How to replace pipes and sewage pipes in the apartment with your own hands

February 9. Plumbing Views 6217. 2 comments to record How to replace pipes of water pipe and sewage in the apartment with your own hands

Overhaul of the apartment necessarily implies the replacement of all engineering communications. These works are performed first. Replacing the water supply pipes of old, rusty and deposited deposits to new, metal-plastic or polypropylene, is quite simple. Thus, you can save a lot of money. We only need to stock knowledge as well as necessary materials and tools. Now - about everything in order.

Materials and tools for replacing pipes

Replacing water pipes and installing on their place new in the bathroom and kitchen, is performed using the following tool:

  • metal Bulgarian: It is necessary in order to quickly cut old pipes and fasteners;
  • klupp is a manual diameter that coincides with the size of the riser (usually 1 inch) or another device for cutting the thread on the metal pipe in the apartments of the upper and lower floors;
  • perforator - for drilling holes under fasteners and for laying pipes through the walls;
  • electric soldering iron with a set of nozzles and pipe cutters - they are needed in order to mount pipes in the bathroom and kitchen;
  • hammer, chisel, roulette, marker, screwdriver.

Not only tool for mounting pipes are needed: Do not do without two adapters from a metal pipe on the plastic desired diameter (if the neighbors have old pipes), polypropylene pipes ½ inches in the desired quantity, as well as tees, splitters and other fittings, screws, fasteners, fasteners - Fact, technical vaseline and so on. The exact amount of all the necessary can be found out after drafting the water supply layout scheme, but a small margin is needed.

Some equipment for mounting pipes can be rented, but it will pay off in the event of an acquisition if the replacement of pipes on the plastic will be carried out on its own.

Nuances that need to be considered

Replacing pipes in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen involves their hidden installation: these are the requirements of aesthetics. In order to hide communications, it is advisable to avoid the strokes of the walls and the floor (the last is especially important). It is recommended to use the following disguises:

  • gasket and fastening of pipes to perform under the bathroom or sink;
  • use as a disguise toilet, bidet and outdoor locker;
  • apply special boxes: This method will facilitate access to communications, if you need to replace plastic pipes.

The boxes are located at the floor joint and walls, are facing after the end of the fitter's work with ceramic tiles or other material.

Polypropylene pipes

Pipes should be stacked exactly, without inflection. If you need to change the direction to use special angular elements.

Dismantling of old pipes

Cast iron sewage is inferior to plastic pipes

It all starts with dismantling old pipes. To replace pipes in the bathroom, kitchen and toilet, you need to turn off the water supply near hot and cold water risers. But if you need and replace the riser pipes - to turn off the water supply will be in the basement. In this case, the following conditions should be performed.

  1. Coordinate work with the organization serving in domestic communications.
  2. In advance, notify the neighbors on the riser that the water supply pipe will be replaced with the refinement of the date and time of work.
  3. Ensure the replacement of pipes and timely flow of water.

Connecting new pipes to the system is desirable to produce in the apartment of the neighbors of the upper and lower floors, which should be done in advance. It is beneficial to all parties: the owners of the apartment, in which the replacement of the risers is made, can do the finishing of the premises, without worrying that the remaining areas of pipes will leak, and the neighbors simplify the fulfillment of future repair.

Having enlisted by the resolution of the neighbors, you need to cut the old pipes after draining the water from the risers. It is necessary to retreat from the floor and the ceiling of adjacent apartments of approximately half the meter so that in the future the pipe connections did not compose difficulties. The cut must be perpendicular: it is important for the convenience of cutting the clupp. A plot of pipes located in the stove should be praised by cross blows of the hammer and then knock out. If necessary, use a chisel or puncher. Fastening old pipes (dowels, brackets) should also be cut. To utilize the old pipes, they will need to cut them into short fragments.

Installation of risers and wiring in the toilet

It is important that the internal diameter of new pipes is not smaller than the old: it concerns both risers and pipes are wiring. In the standard planning apartments, the pipes in the toilet are replaced at first: usually standing there. Therefore, you should describe more about how to change the pipes in the toilet.

