How to choose the technical rooms. Useful advice

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In contrast to the domestic hair dryer, hair dryer Technical distinguished by high functionality. Why the need for technical hair dryer? This versatile power tools used in almost all construction and repair work. He was able to cope with any task that requires the local heating of the surface: removal of paint and soldering pipes to cutting roofing or shingles.



However, the quality of the work depends on a properly sized dryer for these technical aims.

Key Features Technical dryers

Hairdryer technical professional, if we consider its design, not too much different from the usual hairdressing dryer. It also consists of a solid plastic housing, a heating element or coil and fan, which blows hot air to the outside. However, the building dryer in its technical characteristics much superior to its domestic counterpart.


Power works construction dryer averages about 930-2300 watts. When choosing an appropriate model must take into account this figure in view of the larger volume of the proposed works, the more powerful a tool is needed.


It characterizes the quality of heating the flow of air at the outlet. The higher the performance of a particular tool model, the faster the surface of the material will be heated. Building hair dryers have performance performance, which varies in the range of about 200 to 650 l / min.

Temperature heating

This indicator can be considered the main and it depends primarily on the power of a particular device. Modern building hair dryers are able to heat the flow of air to 750 degrees Celsius. At the same time, choosing a tool for professional purposes, it is worth paying attention to the presence of a temperature controller of the output air flow. The technical hairdryer with temperature adjustment allows you to smoothly switch the heating temperature, and therefore work with any materials having different melting points.

In some cheaper models of industrial hairdryers, the switch may be missing, and instead there is a switch of operating modes. Then, than them, the more universal can be considered this tool. In addition, many modern model hairdryers have their permissible work temperature, which is capable of preventing the device overheating and in case of exceeding the maximum parameters, it will simply stop working.

Additional features and opportunities

Heat shoes

Work with a construction hairdryer, due to the high temperatures of the air flow, one way or another, requires compliance with security rules. For these purposes, some model of hair dryers are equipped with a removable heat shield that protects hands from possible burns and details of the material from melting. It is he who makes a job more comfortable and most importantly safe, although a tool itself is somewhat dried.


In addition, if we talk about comfort and convenience in work, the construction hair dryers may have additional devices that greatly simplify the process of working with them. For example, it concerns the loop on the network cord, which, at first glance, is not so important item, however, allows it if necessary to hang on the hook. For the same purposes, a special stand for holding the hair dryer in a vertical position is served.

Nozzle for hair dryer

The use of a technical hair dryer in working with one or another material is determined by the number of special nozzles running to it, each of which is intended for a specific type of work (for welding, purge, soldering, defrost, etc.). The more such nozzles, the more effective the device is considered. Of course, if you wish, nozzles can be purchased separately in special construction stores.


Cold blowing

This function is necessary for rapid cooling of the surface of the material with which work is underway. This allows in some situations to increase the speed of work and save one time, for example, with thermoplastic materials. Cold air in various models of construction phenomena can be supplied differently: through the second nozzle or simply provides the operation mode of the tool without heating the helix.

Electronic temperature maintenance system

It is designed to hold a certain device operation temperature even at different loads. Building hair dryers, which have such a function, although they are an order of magnitude more expensive, differ in the long service spiral of incandescent.


Main producers

Choosing one or another tool, it is difficult to get around the manufacturer's company, relying on the reputation of which you can hope for the quality and durability of the selected device. This applies to the purchase of a technical hair dryer or thermopystole, as they are often called. Today, the rating of technical hairduses of the most popular models consists of the following companies: Makita (Japan), Bosch (Germany), Skill (Holland), Black & Decker (USA), Steinel, AEG (Germany), Ryobi (Japan) and many others. With that, for example, Skill, Black & Decker tools, Ryobi are distinguished by an excellent value for money and suitable for applications for domestic purposes. And products of companies Bosch, Steinel, AEG, as well as some others whose reputation speaks for itself, will become the ideal solution for real professionals.

Consider for comparison the most popular models of technical hairdryers of different manufacturers. For example, the technical hair dryer Bosch GHG 660 has 4 operation modes and allows you to adjust the air flow with a 10-fold step. It is reliably protected from overheating due to the ability to automatically disconnect the heating. Such equipment can be used for heating or defrosting pipes, removal of paint, soldering, molding and plastic casting and other works. It is a powerful, reliable and safe technical hairdryer, which has a durable and heat-resistant glassized plastic case, an ergonomic handle with a soft coating for greater comfort in operation, a cold blowing function, a liquid crystalline temperature indicator and other advantages.

Technical hairdryer Intercol FE 2000ID is a model of an inexpensive professional hair dryer, which has 2 modes of operation and, as in the previous device, a temperature controller with a 10-fold step, a cold blowing function and a liquid crystal temperature indicator. At the same time, the manufacturers of this tool provided the possibility of installing it to the nozzle, which greatly simplifies the process of working with any items that require two hands at the same time. And also this hairdryer has a hook on the handle so that it can be easily suspended if necessary.


Technical hair dryer Makita HG 5012K, as the previous model, has an affordable cost and a wide scope of application. It is very easy to operate, light, compact and has two working modes of operation. The built-in heatwall, which is provided for by manufacturers, reliably protects it from overheating. Thanks to a special roller, such a tool can be installed in a vertical position of the nozzle up for its cooling.

The main advantage of technical phenomena Intercol and Makita is their available price with excellent quality and reliability.


More detailed how to choose a good technical hairdryer for work can be found from the video.

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