How to choose heating radiators

June 6. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 3622. Comments to record how to choose heating radiators No

When arranging the heating system in its own private house, it is very important to choose high-quality components of a suitable type. In this regard, special attention is paid to the purchase of radiators, since how much the right solution you accept the model selection, the stability of a comfortable microclimate in the room and the convenience of the entire heating system depends.

To make a profitable acquisition, read carefully with the basic rules for choosing heating batteries. This approach will not allow you to continue to doubt the practicality of your decision.

What are the requirements to consider when buying a radiator?


There are a number of requirements for heating batteries. Among them are not only specific technical indicators, but also features of the attractiveness of the design. These conditions are also very important so that radiators are harmoniously combined with the rest of the interior elements, emphasizing the originality of the selected style, or vice versa, so that such devices do not serve as an emphasis on the attention of residents and guests at home.


Check out the list of standard requirements to more clearly imagine what kind of heating radiators:

  1. Compact sizes.
  2. Compliance with the specific requirements.
  3. Aesthetic appeal.
  4. Easy transportation.
  5. The level of complexity of installation work.
  6. Permissible service life. 46_ITEM_FILE_STEEL-RADIATORS-QUINN

Important! Pay attention to the fact that you need to ask your requirements for each item, after which it is necessary to make further choices already with regard to the design features of models presented in the market. 63805

What to pay attention to the purchase of batteries?

Technical criteria for selecting heating radiators are represented by specific indicators. Carefully read not only with their list, but also by subsequent recommendations for each item to take the only correct decision, and eliminate the emergence of unpleasant situations soon after purchase and installation that will require additional costs to replace the elements of the heating system.


The main criteria for buying a radiator:

  1. Design type of device.
  2. Sizes of the unit.
  3. Material used for making radiators.
  4. The method of molding batteries.
  5. Connection principle.
  6. Power level.
  7. Pressure indicator.
  8. Manufacturer. 9F9DDE1C08D0CD41E99360084C87F878.

Important! Please note that the price radiators are raised taking into account the parameter set. Therefore, it is impossible to be guided by only one or more criteria, but not paying attention to other indicators. This approach will not only provide the appropriate functioning of the heating system, which will quite unpleasually affect the comfort of the house, but also can provoke a sudden occurrence of breakdowns of individual elements of the system or its failure in general. Note that such phenomena may be unsafe for the health of residents at home. tru2.

Horizontal and vertical radiators - what is better?

A few years ago, an exclusively horizontal type model was present on the market. To this day, they have not lost their popularity, despite the emergence of other varieties, thanks to very profitable benefits.


To help you quickly decide on the type of this device, we present some important comparative characteristics of both varieties:

  1. Horizontal models are more interesting for uniform heat distribution, since when installing vertical structures, most of the heat when exchanging accumulates at the top of the room. panel-Radiator
  2. The area of \u200b\u200brecoil heat is still more in vertical devices, that is, heating of the entire room happens faster.
  3. Vertical radiators make it possible to create an original interior design and will serve as a real decoration, which is unlikely to be able to perform when choosing horizontal batteries that are familiar to exceptionally practical. modny-E-vertikal-NY-E-RADIATORY-OTOPLENIYA-V-INTER-ERE-10
  4. Another advantage of vertical type radiators - the ability to benefit the space and install them in any convenient part of the wall, while the horizontal type equipment mainly takes place under the window opening.
  5. Given the increased dimensions of vertical models, the price of them is also at times exceeds the cost of horizontal devices, and such expenses are often not justified. radiatory_novaya_staraya_forma_nbs91rgewifg4wd8ff49

    Important! Considering all the "for" and "against" for each species, make a choice independently, based on personal requirements for the attractiveness of the interior, layout of rooms, placement of furniture and financial opportunities. KOS-V.

What material to give preference?

In the modern production of radiators use several types of materials:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • combined alloys. 1043-PurmO4.

    Important! Browse the listed advantages and disadvantages of each option to select more suitable.

Features of cast iron products


Until recently, such structures were universally installed in any type of room such as residential and commercial nature. With the advent of new materials and technologies for the production of radiators, such batteries have not yet lost their popularity due to the next row of advantages:

  • good heat transfer indicators, due to which the required temperature in the room is pretty quickly achieved;
  • resistance to the process of corrosion, which is very important when designing the most popular water heating system; the_rococco.
  • a very long service life due to the large thickness of the walls of batteries and the strength of the material itself;
  • the ability to withstand high temperatures, which allows them to be used and in the case when heating is carried out by steam;
  • unpretentiousness against the coolant, which makes it possible not to worry about the formation of damage to individual parts of the device, even when trash in the technical circulating liquid;

Despite the obvious advantages of such radiators, it is impossible not to note some of their shortcomings:

  • the severity of all structures, which makes some difficulties in installing and transporting;
  • not a very high pressure threshold, which is withstanding such elements of the heating chain, limited to 15 atmospheres;
  • more often than when using other types, the risk of destruction of seals arises;
  • not a very attractive appearance, which is why additional finishing works will be done and there is no possibility to change the form to a more suitable for a particular style of interior design;
  • no ability to install a heat regulator. chugunnye_radiatory.