  1. We determine where the inner wiring pipes will be departed from the risers, and cut the pipe prepared for the riser to the corresponding calculated dimensions of the part. It must be borne in mind that special flanges will be mounted on the edges of the pipes and at the place of removal.
  2. Cut the threads on the old pipes of risers in adjacent apartments.
  3. We mount the transition flanges on the risers and collect risers from propylene pipes using soldering. The tightness of the threaded connections is provided with a fum-tape.
  4. To the flange for the discharge we connect the solder a small section of the half-wing tube, terminated by a ball valve, the lever of which is set to the "closed" position.
  5. Open shut-off valves (cranes) in the basement for the resumption of water supply and check the tightness of the compounds.
  6. Mount the laying pipes, providing for the installation of water flow metering devices and cleaning filters.
  7. Only cold water is supplied to the toilet, and to the bidet and sink (if their installation is provided) - cold and hot. At the ends of the pipes by mounting the cranes, leaving them in a closed state.
  8. Connecting to the plumbing (after its installation) we carry out flexible corrugated tubes or with the help of special adapters.
  9. Pipes of hot and cold water laying through the partition in the bathroom.

Cold water pipes that will subsequently hidden behind the folder, you need to isolate with special cuffs of foamed polyethylene: it will help get rid of condensate. Not insulated pipes close to the wall do not have.

Sony DSC.

How to change the tubes in the bathroom - in the next section.

Installation of water pipes in the bathroom and kitchen

Next to the queue - bathroom, the replacement of the pipes in which is performed similarly. Usually this room is located next to the toilet and therefore the pipes are injected into the bathroom through the wall. We pail the pipes in parallel and fastened at several points so as to prevent their sagging. In the field of installation of the shower, baths, sinks and washing machines make branches and scratch them with ball valves.

To install the mixer above the bathroom, you must perform the walls of the walls to deepen the pipes. They are obsessed with a special plank with flanges fixed at a certain distance, which should be fixed with the surface of the wall (the thickness of the finishing material is taken into account).

Replace pipes in the bathroom and toilet - the floor of the case: a job in the kitchen. It is located in various projects in different ways: either next to the bathroom, or in the opposite side of the apartment. In the first case, the installation is performed in the same way as in the bathroom, and in the second - as in the toilet, that is, they first change the risers, and then engage in laying pipes to the sink and dishwasher.

Pipes allowed to bend a little to avoid the use of unnecessary fittings. This is necessary not only for saving money: the smooth path of the water supply reduces the likelihood of deposits accumulation. To avoid pipeline breaks from the hydroudar in the system there must be a compensation loop.

How to solder pipes

Pipe soldering

  1. Pipes cut the special device in marker marked. When performing measurements, it should be borne in mind that part of the pipe (approximately 2 cm) will be deepened in the fitting.
  2. Pipe and fitting are inserted into the soldering iron at the same time. The heating is made to the temperature of the melting material.
  3. The pipe is inserted into the fitting and fixed for a few seconds. Oriented the fitting you need as it will be its position in the composition of the pipeline.
  4. At the edges of the fitting should form a ring from molten polypropylene, which cannot be deleted. After frozen plastic, the connection will be sealed.

Replacement of sewer pipes in the apartment

The old metal pipes also require replacement: corrosion led them unusable. The tightness of the old sewer is often disrupted due to rotten seals. Replacement of plumbing pipes and improve the drain will eliminate the leakage.

riser pipe is attached with clamps
Modern sewer systems are assembled from plastic, light and strong pipes and fittings. Change sewer pipes can be independently: the new system is going on the principle designer. Replacement of sewer pipes is performed in such a sequence.

  1. Determined by the place of installation of plumbing.
  2. Performed precise measurements to determine the discharge points. This takes into account the dimensions of sanitary devices.
  3. Charts, which are applied to all the branch pipes and sewer installation site audits. Pipe sizes are also indicated.
  4. According to the scheme purchased all the necessary materials.
  5. Dismantling of old pipes with the help of grinders.
  6. Joining of parts of the riser (if it has to be replaced) using the special adapters: it is necessary to perform in the apartments of neighbors on the upper and lower floors (after prior agreement).

    Important! During this work, the neighbors, whose apartments are located above the riser, it is necessary to warn that it is impossible to sanitation.

  7. Building the system of the new pipe. Fastening operate so that the tubes were placed at an angle of at least 5 degrees to the horizontal. Avoid unnecessary bends, and if necessary - to make them as gentle as possible.
  8. Joining plumbing.


Check results

Replacement of sewer and water supply should always end with a test. To do this, in turn checked the tightness of pipes of hot and cold running water test run. Small leaks are easily detected with a paper towel: to wipe the suspicious place. All leaks must be eliminated.
During the test the water distribution system is necessary to ensure that sewage leak. In addition, to verify the need to pour into a bath full bucket of water: a large amount of help to identify the place where you want to eliminate leaks.

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2 responses to How to replace water pipes and sewage systems in the apartment with his hands

  1. cornflower:

    You do not describe the wiring scheme for replacement of pipes in the bathroom and toilet.

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