Film for greenhouses: characteristics and advantages

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Quite often, when applying a country site, special attention is paid to the removal of places under the greenhouse. After all, this building is the key to getting an early harvest of vegetables and greenery. In order for the design to serve for many years, it is necessary to make the right film selection for its coverage. In this article we will talk about the various varieties of the film for greenhouses.

Some Nuances Acquisition Coating

The greenhouse film is a material that is wound on a reel with two layers. The width of the film for greenhouses is in the range of 3-6 m, the thickness is 30-300 μm. More expensive material thicker, stronger and better keeps warm.


The main purpose of the film is:

  • optimal absorption of light energy;
  • protection of plants from wind;
  • the safety of heat.

Depending on the dimensions of the greenhouse and the thickness of the material of the plant, which are inside it, carry out the street temperature from -3 to -7 ° C.

When purchasing film products, each person is guided by the cost, practicality and reliability of the material. Now there are quite expensive types of films. Often they are inaccessible to our citizens.

But do not be upset because there are covers for greenhouses that will function normally for 5-7 years. At the same time, such a film for greenhouses is much more attractive for the price, and in terms of quality almost no expensive options.

Today to buy a film for greenhouse is a rather difficult occupation. And this is connected not so much with a variety of products, as with a shameless attitude of sellers of films. In most cases, they sell cheap coatings for greenhouses at overpriced prices, ranging them to more expensive products.

There are four main varieties of greenhouse films:

  • polyethylene;
  • reinforced;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • perennial.

Polyethylene film

This material is the cheapest and most common. Polyethylene film for greenhouses in rolls is made. Their width ranges from 1.2 to 3 m. The film coating is made in the form:

  • sleeves;
  • or homogeneous canvas.


The first type of film for the greenhouse device can be used in one of two ways:

  • it is cut half and the design is covered by a canvas twice as large;
  • the greenhouse is covered with one sleeve.

Despite the fact that the greenhouse film is able to withstand a large number of fesoms, the places of bends need to be selected by transparent dense scotch. This will improve the stability of the material to the wind load and will increase its service life.

The main advantages of the polyethylene film are:

  • absolute transparency;
  • maximum transmission of sunlight;
  • the best heating of the soil;
  • excellent heat safety inside the design;
  • "Greenhouse Effect", thanks to which the term of use of the greenhouse is extended;
  • the presence of moisture in the upper layer of soil.

The operating period of the polyethylene film depends on its thickness. On average, it is 2-4 years. But in most cases, the film thickness up to 0.15 mm is enough for only one or two seasons.

Reinforced film

Instead of an ordinary polyethylene film, you can use the reinforced coating. This material is a cloth consisting of three layers:

  • polyethylene;
  • reinforcing grid;
  • polyethylene.

A feature of the reinforced film is that an increase in strength characteristics occurs when stretching the coating. The polymer, which is part of the film, acts as a binding grid for reinforcement.

The mesh frame can be made of the following polymers:

  • polyethylene;
  • polypropylene;
  • fiberglass.

The reinforced film for greenhouses has the following technical characteristics:

  • the minimum size of the mesh cells is 8 * 8 mm, the maximum - 20 * 20 mm;
  • standard width - 2 m;
  • roll length - 25-100 m;
  • density - 100-250 g / m²;
  • aging of temperature regime from -40ºС to + 90ºС;
  • the service life is 3-6 years.


It is worth noting that the reinforced film appeared, which has a width of 4 m. It is manufactured by welding two standard canvases. Thanks to the modern welding technology, the seam does not spoil the attractiveness of the canvas at all and does not impair its strength properties.

The main indicator for the film is the density. What it is more, the smaller the indicator of the light ability. The most suitable option is a product with a density of up to 140 g / m² and a large sizes of cells (at least 15 * 15 mm).

Due to the stabilization additives, which are contained in the film, the mechanical strength of the material is improved. Naturally, the cost of the reinforced coating is higher than the usual plastic film. But it has undoubted advantages:

  • increased light transfection;
  • excellent waterproofing;
  • resistance to the process of rotting and the occurrence of mold;
  • ease of installation work;
  • the possibility of connecting the canvas;
  • resistant to temperature drops.

