Hydrangea: landing, cultivation, care

July 11. Plot. Views 7145. 2 comments to the record of hydrangea: landing, cultivation, care

Decorating your own area is a rather painstaking process. One of the main conditions for creating an attractive landscape is the choice of suitable plant species. Many gardens in many gardeners are in constant popularity, the appearance of the lush inflorescences of which brings the feeling of lightness, airiness and extraordinary beauty. Before making your own choice, consider how hydrangea looks in the photo to make sure that your decision is correct, and familiarize yourself with the basic rules of cultivation.

Distinctive features of hydrangea


The inflorescences of hydrangea are characterized by a spherical shape and large enough. They consist of a variety of small flowers. According to the principle of growing hydrangea, it happens:

  • tree;
  • liana;
  • shrub. 0_80098_8bb5a41a_xl

Important! Thanks to this feature, with proper combination of varieties, it is possible to apply it to decorate various landscaped forms. 0_44F06_6E19E1D4_L

Types of hydrangea

In the current selection there are 35 types of hydrangea, which is not distinguished by special complexity. kustik_5.

The most suitable options for medium latitudes are presented by such groups:

  1. Large. The form of flowers of this species is normal. The sizes of spherical inflorescences, a little flattened from above, reach in diameter up to 30 cm. This hydrangea is growing in the form of a shrub to 2 meters high with wide large leaves of the ovoid shape. All the varieties of this plant are thermal-loving, although stalling frost up to 10 degrees, so when landing in the open area requires a mandatory winter shelter. Blue Hydrangea
  2. Misseling. The inflorescence of this species is distinguished by the original pyramidal form, the length of which varies within 20-30 cm. The period of flowering is quite long - from July to November, while the color shade gradually changes, acquiring a more saturated purple kel. The height of such a shrub is from 2 to 5 meters, and some tree varieties reach 10 m. An excellent solution for sites with not very favorable conditions - a swampy or abundance of gas formation. High frost resistance provides constant popularity for decorating the doomes and country sections of northern latitude. 5Q04O2-8JV
  3. Cherry. This hydrangea refers to the Lian group, so special suckers for fastening germinate on its stems. The length of shoots reaches 25 meters, and it can develop in height if there is a support or step by land in the absence of it. Further distinguishes this type of thick dark green saturated mass of leaves, the shape of which is egg-shaped with smooth finely small edges. The diameter of inflorescence ranges from 20-25 cm, but they quickly fall. For the cultivation of hydrangea of \u200b\u200bthis species, shady sections are more acceptable. Hydrangea-Petiolaris1
  4. Bretenncheter. The varieties of this type favorably distinguishes high resistance to adverse conditions - droughts and frost. The flowering period usually lasts about 1 month - from mid-July to mid-end of August. Inflorescences are formed in the form of umbrellas up to 15 cm in diameter, quite lush, collected from small fruit-sized flowers. The color is changed as the flowering is completed from bright white to purple. It grows in the form of a compact shrub, up to 3 meters high, with a rounded decorative crown. In addition to the egg-shaped long (up to 12 cm) of the leaves, they are also formed by hairy shoots with characteristic plate discharges of the bark. 5D68E905E4E2.
  5. Tree. Such a kind differs not only in lush inflorescences, but also large long oval leaves. When choosing varieties of tree hydrangea, pay attention to the fact that such shrubs will need regular high-quality trimming in order to preserve their beautiful appearance and ensure full-fledged development. Winter frosts such plants are carried out well enough, but in the spring are rapidly restored. gortenziya Annabelle
  6. Pilly. All varieties of this hydrangea are very sunlons, so exclusively open areas are suitable for landing. When developing shrubs reach a height of up to 1.2 meters. Inflorescences are quite large and dense spherical shape. The main advantage compared to the rest of the species is a very long period of flowering, since the beginning of summer until the end of September. Hydrangea-Serrate-Sensuku-Ku-Hortensia-Sensuku-Ku.
  7. Sargent. The special attractiveness of such shrubs lies in huge lush inflorescences consisting of a combination of 2 tones and a thick velvet foliage of a dark green shade. Plant height with proper care reaches 4 meters. The disclosure of the inflorescence occurs at the end of summer. 0_7338e_5A828073_L.
  8. Dorbal. This hydrangea flower is extremely original thanks to the specific form and texture of the crown. Externally, rough leaves resemble oak, from which the name of the species was formed. The inflorescence of conesoid form is blown in the middle of the summer and do not fall to the fall. 133

    Important! View a detailed video review of varieties and hydrangea varieties to correctly decide on the appropriate type for your site.

Hints of hydrangea


The wide color palette is one of the most significant advantages of choosing this plant for planting on its own site. 2645383327_59b3d6436b.

It is represented by multiple variations of the following tones:

Popular varieties


Before planting hydrangea, pay attention to those varieties that are in constant demand among gardeners and professional landscape designers:

  • Diamond Rouge;
  • Floribunda;
  • Wim's Red; 1203116
  • Grandiflora;
  • White Moth;
  • Mega Minddy;
  • AnnaBelle; gortenziya-Krupnolistovaya.
  • Bomselle;
  • Bluebird;
  • Snow Flake; gOR02.
  • Brussels Leis;
  • Snow Queen; hydrangea5.
  • Magical Moonlight;
  • Magical Candl;
  • Great Star;
  • Last Post; 123
  • Pink Diamond;
  • Matilda;
  • Grandiflora;
  • Levan. hydrangea_Serrata_Miyama-Kuro-Hime _-_ GORTENZIYA_PILCHATAYA_MIYAMA-KURO-HIME

When to plant a hydrangea?