    Important! Prefer iron batteries in the case where the main requirements are the desire to establish the most reliable devices with minimal cost and lack of need for their emergency replacement. batareya

Advantages and disadvantages of aluminum products

Aluminum radiators are most in demand today in the regeneration of private homes.


Among the advantages of this solution are the following important features highlights:

Among the shortcomings of aluminum radiators, the important features are the following factors:

  • weak resistance to corrosion;
  • may impair the tightness of the threaded connection with parts of the system when pressures;
  • the need for regular air bleed formed inside the structure due to chemical reactions with the circulating medium;
  • lower figure allowable internal pressure of the medium to maintain the integrity of the unit;
  • fluid must be of high quality purity to prevent internal damage to the radiator surface. bat1

    Important! Given these characteristics of aluminum panels, rational solution would be to use them to install in your own home with a dedicated water line. realizacje9d

The pros and cons of steel radiators

steel radiators

Such batteries, presents the most extensive species close to the market, and enjoy a certain demand due to the following differences:

  • size variation, so you can choose the most suitable type of construction, taking into account the particular size and configuration of the premises;
  • the external beauty of the designs and a variety of models design, so it is easy to make a choice in favor of the device that fully meets the requirements of the interior style;
  • light weight of small products. STAL.jpg2_


  • compliance with corrosion development over the entire surface;
  • do not always provide the necessary temperature regime;
  • with a small thickness of the parties to the installation, there is a risk of a violation of the product shape in mechanical exposure;
  • the complexity of transportation due to steel flexibility;
  • frequent violation of the work of the entire system during hydrodars;
  • the permissible pressure level indicator does not exceed 8 atmospheres;
  • contraindications for use in conditions of connecting to a centralized water supply network. vodyanoy-Radiator-Otopleniya

    Important! Choose radiators from this material in the case of the heating system based on its own plumbing line and in the case when the main direction of decorating the inner space of the premises corresponds to the style of modern or high-tech. 07_radson_planora.

Bimetallic heating radiators

bimetallic radiators1

  • high operating pressure coefficient, up to 40 atmospheres;
  • good heat transfer due to the use of two types of material, each of which is used to assemble the specific parts of the radiator in the most profitable solutions;
  • do not fail under hydrowards;
  • attractive appearance with a rather diverse color palette

Cons of the radiators from the combined alloy:

  • a very high price that does not always justify their application in the context of private construction;
  • the emergence of corrosion and when using the water heating of the room, and when circulating antifreeze is possible. aSB.

    Important! Prefer this type of heating batteries in the case when you are in principle not limited to the means, make a connection to a centralized network, especially in a densely populated area, and strive to issue luxurious apartments with original decorative trim, in which the installation of other radiators will be unacceptable. Kejjfl.

Browse the video review of bimetallic heating radiators to decide for themselves how appropriate is their installation in their own home.

What to choose a type of design?

Given the continued development of technologies, a modern series of design species has expanded significantly.


Check out some features of each type to more freely navigate in all the diversity, and to determine in advance more suitable options for themselves, from which it subsequently and give preference to one - what will be favorably different with the compliance of all requirements:

  1. Solid batteries. The main difference of such devices is clearly fixed power. Most often, the aggregates of this type are massive floor installations. the_princess.
  2. Sectional. This type is most accustomed to the ordinary consumer. Depending on the number of connected sections, thermal power varies. It is noteworthy that depending on the material taken as the basis, there is an opportunity to expand some models as needed. The number of sections determines and all parameters of the size of the radiator. 1343938255_stalnye-Sekcionnye-Radiatory
  3. Panel devices are made preferably from thin sheet steel. This principle of production provides them with a small weight. The height, length and width of the radiators of this type is characterized by a rather large range of indicators. It is advantageous to their high accuracy of compliance with the specified parameters and the ability to regulate the temperature mode, up to 1 degree. The most interesting solution to the use of panel batteries is to install them in country houses. 1360420957_stalnye-panelnye-radiatory-otopleniya
  4. Economizer. In essence, it is a ribbed pipe made of cast iron. The single element is an indiscriminate structure, but it is possible to connect several pipes to one whole and due to this to increase the radiator power. truba-Ekonomaizernay.
  5. Tubular. Features of the design of such radiators lies in the presence of two collectors, the compound of which is carried out with the help of curved pipes from rolling high-strength steel. Fastening is performed in factory conditions and is not intended to disassemble the device. The heat transfer directly depends on the number of pipes. Tubular radiators can have a different sections profile, which allows combining their functional purpose with decoration of the room. Arbonia19.
  6. Convectors. These units make it possible to maximize the temperature in the room as quickly as possible. The principle of their device is to use as the basis of pipes from copper or steel with an additional expansion of the heat transfer surface with metal plates. FR2H_690_543.