According to its technical parameters, the reinforced film is quite similar to polycarbonate and tarpaulin. Distinctive features:

  • from tarpaulin - better resistance to stretching and other mechanical loads;
  • from polycarbonate - the best flexibility of the film.

The most popular reinforced coatings are films manufactured by Folinet (Korea), Stren (USA) and Baltlast (Russia).

Polyvinyl chloride film coating

Effective cultivation of thermal-loving plants is carried out in the greenhouses from the film, which is based on the manufacture of polyvinyl chloride. In appearance, it is similar to the usual coating of polyethylene. The only difference is increased transparency. PVC film does not have a matte laid.

The main characteristics of polyvinyl chloride coating:

  • standard roll width - 1.4-1.5 m;
  • length - 50-150 m;
  • thickness - 150 μm;
  • elongation ability - by 180-200%;
  • svetopropusk ability - up to 90%.

According to the value indicators of PVC, the film is located between the reinforced and polyethylene coating. Its main positive properties are:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • efficiency;
  • excellent strength;
  • heat resistance;
  • air permeability;
  • long operating period (up to 4 years without removal of winter);
  • holding heat radiation up to 90-95%.


Greenhouses covered with polyvinyl chloride are characterized by the ability to align night and daytime temperatures inside the design. Plants are reliably protected from frosts, which often exist on ground in early spring. PVC coating provides normal growth of vegetables, colors and greens with street frosts up to -5ºС.

Special additives available in the film are converted by ultraviolet energy into long waves. This prevents the appearance of burns in plants. These additives improve the material structure, counteracting the negative impact of ultraviolet rays.

Throughout the time of operation, the polyvinyl chloride does not become muddy. This factor contributes to the full and accelerated ripening of plants, as well as to increase their yields by an average of 20-30%.

It is impossible to build a greenhouse from PVC films at a negative temperature and in too hot weather. In the first case, in the summer, the material will be saved, and in the second - it will not be able to withstand loads in the winter.

If the film from polyvinyl chloride covers a metal structure, it must be wrapped with a dense cloth or coat with several layers of light paint. This is due to the fact that the rust in a short time leads material into disrepair. And in sultry weather, the film sticks to a strongly heated metal structure.

If the greenhouse is made of wooden bars, then often the film begins to rot in the places of contact with the design. To prevent this phenomenon, you will need to process the frame with antiseptic and anti-grapple compositions.

For this reason, the most optimal solution will be the device of the plastic carcass greenhouse. Such profiles are not heated and cannot be corrosion. Therefore, they will not be able to damage the film coating.

By purchasing PVC film for greenhouses, you should familiarize yourself with the accompanying documentation. Its manufacturing in our country are two enterprises:

  • Sterlitamak;
  • Coprolactam.

Light stabilized film

This greenhouse coating is the most popular product among perennial films. In essence, the light-stabilized film is three layers of the highest grade polyethylene material. All layers are connected by coextrusion of polyethylene and special polymer additives.

Thanks to the additives included in the coating, the process of its aging is slowed down. The life of the film is within 4-7 years.


The light-stabilized film has the following standard dimensions:

  • width - 1.5-3 m;
  • thickness - 30-200 μm;
  • length - 50-200 m;
  • weight - 14-55 kg.

In most cases, the production of film is accompanied by adding dyes. Therefore, it can acquire various color shades: green, orange, yellow, blue, black, etc. Over time, the color pigment burns out. But this is not reflected on the properties of the coating.

The main advantages of the light-stabilized film include:

  • uniformity of material in the transverse and longitudinal direction;
  • inconsistency to cracking from exposure to sunlight;
  • resistance to the influence of chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, etc.);
  • the possibility of welding the film;
  • frost resistance;
  • the presence of anti-voltage components, due to which water droplets remain on the surface of the film.

By purchasing a light stabilized film, you should make sure of its authenticity. To do this, you will need an ultraviolet lamp. You should send light from the lamp to the film. The coating for greenhouses should be removed with red shades.

Video about the types of film for greenhouses:

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