In some cases, possible to meet thick sheets 18 and 24 mm. A distinctive feature of gypsum plasterboard is a green color cardboard, labeling is done in blue ink.
Among the advantages of water-resistant drywall note:

  • speed and ease of installation works;
  • obtained through a variety of forms of plasticity;
  • unlimited possibilities of further finishing;
  • additional sound insulation properties;
  • incombustibility sheets;
  • high mechanical strength, in contrast to the GCR.

Moisture resistant gypsum board has a lot of positive feedback from the convenience of work and get good results. But at the same time, it has one major drawback - in violation of the integrity of the waterproofing layer, many characteristics of the material are lost. So you should carefully transported sheets and work with them.

Application area


The use of moisture-resistant drywall can be carried out both under normal conditions and with high humidity. But its capabilities are limited - the normal functioning manufacturers are guaranteed at 80% humidity, which will hold no more than 10 hours a day.

In the premises of sheets, as a rule, perform various tasks, they include:

  • the lining of walls and ceilings, including the arrangement of window slopes;
  • construction of boxes for pipelines;
  • the creation of interroom partitions in conditions of high humidity;
  • finishing works on glazed balconies and loggias.

Moisture-resistant plasterboard is ideal for use in rooms with no heating, for example, in country houses or housekeeping.


There are two applications of G CLEB:

  • fastening directly on the surface;
  • using a metal frame.


The first option is preferable due to the preservation of the waterproofing properties of the sheet. This is not disturbed by the integrity of the cardboard shell. With fairly smooth walls, the trim is glued on the surface with the help of building mixtures. The work algorithm then looks like this:

  • preparation of sheets of necessary size;
  • removal of old finishing layers;
  • grinding of walls;
  • uniform distribution of adhesive composition over the surface;
  • fastening G Clac to the wall by clamp, attention is paid to the quality of the sizing in the joints of the material;
  • control of the result obtained by the construction level.


The second option is required in the presence of uneven surfaces or to erect individual structures.

Algorithm of actions:

  • installation of a frame of a high-quality profile with an anti-corrosion coating;
  • fastening sheets of a given size on the finished crate of self-draws.

The recommendations of specialists are to preserve the cardboard shell - then the reliability and practicality of the result obtained will not cause doubts.



This material is absolutely available financially, so you can buy moisture resistant plasterboard without any problems in any construction market. Buyers offer products of various manufacturers whose price is practically no different. The famous company that produces this product is considered to be KNAUF. The price for one wall sheet of standard sizes is about 7.5. More expensive products offer Lafarge and RigiBS.

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