How to make a bath on wheels with your own hands. Technology and project implementation of baths on wheels

March 3. Construction Views 653. Comments To record how to make a bath on wheels with your own hands. Technology and project implementation of baths on wheels No

Fashion for mobile homes came to us relatively recently. How to travel with comfort and at the same time not to pay for the hotel - came up with Americans, making the small trailers first, and then the Lux Cottages on the chassis of large buses. The advantage of such models is that you can arrange overnight stay away from a noisy city anywhere, even in the forest, even in the mountains, at least on the wild beach. At the same time, most of the benefits of civilization are still at hand.

One of the mobile buildings that are in great demand among tourists "savages" is a mobile bath. With the apparent non-offending of this project for those who are used to seeing the capital construction as a pair, these models are already wheeling roads of various countries, allowing tourists to feel at home. In addition, the mobile bath can be a good business, if you put it in places of automotive campsites or tourist sites. Yes, and you can use it simply by installing it on your homeland. In general, the thing is quite useful. If there is a chassis, all necessary materials and tools, the implementation of such a project will not be a problem. How to make a bath on wheels - further in the article.

Technology and project Baths on wheels. What makes a mobile sauna

Before you make a steam room on wheels with your own hands, you should decide on its structural elements. So, the bath on wheels consists of two main parts:

  • Chassis.
  • Superstructure

Chassis. The chassis is the part, thanks to which the bath will move. As the latter, almost any vehicle from the passenger trailer to the semi-trailer-refrigerator can be used, in which more than 10 people can be bathed simultaneously. Naturally, this option is more suitable for private business, as you buy a tractor and a semi-trailer to leave 2 times a year on nature, a little unreasonable. For their own needs, the passenger double-axle trailer or flaws is perfect, with a carrying capacity of at least 2 tons. Five hundred-cell mobile trailers will not suit, as it is unlikely to withstand the weight of the design, water, firewood, and a hubby man. For the organization of a commercial bath, an excellent option will be conversion zila, cities, the Urals with a kung. In this case, most of the work will disappear by itself, and the passability of these cars at the height.

Another point that you want to remember: coordination with road inspection. If the bath will be built in a passenger trailer, then this is a conversion of the vehicle, which requires coordination.

Superstructure. If the bath on the wheels is used by a car with a kung, the add-in is not necessary to build. An existing housing can be used to arrange a bath. If a passenger trailer is used for these purposes, then you will have to build an add-on independently.

Interior facilities. It includes: stove-burzhuyk, water capacity (volume of at least 20 liters per person), benches, fireplace storage, shower and washbasin. When choosing interior equipment items, you should prefer easier materials. Naturally, there can be no speech about any Sanafayans. Stainless steel and plastic - the most suitable materials.

Drawing up a banner on wheels

When a question from the chassis for the bath is resolved, it is necessary to start developing a plan of a future bath on wheels. The dimensions of the design will be drilled from the dimensions of the chassis and do not have to perform for their limits. Also, there is also a restriction in height. If you make it too high, she can just tip over.

When the bath sizes are already solved, you must pay attention to the design of the chassis. Perhaps it will require amplification or adjustment of the supporting structures. It is important to remember that the base base of the bathhouse must clearly lie on the chassis metal beam. Otherwise, the tree may not withstand the voltages and burst.

Next, the inner plan of the bath should be made. The room should consist of two zones:

  • Pre-banker. It has a shower, washbasin, leisure shops hangers for clothes.
  • Pair. Here it is necessary to post a bench and oven.

The bourgeitous flue door is better to outward to load firewood from the street. Thanks to this, you can save a lot of space. The chimney of the burzhuyka welds the container with water so that hot gases can heat the water to wash.

Be sure to resolve the issue with lighting and an additional battery, especially if the bath will be made in the form of a trailer to a passenger car.