In order for the hydrangea landing was carried out correctly, first define the right time in advance. Optimal options for such work:

  • early spring;
  • autumn. 0_d0483_d55A6B65_XL

Important! Note that the autumn landing is acceptable only for growing hydrangea in warm climate conditions. If the site is located in northern latitude, give preference to the spring season to ensure good survival of seedlings. Hydrangea11

Where to plant Hydrangea?

The full development of shrubs of this type depends largely on how compliance with the conditions for growing are observed. 5398821003_CDB83A60DA_B_ANGELS-blush

Therefore, if you set out to raise the attractiveness of your local area with hydrangea, be sure to consider the following requirements when choosing a landing site:

  • acidic soil;
  • suglous soil;
  • good moisture permeability;
  • high soil nutrition created by organic fertilizers;
  • female seats. gORTENZIYA2.

Important! Regarding the amount of sunlight access, adhere to the recommendations applied to a specific variety, as the open areas are preferably preferred due to their excessive thermal liftingness, others more comfortably feel in complete shadow. e31368.

Rules landing

The main requirements for landing hydrangea are not much different from the standard shrubs landing procedure. 382223260

Perform work as follows:

  1. Determine the principle of plants - single landing or creation of a combination of several varieties on one flowerbed.
  2. Drop the holes with dimensions of 40 * 40 * 40 cm.
  3. Distance between each individual landing destination is 1 meter.
  4. Make peat and mineral fertilizers in each pit. 03-081011
  5. Form in the recess of a small hill.
  6. Shorten the root processes of seedlings by the secret.
  7. Annual shoots cut on 3-4 kidneys.
  8. Install the seedlings into landing holes so that the root neck is not drunk into the soil or the height of its placement in the ground did not exceed 2-3 cm. gortensiya-Drevovidnaya-Posadka-i-Uhod
  9. Pull the pits.
  10. Update every seedling.
  11. Failure a soil.
  12. Make a mulching available material from the following:
    • peat;
    • wood;
    • humus;
    • chips;
    • bark;
    • coniferous branches. gortensia-5.


Browse the video with an example of landing the hydrangea in the open area in order to clearly imagine the entire procedure and correctly organize your time.

How to care for Hydrangea?


Care for hydrangeas includes all the familiar stages of procedures in the cultivation of any other plant:
  1. Watering.
  2. Fertilizer.
  3. Aeration.
  4. Trimming.
  5. Creating protection for the winter. hortensia-tree

    Important! A distinctive feature of this shrub is that with appropriate care, you can also change the color of the inflorescence. 158193

Carefully examine recommendations for caring for hydrangea to ensure the attractiveness of the site:
  1. When using mineral fertilizers, be sure to follow the moderation of feeding, as the excessive development of inflorescences can lead to a breakdown of branches. gORTENZIYA-3.
  2. Use dung alive or humus as organic fertilizers.
  3. Provide enough intense watering - 1-2 times a week. 42CF560DE1DD.
  4. Timely and regularly loose soil to eliminate the cracking of the soil after irrigated in hot weather.
  5. In the fall, cut the inflorescences, in the spring, the creation of shoots before the appearance of the kidneys.

    Important! Review the video in which all the nuances of the hydrangea trim procedure are presented and clearly indicates an example of this work.

  6. Mature shrubs sometimes update the full trimming in the spring under root to ensure their uniform development and abundant flowering. 00065405
  7. In the first year after landing, remove all the inflorescences in order to enable the shrub shoots.
  8. To change the shade of the inflorescence, make a feeder when watering 2 times a week with the following substances:
    • iron and aluminum crystals If you wish to get a blue color - 1 tbsp. l. on 5 liters of water;
    • potassium permanganate for pink color.
      Important! If necessary, use the fertilizers of organic origin, given the fact that the pink shade of inflorescence is achieved by reducing the acidity of the soil, and the blue and purple are obtained by increasing it.
  9. Upgrade the mulch at least 2 times a year:
    • late autumn;
    • late spring.
      Important! The mulch coating circuit must exceed the projection of the shrub crown by 15-20 cm. gortensia-1.
  10. For the winter, be sure to create an additional horizontal shelter of the hydrangea shrub from the film or the laps.
    Important! Such an approach will help preserve the formed kidneys and ensure previously the flowering of hydrangeas next year. image013.
  11. When solving independently multiply Hydrangea, do it with the help of the billet of cerebrics, messengers or the division of the bush - seeds and the vaccination for the formation of new shrubs today is not relevant.

    Important! Browse the video in which all the necessary information on the reproduction of hydrangea is set down in detail by the most popular way - cuttings.


Regardless of what exactly the variety and sight you give preference, regret your decision to grow Hydrangea you do not have to. You will certainly appreciate the extraordinary landscape beauty of your site and with time, most likely diverge your species row, reagreeing other areas of the entire landscape of hydrangea in combination with other, equally bright and original flowering plants.

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2 Hydrangea Replies: Landing, Growing, Care

  1. Lyudmila:

    How to put Hytenzia? I have a lot of water on the plot. One hydrangea died in spring (may be rotted). Now I purchased Vinilla Freiz I'm afraid that she can also be contrary to me. I have water at the levels of the earth. What to do?

    • olya:

      if there is a lot of water, make drainage. If the land is a tilt, then in front of the plant, dig a hole with 1m and throw the kirbyachi ... .. but not rubble! Lime hydrangea does not like, or drainage pipes ....

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