    Important! Each option finds its application, so on the market manufacturers supply a wide range of models of all of the above types. When choosing a suitable type of design, focus on the installation and features of the arrangement of your own home. raznoobrazie-otopitelnyh-konvektorov-kotoroe-nam-predlagayut-segodnya


What type of connection is best?


In this regard, difficult to give advice without the knowledge of the structure of the house. There are the following ways to connect, depending on the place of entry and exit pipe for connecting the heating radiator with the other parts of the system:

  • lower; 3
  • lateral; 1345366484_podkluchenie_radiatorov_otoplenia
  • diagonal. connection radiatorov4

Important! When choosing guided to the selected type of circuit wiring of the heating system.

How to calculate the power of the radiator?


In the calculation of the required power radiators, consider the following conditions of the room:

  • type of building;
  • size of the room;
  • number of windows;
  • number of external walls;
  • type of window designs material. 06_radson_delta1

The standard amount of power for a full timely heat 1 m3 of the room with plastic windows meet the following criteria:

  • 41 W for the panel structure;
  • 34 W - for a brick structure;
  • 20 watts is sufficient in the construction of modern buildings with insulation materials. steel-horizontal-hot-water-radiators-102036-5198913

    Important! If the window openings are decorated with wooden products, add to each figure of 10-15% of the source code. The total amount determined by simple calculation, based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which the plan to install the heatsink. koradoradik_klasik_belyjj

Please note that the experts advise necessarily install radiators with power reserve, which is about 10%.


Videos, which are given for calculating the required power circuits heating radiator, depending on the design type.

What manufacturer to give preference?

Not less demanding than the selection of all the technical characteristics of the radiator, treat and the choice of the manufacturer.


Prefer the brands with a good reputation, as in this case you do not have to doubt the used alloys for the manufacture of batteries and competent design of structures. Pay attention to the following companies that use unchanged popularity:

  1. Sira Group (Italy). This manufacturer delivers its products to the market for more than half a century. Company designers pay special attention to design designs in such a way as to emphasize the elegance of the device's form. In addition, engineers conduct continuous research in the field of thermodynamics to increase the technical characteristics of new models while saving parameters. b98218FD33EE9CE28DC2DBBB625F1BDEA.
  2. Elegance (Italy). All radiators of this brand are produced solely on European technologies, but with focus on both the Russian consumer, given the characteristics of the climate of this country. Modern design trends, high reliability of structures, excellent heat transfer indicators are distinguished by all products, regardless of the level of complexity of the model, all products of this brand are advantageous. Another important nuance is a warranty service life for 10 years. stainless-Steel-Horizontal-Hot-Water-Radiators-50982-6367791
  3. Buderus (Germany). This company is at the market of exceptionally steel high-quality radiators. When assembling, carefully carry out careful quality control to ensure the safety of the use of such aggregates. The design is designed in such a way that the batteries of this brand organically fit into any interior. A distinctive feature of production technology is another welding principle that allows you to increase the reliability of the device. The installation process is significantly facilitated by the lack of distinctive features of the facial and reverse side. T6-PLAN-RADIATOR
  4. Radena (Italy). Different models of radiators of this manufacturer are also developed for the heating of residential individual homes, and for industrial premises. The main direction is sectional products from all possible material options. 1343937841_Alyuminievye - Radiatory.
  5. Konner (China-Russia). Products of this brand use permanent market demand for more than 15 years. Domestic engineers are used for the production of radiators all global modern technologies, but adjusting them for technical requirements for radiators for use in the climate of Russia. The low cost of the aggregates of this company, combined with the good quality of all products supplied to the market, distinguishes this brand. radiatory_novaya_staraya_forma_o70a76mspg8aef5sa8ks
  6. Kermi (Germany). For more than 50 years, this company has been successfully operating on the production of radiators of different types. To date, it is one of the leaders of the supply of radiators around the world. True German quality of configuration, competent design of heating devices, original design and acceptable cost - a far from a complete list of all the advantages of Kermi products, which allows you to absolutely not doubt the purchased products of this brand. radiator.


Review the video with the recommendations of professionals to choose from specific types of heating radiators.


Given the large variety of radiators species, the choice will have to do difficulty. To facilitate the solution of this task, determine in advance for yourself a complete list of requirements and suitable parameters. Such an approach will help to prevent unnecessary spending of attention and time to familiarize themselves with inappropriate models initially. To secure comfortable accommodation and really convenient operation of the heating system in your own home, be sure to stick to all the conditions of installation of devices, since it is often a productivity and power of radiators significantly decrease with incorrect installation.

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