Build the frame of the bath on the wheels

The order of work at this stage is the following:

  1. When the drawings of the bath on the wheels are ready to start assembling the frame. Of course, you can order a ready-made frame house for the future bath in a specialized company, which is engaged in frame construction. It will save time, but not money.
  2. The frame is made from a bar with a cross section of at least 75 x 75 mm. The first thing is set to the lower cutting of the frame. The bars are stacked around the perimeter of the chassis in the castle and are attached to the beams with the help of M10 bolts. Bolt installation step - no more than 250 mm.
  3. You can then start installing vertical frame racks. There are at least 6 (4 angular + 2 under the doorway). The final amount of these items depends on the size of the bath. The installation step is not more than 1 meter. They are attached in the groove carved in the lower beams. Then recorded with spike or screws. In order to give them extra strength, discolutions are installed at the bottom.
  4. Maurelata beam is installed on the upper perimeter of the bath. It will be support for the roof rafters. The roof makes a simple duplex or single-sided with hanging rafters. In places where the window will be installed, or a hole for carrying the furnaces, the additional stiffness beams are mounted.

Saving frame bath on wheels do it yourself

At this stage of work, you should follow certain rules:

  • For the external sheaving of the bath case, it is necessary to use materials with as much weight as possible. Naturally, they have high thermal conductivity, respectively, cannot be stored heat. In order to maintain a comfortable temperature in the bath, between the outer and the inner covering, the insulation layer is installed. Mineral wool will be the most optimal option for this work. She does not support burning, and moisture is not afraid.
  • The most optimal option for the outer and internal plating of the bath is the lining. It is simply mounted, is an environmentally friendly material, however, requires attention and care.
  • The floor is filling the floor with a thickness of no more than 30 mm. The thicker board does not make sense. Loads of large on them will not be, and too thick board only add extra weight.
  • In place of installing the bourgeitors, the angle is mandatory with steel. Otherwise, any spark that fell out of the furnace will become a potential threat.
  • For the roof, the metal tile or professional flooring will be a wireless choice. The soft roof is not suitable, since it requires a lining in the form of OSB sheets or other material, which will increase the weight of the bath. For the same reason, it is not desirable to use slate, besides, it is quite fragile.

Arrangement of internal facilities of a wooden bath on wheels

The order of work at this stage is the following:

  1. For the steam room itself, the presence of a shop or sun bed is. It must be located in the opposite corner from the furnace, so as not to be injured in the closed space. Sunbed is made from a natural tree (here without options). The boards that are designed for a bed must carefully process and polish so that it was comfortable and safe. In the steam room, in principle, no more objects need.
  2. In the pre-banker it is necessary to install a shower. Make it very simple. It is necessary in one of the corners to mount the plastic pallet, and from above - a shower nozzle. It connects to the water tank, which can be installed under the ceiling. It is necessary to remove the filling neck so that you can pour water for the shower through it.
  3. In the steam room and the soul, it is necessary to remove taps to drain the water outward or to the tank drive. The last option is preferable, as dirty water is better to merge home into the sewage, without polluting the environment.
  4. All items in a mobile bath must be securely secured so that they do not damage themselves and did not damage the walls and the floor.

Bath furnace on wheels

The stove both in the stationary and in the mobile bath plays a key role. It was thanks to her in the steam room, a necessary temperature is achieved (although it is not desirable to raise it in mobile baths more than 60 ° C).

During the work on the installation of the stove, adhere to certain rules:

  • Bourgeisters are made of steel sheet with a thickness of up to 6 mm. It is not worth using a larger sheet. This is only overweight. Since thermal loads on such a furnace are not too high, 6 mm thick steel will be enough.
  • The size of the bourgearies depend on the volume of temperature and are calculated depending on the required temperature, the volume of the furnace and the volume of steam room.
  • The chimney of the furnace is output through the roof. The height of its outer part should be in the roof ridge. The chimney is welded with a container for water heating. For these purposes, a pot from the old washing machine is perfect.
  • For a more optimal balance of temperature, the furnace can be chopped by a natural stone, covering it with a stainless wire grid.

Operation and care for a mobile bath on wheels

Steaming in a mobile bath is better near any natural reservoir. In this case, you can not worry because of the soul. At the time of the extracts and the use of a mobile bath, the trailer is better disconnected from the car and put on supports, and under the wheels to put wooden or metal stops.

After the completion of the procedures, it is necessary to leave the furnace to work until the fuel is completely burndown. This will remove excess moisture from the room and prevent the rotting of wood.

When transporting a bath, you need to make sure that the hitch hitch, the performance of the rotors, stop signals and overall lights.

Bath on wheels: video

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