How to choose a lawn mower - manufacturers review

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Well maintained and beautiful lawn - it is the dream of every owner of the garden plot. However, this is the result of a regular lawn and hard work that requires a lot of effort. In order to somehow simplify the process of cutting the lawn, it was invented by a device such as a lawn mower. In the arsenal of any gardener, she certainly should be, because it helps to deal quickly and effectively with many problems.

Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of lawn mowers, among which to choose the most suitable, especially the novice, is not so simple. How to choose an undeniably useful in horticulture device, and any manufacturer can be trusted? - these are the questions that we will answer on.

The main criteria for selection of lawn mowers


One of the main criteria for the choice of the mower is its its power, which directly affects its performance. The more a site that requires care, the more powerful device should pick up.

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Width of the cutting device

Another criterion for choosing a lawn mower is the width of the cutting device, on which the area of \u200b\u200bthe bowl depends.

  1. For personal farm, models of ordinary household lawn mowers are suitable.
  2. And for a haircut, for example, a football field or golf course, the model of the lawn mowing will be the best option, for example, with a meter knife width.

Size lawn mower

The size of the aggregate itself, its form and functionality also affect the choice.

  • Small compact lawn mowers are suitable for a haircut of garden tracks, lawns near the house, lawns located in hard-to-reach places where the use of large-sized lawn mowers is possible.
  • Lawn mowers with great capture are not suitable for all because of the greater weight and badness.



Another important point is the wheels of the lawn mower. Devices with large diameter wheels are convenient to work on areas with uneven landscape. Some expensive models of lawn mowers have wheels on the bearings.


Most of the modern lawn haircut devices will delight buyers with additional features: the function adjustment of the grass cutting level, aeration, using the aerodynamic knife, etc.

  • In addition, an important feature of any lawn mower is the presence or absence of a mulch function in it, that is, grinding and ejection of grass right on the lawn, where it will be collected or remains to dry for fertilizer, and the presence of grassball - the grass collection compartment.
  • Treasaries are several species: fabric, tough and simplest - plastic.


Types of lawn mowers, pros and cons

According to the type of engine used, the lawn mower is made to divide on such types.


Electric lawn mowers are devices that feed from electricity.

  • The main advantage of such equipment is environmentally friendly and low-noise in work.
  • However, it is worth being ready for the fact that electric lawn mowers have a small power, and the territory of their use is limited to the power cord length.
  • In addition, such devices are forbidden to use in crude and rainy weather.



  1. Gasoline lawn mowers, in contrast to electrical models, are distinguished by mobility and good power. They are ideal for working in large territories.
  2. At the same time, such a device has a number of disadvantages: high cost, high weight, big noise level and non-environmental friendliness.


  1. Rechargeable lawn mowers, as well as electrical, can please their own owners with environmental friendliness, size compactness and low weight.
  2. Moreover, due to the presence of a removable battery, they do not depend on the power cord, so it is enough mobile and maneuverable in work, which cannot but rejoice.
  3. Such devices are suitable for sections that have many obstacles due to trees, shrubs, etc.



  1. Mechanical devices are the most primitive option that are given in motion by pushing.
  2. This is the cheapest and low-power tool, however, in the absence of another, it can be a good assistant in the laws of the lawn.

In addition, the lawn mowers are classified into four groups of cutting tool type: rotary, riders, cylindrical, air cushion.

  • Rotary and cylindrical are the most common models of such devices. They provide good quality haircuts, have an acceptable price and can be equipped with various types of engines.
  • The lawn mowers on the air cushion can be considered a kind of exclusive. They lack the wheels, and they move exclusively through the engine and knife.


  • The raider is a large-sized equipment that resembles a tractor with steering. Such a device is primarily used on large sites. The main type of engine in such a lawn mower is gasoline.

Review manufacturers

Today, the lawn mowers market offers a large range of products, among which you can find as budget models of devices with low power and good functionality, and more expensive premium-class models that are suitable for large farms and work on large areas of the territories. Not a last role in choosing a lawn mower plays the manufacturer's reputation. Consider the most popular of them.


Bosch lawn mowers are an excellent option in terms of quality and reliability of technology.

  1. Devices for haircuting lawns by a famous German brand provide fast and smooth haircut of grass.
  2. They are multifunctionable, convenient and easy to use, durable in operation.
  3. Bosch offers its buyers with gasoline, rechargeable and electric lawn mowers. Most of them are equipped with a lawn haircut height adjustment feature.
  4. At the same time, they are distinguished by good power, optimal graze capture width, mobility and, most importantly, affordable price.


The German company Gardena produces a variety of models of electric, gasoline and battery lawn mowers at a fairly attractive price.

  1. Its products are practically no inferior in the quality and reliability of recognized leaders in this field of production.
  2. Gardena lawn mowers are two types: rotary and cylindrical different power and working width. The first are suitable for ordinary haircuts, and the second is for high-precision. The choice depends on the needs of each buyer.


The US company MTD is engaged in the release of modern and reliable lawn mowers.

  1. This trademark is characterized in that it uses in its production the latest technologies, thereby constantly improving its model range.
  2. Now in the market you can find electrical and gasoline models of mowers MTD.
  3. They are simple and durable in operation, have an original design and a wide range of functions, good power and efficiency in service.
  4. Lawn mowers of this brand can provide high quality haircuts in any conditions.


Swedish company Husqvarna is one of the leaders in the market of garden equipment.

  1. Its lawn mowers are attracted by high functionality (the function of adjusting the height of the bow, the presence of a container for collecting grass, a powerful frame and housing, wheels on bearings, etc.).
  2. This technique provides excellent haircut quality, while it is reliable and durable to use.
  3. Today, the assortment of Husqvarna lawn mowers is represented by gasoline models, as well as self-propelled devices in which manufacturers tried to embody all the most advanced technologies.


Alpina lawn mowers are a large selection of models equipped with gasoline and electric motors. They differ from competitors with practical and stylish design, ease of use, high performance, low noise and vibration.



  1. The Japanese company Nonda produces reliable, highly efficient and practical lawn mowers.
  2. The company's specialists constantly work on improving their products, introduce new advanced technologies into production, thanks to which the Nonda lawn mowers are one of the best, both in terms of quality and performance and cost.

You can learn more about choosing a lawn mower by reviewing this video instruction:

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